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  • The Divine Spark Series

    Contributed by Antonio Silveira on Mar 1, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    How to trigger your spiritual gifts

    How to trigger your spiritual gifts! Sometimes, when you plug an electrical appliance into an outlet, you may notice a small blue spark. In most situations, this is a normal event as the electrons begin to flow into the appliance's power cord. A spark is triggered when the electric field strength more

  • It Only Takes A Spark Series

    Contributed by Aubrey Vaughan on Oct 1, 2010
    based on 7 ratings

    This sermon looks at the calling of the first disciples & encourages us to follow in their footsteps, bringing others to Jesus.

    John 1:35 – 51: It only takes a spark - Bringing others to Jesus. It only take s a tiny spark to ignite a fire and only takes one individual filled with the Spirit of God to ignite others into becoming followers of Christ. It was one man John the Baptist, who saw Jesus more

  • Sparks

    Contributed by Christopher Carlton on Aug 4, 2001
    based on 58 ratings

    This patriotic sermon shows that we all have the potential to start fires. The only difference is whether or not we warm things up or burn things down.

    Romans 7: 15-25 Matt 11 16-19, 25-30 The Fourth of July is probably my favorite of the non-religious holidays. Part of this is because I grew up in the Appalachian mountains of Virginia far, far off the beaten path. Virginia also has some of the strictest fireworks laws in the country. This more

  • Spark For Revival

    Contributed by Samuel M on Feb 29, 2024

    Revivalists are partakers of fullness of God’s agony before seeing God’s Glory (Revival) revealed in the land. Revival breaks out when God finds a vessel which partakes in the fullness or depths of God’s agony.

    Revivalists are partakers of fullness of God’s agony before seeing God’s Glory (Revival) revealed in the land. Revival breaks out when God finds a vessel which partakes in the fullness or depths of God’s agony. Evan Roberts was trained continuously to bear the weight of God’s anguish on his more

  • The Divine Fire

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Jun 13, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    It is clear from our Jewish roots and the early church that Pentecost is about a new spiritual experience. It is about a promise and it is about how we are changed when we receive this promise of the Holy Spirit. It is also about a harvest.

    The Divine Fire We look back today at the first evidence of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in the early days of the Christian Church. This movement by the Holy Spirit is a promise fulfilled by Jesus and a promise fulfilled by prophecy as St. Peter tells us from Joel Chapter 2 . Jesus more

  • No Ipod Jesus Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Jan 15, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    John argues against a "download the parts you like" Jesus. Jesus is divine and human. He is real, we cannot decide who he is, we can only discover who he is.

    1 John Series September 10, 2006 Introduction 1 John 1:1-4 When Pam and I were first married, we had an extended honeymoon traveling in the west of Canada. When we were in Vancouver we heard about the Stein Valley Festival, which was this 3 day rock and roll, environmentalist, native rights more

  • God's Spark Plug Series

    Contributed by Tim Patrick on Jan 3, 2006
    based on 15 ratings

    Learn how God used Nehemiah to spark a renewal in Israel and how he can use you to spark renewal.

    I want to look at a man I call God’s spark plug. You know the purpose of a spark plug. A spark plug is the little device that sends a spark into the engine of a car, lawn mower or similar device to ignite the engine. Even so, God wants to use you to serve as a spark plug in His service: at church, more

  • It Only Takes A Spark Series

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Sep 17, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    Nehemiah, Pt. 1

    IT ONLY TAKES A SPARK: FROM ABSENCE TO AWAKENING (NEH. 1) In William J. Bennett¡¦s book, The Book of Virtues, is a story of how England¡¦s King Richard III lost his kingdom in the late 15th century. King Richard III had sent his groom to the blacksmith to ready a horse for battle; however, the more

  • It Only Takes A Spark Series

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Dec 25, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Nehemiah, Pt. 1

    IT ONLY TAKES A SPARK: FROM ABSENCE TO AWAKENING (NEHEMIAH 1) William J. Bennett’s “The Book of Virtues” tells of how England’s King Richard III lost his kingdom in the late 15th century. King Richard III had sent his groom to the blacksmith to ready a horse for battle; however, the blacksmith had more

  • It Only Takes A Spark

    Contributed by Lonnie Erwin on Jul 23, 2021

    Today I want us to consider what it takes to spark the fires of revival in the heart of each of us. That spark could and will start the fires of revival that could spread across this land.

    Sermon Text: Neh 9:1-3 Now on the twenty-fourth day of this month the children of Israel were assembled with fasting, in sackcloth, and with dust on their heads. 2 Then those of Israelite lineage separated themselves from all foreigners; and they stood and confessed their sins and the iniquities more

  • Who Am I? Series

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on May 24, 2022

    Are we just some accident? Some random lump of cells? Or are we fearfully and wonderfully made by a Divine, Loving Creator?

    There is a question that is being hotly debated right now that’s pretty much dominating the news and threatening to perhaps tear our country apart and the debate is scary and uncomfortable but maybe it’s a good thing because we’re wrestling with an important question … perhaps the most important more

  • Reigniting Your Life

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Nov 14, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    This message is about getting reigniting for God, filled and overflowing with faith, hope, and love. Everyone is experiencing difficult times that sometimes taken our breath away. And what we need is that divine spark from God to get ourselves reignited to move forward in faith and in hope.

    Reigniting Your Life Watch: In last week’s message we looked at our need to have our lives reset back to God’s original design or setting, and then we looked at how that reset happens. At the end I gave a series of steps, and in the last step we more

  • Are We Sparks, Flames, Or Fires? Series

    Contributed by Allan Kircher on Jun 5, 2008
    based on 10 ratings

    Refinement is a process. My word is like fire declares the Lord. Were are you at in your walk?

    Allan Kircher April 15, 2008 Are WE SPARKS….FLAMES….OR FIRES This morning we will find out where we are in our walk in sanctification. Today we have a challenge, a challenge to be a consuming fire Christian of God in faith of our service to the Lord Jesus more

  • What Kind Of Spark Are You?

    Contributed by Randy Santiago on Jan 12, 2001
    based on 129 ratings

    It only takes a SPARK to get a fire going!

    INTRO: When I was a teen we use to sing a song around he campfire entitled: "Pass it on". It only takes a spark to get a fire going. And soon all those around will warm up to it’s glowing. This song was telling us that you can ignite your world as a believer for Christ. This is still true more

  • "It Only Takes A Spark"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on May 27, 2010
    based on 7 ratings

    We are empowered to continue the ministry of Christ—which is our calling! And all it takes is trusting God to be God. We need not be Superman or Wonderwoman. All we need is God and one another. All we need to do is, “Just do it!”

    Luke 17:5-6 Acts 2:42-47 “It only Takes a Spark” By: Ken Sauer, Pastor of East Ridge United Methodist Church, Chattanooga, TN I think, oftentimes, many of us are intimidated by our faith. Now what in the world do I mean by that? Well, for one thing, the mission of the Church is to more

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