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  • The Proclamation Of The Church, Part 2

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Mar 15, 2023

    The church was established by the Lord Jesus Christ to proclaim the message of salvation to a lost and dying world. We need to remember that and repent of proclaiming anything else.

    Ignorance is not listed as a gift of the Spirit. It is vital in these last days to know why you believe in the message of the Gospel and what makes up the essential doctrines of the faith. The Gospel is constantly being attacked by the forces of evil each passing day.Too many Christians have no more

  • The Approaching Horsemen

    Contributed by Dave Kinney on May 17, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    The Four Horsemen! Now we’ve reached the very heart of the Book of Revelation. We move from heaven’s splendor to hell’s sorrow on earth.

    Now we’ve reached the very heart of the Book of Revelation. We move from heaven’s splendor to hell’s sorrow on earth. Matthew 24:21 “For then there will be great tribulation such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, nor ever shall be.” You might be surprised to know more

  • Why I Prefer Expository Preaching

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Mar 22, 2001
    based on 154 ratings

    A plea for expository preaching.

    Why I Prefer Expository Preaching To say that there is a great division in the church today over styles of preaching may be somewhat of an understatement. Among Fundamentalists, there is almost an all out war. The battle tends to lie mainly in the heat of the emotions rather than facts. more

  • A Soft And Effeminate Christianity

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Nov 28, 2004
    based on 55 ratings

    Sometimes love is pointed and hurts.

    A SOFT AND EFFEMINATE CHRISTIANITY HORATIUS BONAR ON BIBLICAL REPROOF AND CORRECTION - Circa 1890 "There is some danger of falling into a soft and effeminate Christianity, under the plea of a lofty and ethereal theology. Christianity was born for endurance; not an exotic, but a hardy plant, more

  • Mighty To Save - 1

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on May 18, 2011

    The error of making the text subjective, post modern thought, accepting the scripture as authoritative, and finding sweet, sweet grace.

    Dakota Community Church May 15, 2011 Mighty to Save 1 Last week with mother’s day and communion we did not get to finish our look at how we reconcile the Just and Holy judge who commands the death of “everything that breathes” in the nations that occupy the promised land (in more

  • Orders From Headquarters

    Contributed by John Harper on Feb 3, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Don’t quit because you are called and you need not fear because you have a voice. So use your voice to warn the ungodly and encourage your Christian brothers and sisters.

    “ORDERS FROM HEADQUARTERS” I Timothy 1:1-11 January 21, 2009 Warden Assembly of God Pastor John L. Harper Introduction: The following advertisement was placed in a newspaper in London, “Men wanted for hazardous journey, small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, more

  • God Wants You "In The Know"

    Contributed by Sharon Stonestreet on Mar 2, 2009

    God is not trying to keep things from us rather He wants to reveal Himself and His ways to us.

    MATT.16:13-19 Can you imagine what it was to be one of the disciples and be around Jesus in the flesh? They got to see so many incredible things. Every day was an adventure. You know it’s the same for us. I am amazed at how exciting it is to be a Christian. But even for them they probably had days more

  • That Old-Time Religion: Job's Friend Bildad Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Nov 4, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    When we are in distress, we do not want doctrine. We want a fresh encounter with God, we want listening friends, and most of all, we want, and have, a Redeemer.

    Years ago the church of which I was then a member had an evening ice-cream social and service out on the church grounds one summer Sunday. It was a gently warm night, and as the sun went down and a little chill crept into the air, as the stars began to come out and faces began to disappear into the more

  • Training Spiritually Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Noel Atkinson on Nov 6, 2009

    This sermon emphasis the need for training outside the local church. It also exaimines the passage in Romans 12 by going through a verse by verse explaination. Drawing practical and theological applications from the text

    Training spiritually part 2 Have you ever noticed that Australian’s don’t like to be told what to do? I mean, directions – guys will wander around aimlessly and totally lost for days before stopping to ask for directions. And putting things together – when I get a new piece of furniture, or a new more

  • Will The Real Christ Please Stand Up? (Part 1) Series

    Contributed by Eyriche Cortez on Nov 7, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    How we view Jesus Christ determines how we value Him.

    What we think about a person determines how we treat that person. When we think a person is “masungit,”[1] we feel like walking on eggshells when we are with that person. When we think a person is “mabait,”[2] we are more comfortable when we are with him. Our response to that person depends upon more

  • The Claims Of Christ: Jesus Is God In Works Series

    Contributed by Jim Drake on Nov 16, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    As part of our ongoing study in the book of John, we will spend the next several messages examining some of the claims of Christ. In each of these messages we will see different ways that Jesus claims to be God. Today we will see Christ’s claim that He

    This morning, we’re looking at Jesus’ second claim to being equal with God. Back in verses 17-18, we have already seen that Jesus claimed to be God in person. In our passage this morning we’re going to see that Jesus claims to be God in works. In other words, Jesus claims to be equal with God more

  • The Claims Of Christ: Jesus Is God In Salvation Series

    Contributed by Jim Drake on Nov 16, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    As part of our ongoing study in the book of John, we are spending several messages examining some of the claims of Christ. In each of these messages we are seeing different ways that Jesus claims to be God. Today we will see Christ’s claim that He is Go

    How would you feel if you were clothes shopping at the mall one day and somebody came up to you and said that your shopping trip was on them? You could have anything you wanted in the store and they would pay for it. What would you do? That happened the other day in a Burlington Coat Factory in more

  • Four Witnesses Series

    Contributed by Jim Drake on Nov 16, 2009
    based on 10 ratings

    Who is Jesus to you? Is He just a moral teacher? Is He just a storybook character? Throughout John chapter 5, Jesus claimed to be God. And in today’s passage, He brings four witnesses to the stand to corroborate His testimony.

    How many of you have ever served on a jury before? I haven’t. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do, but never have been able to. I’ve been summoned before—several times. We lived in Denver, CO when I joined the Air Force. And almost all of my time in the Air Force, I kept my state residency more

  • What About Those Other Gospels? Series

    Contributed by Thomas Cash on Dec 17, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    Second in the series Our Still Point with God: The Reliability of the Bible. Gnosticism is still dangerous because it puts man at the center of the universe instead of God.

    What about Those Other Gospels? (Second in the series Our Still Point with God: The Reliability of the Bible) 1 Corinthians 15:1–8, 14–19; Luke 1:1–4 DISCLAIMER: The material in these three messages come from others who are better scholars than I! Contact me if I can credit anything in this series more

  • The Message Of Christmas

    Contributed by Christopher Martin on Feb 2, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    A Christmas sermon for 2009 preached the Sunday following at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Audubon, Iowa.

    In the Christmas gospel, we are given a word picture of that first Nativity Scene in the stable in Bethlehem. It’s a picture that has been burned into the minds of Christians and non-Christians alike. Some of you might even have one set up in your yard or in your home. We have one set up outside more

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