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  • Dead In Sin, Alive In Christ

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Jan 31, 2023

    Can a man be officially alive after being declared legally dead? That question became international news when a man from Ohio showed up in good health after being reported missing more than 25 years earlier.

    Alba 1-29-2023 DEAD IN SIN, ALIVE IN CHRIST Ephesians 2:1-7 Can a man be officially alive after being declared legally dead? That question became international news when a man from Ohio showed up in good health after being reported missing more than 25 years earlier. At the time of his more

  • The Retraction Movement (Lesson 1) Series

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Mar 15, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    To establish that the Holy Spirit predicted a “departure from the faith” that resulted in religious apostasy and the rise of denominational institutions throughout the world. This lesson describes the failures of the Reformation Movement, and the successes of the Restoration Movement.

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 1. The Retraction Movement Remarks. 1. This is lesson one, in our sermon-series of the theme: “The Departure from the Faith.” It should be noted that Paul begins our lesson by describing “the retraction movement” or “the departure from the faith!” It should also be noted, more

  • His Song Is Within Me Series

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on May 11, 2020

    How do we keep from drowning in our sea of troubles? How do we keep our heads above raging waters? How do we keep going in the midst of the storms of life? We listen to our soul.

    I want to start by pointing out that Psalms 42 and 43 are believed to be one psalm. It seems pretty obvious when you look at verses 5 and 11 of Psalm 42 and verse 5 of Psalm 43. All three verses ask the exact same question: Why are you cast down, O my soul, And why are you disquieted within more

  • God’s Protection Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Jul 24, 2023

    The devil took this passage to entice Jesus to jump off the pinnacle. The devil used or misused this text as though it provides unconditional security in any and every circumstance. Jesus own experience shows that even faithful ones suffer, have emotional anguish and physical pain.

    The theme of this Psalm is God’s protection. There is a sense that Psalm 91 stands alone from all other passages of the Bible. It contains the only passage of the Bible quoted by the devil. Scripture teaches us that God protects those who love him and will help them in their trouble. The devil more

  • Life's Areas Of Temptation

    Contributed by Dan Santiago on Oct 17, 2013

    This sermons says that Christians should be aware of the different areas of life that the devil would tempt us and know how to deal with them.

    LIFE’S AREAS OF TEMPTATION Matthew 4:1–11 ILLUSTRATIONS People in other nations who print signs in English often make interesting, and sometimes humorous mistakes. A sign in a Paris hotel read, "Please leave your values at the front desk." Many a traveler far from home and its more

  • The Fight Of Their Lives

    Contributed by Keith Foskey on Aug 3, 2014

    The Christian is in a daily battle with the three-fold enemy of the soul: Flesh, World, Devil. We also fight the same battle for our children.

    This passage tells us we are in a battle against dark, demonic forces all around us. We are living in a time when evil is being glorified as good, and good is vilified. - Children in schools are discouraged from prayer and bible reading, but encouraged to blindly accept that science has answers to more

  • Enemy Is Under Your Feet

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Sep 19, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The devil reminds you of your past and tries to weaken you; however, it is time to put your feet on his neck and choke him.

    The enemy is under your feet! Joshua 10:24 "Come near, put your feet on the necks of these kings." So they came near and put their feet on their necks.” This scripture is too awesome, I want you guys to really comprehend the spiritual truth behind this atom bomb verse and get more

  • Faith Overcomes Fear

    Contributed by Donnie De Loney on Aug 27, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Faith overcomes Fear. Fear is of the devil. Faith comes from the Lord and the Word of God. All things are possible to those who will believe.

    Faith Overcomes Fear Main Thought: Fear subtracts from life, but Faith expands who we are and what we can do. Mark 9:23-24 23 “‘If you can’?”said Jesus.“Everything is possible for one who believes.” 24 Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, more

  • ... In The Heart

    Contributed by Paul Richard on Jun 22, 2020

    The heart of man is the meeting point of the forces to slog it out and man struggles to hold back the forces from the dark world but the Grace of God is sufficient to renew the attacked heart.

    I. It is a fact that the heart is the source of power. In medical perspective, it is the pumping station of blood to the body/flesh. The power is in the blood and in the blood is life (Leviticus 17:11). And the scripture describes the heart as place that accommodate the issues of life (Proverbs more

  • Diversions And Distractions: Tools Used Against Us

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Feb 9, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    This message is about two of Satan's most successful tactics used against the Church- Diversions and Distractions. His goal is to divert us from the path God has us on or get us so disttacted that we become ineffectual as Christians.

    Diversions and Distractions: Tools Used Against Us Scripture: Second Corinthians 2:10-11; Joshua 9:3-14; Deuteronomy 20:10-11 The title of my message this morning is “Diversions and Distractions: Tools Used Against Us.” Paul wrote the following to the Christians in Corinth, “(10) Now whom you more

  • Daniel, God's Man

    Contributed by Paul George on Sep 17, 2003
    based on 12 ratings

    None of the sixty-nine books of the Bible has been attacked by so many of the enemies of the Word of God as has the book of Daniel.

    None of the sixty-nine books of the Bible has been attacked by so many of the enemies of the Word of God as has the book of Daniel. Crritics claim that Daniel, if such a person ever existed, had nothing to do with the writing of the book. They claim it was written after the time of Antiochus more

  • Blueprint For The Battle Series

    Contributed by Larry Thompson on Feb 16, 2003
    based on 81 ratings

    This two part message from the series Lessons in Leadership examines how the Christian is to deal with the attacks from outside the Body of Christ.

    LESSONS IN LEADERSHIP – PART SIX “BLUEPRINT FOR THE BATTLES” 1 OF 2 NEHEMIAH 4:1-6 ● ©Larry L. Thompson (2003) “When Sanballat heard that we were rebuilding the wall, he became angry and was greatly incensed. He ridiculed the Jews, [2] and in the presence of his associates and the army more

  • Living A Satisfied Life

    Contributed by Brady Boyd on Aug 28, 2002
    based on 86 ratings

    Our ability to be content is under attack. Can we really be satisfied with God and His plan? Discover the truth of contentment and satisfaction.

    Living a Satisfied Life May 2002 1 Timothy 6:6-8 (in prison awaiting death) “But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.” · A life of contentment lived more

  • Distressed But Not Defeated

    Contributed by James May on Sep 12, 2001
    based on 78 ratings

    A sermon of encouragement to Christians and prayer for our country and those who lost loved ones in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

    Distressed But Undefeated! Victory Temple Wed., 9/12/01 – Day after the World Trade Center Attacks Our hearts are heavy on this day. Yesterday, September 11, 2001, the peace, safety and security of our nation were shattered when a group of terrorists attacked several important targets is our more

  • A Time For Faith

    Contributed by John Nadasi on Sep 14, 2001
    based on 134 ratings

    A response to Tuesday September 11 attack on the United States. A sermon that calls us to faith, rather than fear for God is with us.

    Matthew 24:1-8 Eads and Haswell UMC September 16, 2001 Tuesday morning, I got out of bed and went through my normal array of morning activities. I showered, dressed, ate breakfast, And sat down to drink my morning cup of coffee. I was remarkably pleased with the Broncos the night more

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