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  • Doomsday Series

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Dec 19, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Crisis and Choice, Pt. 10 (Final)

    DOOMSDAY (MARK 13) Christians are often confronted with apocalyptic, millennial and eschatological expectations whenever a disaster occurs. On the morning of 9/11, a relative called from overseas, asked if we were alright and eventually ended the call with a sigh and an exclamation: “This is the more

  • The Doomsday Factor.

    Contributed by Anthony Smith on Jul 29, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    The First and Second Jewish Temples were Located on the Temple Mount, which is in danger of collapse. Many christians today have no idea that there is prophecy of the three temples.

    The Doomsday Factor. The First and Second Jewish Temples were Located on the Temple Mount, which is in danger of collapse. Many christians today have no idea that there is prophecy of the three temples. Many even denigh the fact. But The temple mount is the center of all prophecy and conflict more

  • Doomsday Preppers

    Contributed by Theresa Ratliff on Mar 26, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon reflects on what the John the Baptist says about Christ's coming and how we should prepare, and what Jesus says about when the end of the world will occur.

    Well, according to my count, we have about 12 days left until the world ends. Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you’ve probably heard all about the Mayan calendar and how some say it predicts the world will end on December 21, 2012. Apparently, a stone tablet discovered in the more

  • Doomsday Shadow

    Contributed by Robert Sickler on Nov 5, 2014

    What is happening in Christendom today is not an aberration in the history of the church, nor is it irrelevant in respect to what will happen tomorrow. What we do today will have a major impact on the Christianity of our children and our grandchildren.

    DOOMSDAY SHADOW ILLUSTRATION As the pastor was summing up the messages and information portion of the morning service he remarked that all church leaders and administrative personnel needed to attend a meeting Thursday evening. It was imperative that they attend. When Thursday evening rolled more

  • "2012-Is It The End?"

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Jan 4, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    How to prepared for Doomsday.

    “2012- The End of the World?” January 8, 2012 1 Thessalonians 1:1-11 “Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “Peace and more

  • Words And Wisdom For Doomsday Believers

    Contributed by Don Hawks on Nov 24, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    What about the end of time? When is the second coming? Are we seeing signs of it today with all the wars and troubles in the world?

    “…for I will give you words and wisdom that none of your opponents will be able to withstand or contradict.” V. 15 INTRODUCTION: Are we seeing signs today of the end of time with all the wars and other troubles in the world? MAKING SENSE OF TODAY’S SCRIPTURE READING • Does this discussion of more

  • The End Of All Things Is Really At Hand

    Contributed by James Snyder on Dec 31, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    As Christians, we need to be careful that we do not fall into the area of doctrinal contempt because of the false prophets.

    This has been an interesting year especially in light of all the doomsday prophecies. People are willing to believe anything regardless of the evidence to the contrary. Anywhere from preachers to politicians to historians, people have an itch to wax prophetic. Remember the preacher who predicted more

  • End Times

    Contributed by Sajeev Painunkal, Sj on Nov 17, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus talks about the end of the world. But the focus is not on fear and trembling; but on faith and trust in him, and preparing for it through right living now.

    End times I was ordained on a November day six years ago. The ordination was at my home parish, and prior to that I was still finishing my study of Theology in another city in India. Of course the ordination was a huge celebration, and needed a lot of preparation. Since I was away, most of the more

  • The Valley Of Dry Bones Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Dec 31, 2013

    The Walking Dead has survivors battling to survive during a zombie doomsday scenario.

    Walking Dead Series (3 of 4) “The Valley of Dry Bones” Ezekiel 37.1-12 October 20, 2013 Chester FBC, Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A Apocalypse of any kind is trending high right now. 1 Biological, chemical, nuclear, collapse of government/economy, zombie . more

  • The Clock Is Ticking . . . But Is Anyone Really Listening? Series

    Contributed by Coz Von on Sep 9, 2017

    On January 26, 2017 the Atomic Scientists moved the “Doomsday Clock” 30 seconds closer to midnight – EXTINCTION!

    The clock has already been set for us. On January 26, 2017, the board members of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moved the “Doomsday Clock” ahead 30 seconds to two and a half minutes to midnight. For these scientists, who’ve kept watch on the probability of humanity’s extinction since the more

  • Y2k And Me

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Mar 22, 2001
    based on 34 ratings

    No Fear

    Y2K and ME Both ends of the spectrum deal with the Y2K or Year Two Thousand issue. There is ignorance, apathy, denial or at the other end doomsday predictions. Which one you believe depends upon the information you receive and your personality disposition. The average person that does not use more

  • Meanwhile...

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Nov 19, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Meanwhile, as we live in between what was and what will be, we live good and peaceful lives.

    Despite the increasingly chaotic global landscape and a growing sense of doom and even an impending apocalypse… I suspect relatively few are associating an apocalypse with the Second Coming of Christ. Few are living prepared for that event which II Peter 3:10 says will be like a thief coming more

  • The First Sunday Of Advent, Year C: Not Very Christmasy.

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Nov 12, 2024

    The Church tells the Christmas Story backwards: the focus is to prepare for the coming of the Lord: at the end of the world, and when Christ comes for us at the end of our individual worlds, at death.

    Our Gospel from St. Luke today is a little unsettling. Not very Christmasy. Unseasonal thoughts about the end of the world. Yet, the word Advent from the Latin, adventus, means “coming.” The Church tells the Christmas Story backwards: the focus is to prepare for the coming of the Lord: at the end more

  • The Day Superman Died Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jul 28, 2013
    based on 69 ratings

    Unlike Superman, Jesus came to earth... to die. But there are people who reject Jesus' mission. They refuse to accept the idea that Jesus came to die, to be buried and rise again. Why would they do that?

    OPEN: (We showed a picture on the screen of George Reeves as Superman with a flowing cape) Who is this? (Superman) Of course it’s Superman. This was THE superman. He was the strange visitor from another planet with powers and abilities beyond those of Superman. This was the hero that I more

  • The Bible & 2012

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Nov 14, 2009
    based on 11 ratings

    - People are asking questions - Is the world coming to an end in 2012? - The Bible answers this question

    - Roland Emmerich’s "2012" - Independence Da y (96), Day After Tomorrow (04) - $200 million Movie - Called the “mother of all disaster movies” - Tag line “Mankind’s Earliest Civilizations Warned Us” - What are the odds?”, “I thought we would have more time” - US News & World report - 60% believe more

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