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  • Accentuate The Positive Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Mar 7, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Prudent, accurate, honest, sensitive communication is a major theme threaded through Proverbs. This emphasis is mandated because words & actions are the way we relate to one another. Basically, we need to accentuate the positive & eliminate the negative.

    PROVERBS 25: 11-18 ACCENTUATE THE POSITIVE Prudent, accurate, honest, sensitive communication is a major theme threaded through Proverbs [e.g. chapters 15 and 18]. This emphasis is mandated because words and actions are the way we relate to one another. Basically, we need to accentuate the more

  • Do You Know You're Saved? Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Mar 11, 2013
    based on 13 ratings

    God doesn't want you to face eternity uncertain about whether you will go to heaven or hell. He wants you to be able to say with certainty, "I know that I have eternal life & when I die I will go to heaven.”

    1 JOHN 5:11-13 [LIFE, LIGHT & LOVE SERIES] DO YOU KNOW YOU'RE SAVED? [John 10:24-33] In 1990’s Northwest Airlines offered some unusual round-trip passages aboard one of their planes. Fifty-nine dollars bought a "Mystery Fare" ticket that provided a one-day trip to an unknown American more

  • Laziness Excused Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Mar 14, 2013
    based on 10 ratings

    We can all benefit from a study of the sluggard because too much of him lies in too many of us. Though we may not exhibit his characteristics to such a full extent we can certainly profit from a gentle but straight forward thrust the Holy Spirit sends in

    PROVERBS 26: 12-16 LAZINESS EXCUSED [Proverbs 6:6-11] To Solomon, negligence was one of the greatest evils in the character of man. How frequently he depicts it with graphic force (24:30-34)! How often he denounces it with fiery energy (20:4; 6:6-11)! Idleness and indulgence are the more

  • Praying With Confidence Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Mar 18, 2013
    based on 18 ratings

    There is great confidence that comes from knowing that we have eternal life right now. But what about the needs & problems of daily life? Jesus helped people when He was here on earth; does He still help us? Is He responsible for & responsive to His child

    1 JOHN 5: 14-17 [LIFE, LIGHT & LOVE SERIES] PRAYING WITH CONFIDENCE [James 5:14-20] It is wonderful to know that Jesus is God, and to know Him through His abiding-through His living- in our life. There is also great confidence that comes from knowing that we have eternal life right now. But more

  • The Keeping Power Of God Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Mar 18, 2013
    based on 6 ratings

    It is out of our personal relationship with God that we come to know with assurance certain things in the Christian life. These closing assurances are intended to be great encouragements to us.

    1 JOHN 5: 18-21 [LIFE, LIGHT & LOVE SERIES] THE KEEPING POWER OF GOD John here reaches the end of what he wants to write. He has clearly shown the differences between the true believer and the false, and now he concludes by reiterating his purpose, which is to assure his readers who more

  • Finishing Well Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Mar 19, 2013
    based on 14 ratings

    A short grave-side message for a godly person who fought a long hard battle to overcome sickness. He fought the good fight, finished his race, & he kept the faith.

    GRAVE-SIDE Service 2 TIMOTHY 4:6-8 FINISHING WELL “For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. (7) I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; (8) in the future there is laid up for me the crown of more

  • The Foundation Of Hope Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jun 8, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    Why Hope? Because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ we can have hope! Nothing in this world even compares to what God can do in our lives.

    COLOSSIANS 1: [13-] 20-23 [HOPE FOR LIFE Series] THE FOUNDATION OF HOPE WHY HOPE? Another way to look at the question could be, WHAT IS THE BASES OF OUR HOPE? WHAT IS THE FOUNDATION or THE ROOT OF OUR HOPE? Why Hope? Because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ we can have hope! Nothing in this more

  • The Inter Stress Of Involvement Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jun 8, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    We may not identify with Paul's physical sufferings as some of our international brethren can who are persecuted for their faith. But in this success oriented society we can identify with the inter-stress of which he speaks.

    2 CORINTHIANS 11: 28-33 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] THE INTER STRESS OF INVOLVEMENT [Acts 9:22-25] Paul now changes from outward sufferings that he was called upon to endure as a minister of Christ to the daily pressure of concern that he bore for the churches and their leaders. These more

  • The Mission Of The Church Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jun 15, 2015
    based on 5 ratings

    With all the occupations of day to day living Christians and churches need these Mountains to direct our life so that we can live according to Christ's Great mission. If we don't we will live our life for either the most urgent or pressing need, or, for

    THE MISSION OF THE CHURCH MATTHEW 22:36-39 & 28:17-20 Church growth is the most study subject of the last few decades. The thrust of most the Church Growth and Church health books and conferences I've read or been able to view could and usually are summed up as: A great commitment to the more

  • A Journey To Paradise Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jun 22, 2015
    based on 5 ratings

    In this vision Paul is caught up to heaven & received communications & revelations that he can not make known (CIT). This was to him, & to all who believed his word, a more reliable evidence of the favor of God upon an apostle than anything prior

    2 CORINTHIANS 12: 1-6 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] A JOURNEY TO PARADISE Paul now moves to the account of a remarkable spiritual experience which was granted him as an apostle by the Lord. He was reticent to write about this experience but has been forced to substantiate his apostleship. more

  • He’s Alive

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Mar 28, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    An Easter Sermon exploring the two essential truths about Easter based upon the Apostle Paul's statement in Romans 6:4, which is that Christ rose from the dead and that there's a new life to all who will believe.

    He’s Alive Matthew 28:1-10 As we sit here I wonder what has happened to this special day in America, and the truth is that we have been invaded. Not by some terrorist organization or by a foreign nation, rather a bunny has invaded us, and the meaning of Jesus’ resurrection has become a more

  • Sealed By God Series

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Mar 28, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    In Revelation chapter 7 we look at the sealing of the 144,000, and then the correlation to the seal God places upon the believers today. We look at the symbolism of the sealing process.

    The Book of Revelation “Sealed by God” Revelation 7 It might be a good thing to review where we stand. Jesus is now holding the Scroll of Destiny, the Father’s Last Will and Testament for humanity and the universe. Last week we looked at the 5th and 6th seal revealing the more

  • Introduction To The Sermon On The Mount Series

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Mar 28, 2016
    based on 5 ratings

    This is the introduction to one of the most powerful sermons ever taught or preached. Jesus gives the hearer the basis of what it means to be a Christian, a follower of Christ. It represents the whole of the Christian character.

    Sermon on the Mount Introduction Matthew 5:1-2 When Jesus addressed the church of Sardis He said, “I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead.” (Revelation 3:1 NKJV) This is indeed a tragedy. The church, those who have been called out by God to be more

  • The Calm Before The Storm Series

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Mar 31, 2016
    based on 5 ratings

    This is part of the series on the Book of Revelation. It covers the first four Trumpet Judgments, and about the heavenly calm before the storm of God's upcoming judgments. How a shattering silence invades heaven right before God pours out His wrath.

    The Book of Revelation “The Calm Before the Storm” Revelation 8 In July of 1976, Israeli commandos made a daring raid at an airport in Entebbe, Uganda, freeing 103 Jewish hostages. Yet even as successful as the rescue was, three of the hostages were killed. As the commandos entered more

  • Woe To The World Series

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Mar 31, 2016
    based on 5 ratings

    Chapter 9 of the Book of Revelations begins the Woe's as God sounds out his fifth and six trumpet judgments. We'll examine the 200 million man army and the demonic locusts.

    The Book of Revelation “Woe to the World” Revelation 9 Last week we looked at the first four trumpet judgments against heaven and earth. They resulted in a third of the vegetation, sea life, fresh water, and light being destroyed and diminished. Literally a third of the earth’s more

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