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  • I Love You Th I I I S Much

    Contributed by Lee Henry on Aug 13, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    God demonstrates his love for us by sending Jesus to die for us, the helpless, ungodly, sinners and enemies of God.

    I Love You Thiiis Much Rom. 5:6-11 Introduction: Child to parent or grandparent, “I love you.” “How much?” Holding his arms wide, “I love you thiiis much.” Nothing is more precious to the ears of a parent or grandparent than a child’s declaration of love. But how do we know if that more

  • Psalm 29. A Psalm For Those Who Feel Bullied Series

    Contributed by George Barton on May 9, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    Demonstrates that Psalm 29, written by David, was probably directed against people likle Goliath, who bullied others.

    PSALM 29 A PSALM FOR THOSE WHO FEEL BULLIED REVISED MAY 9, 2006 This morning I want to talk especially to men and boys about bullying and intimidation. It seems to me that many Christian men think that bullying and intimidation are appropriate in the Christian church. Often these men do the more

  • Living Together In Service Series

    Contributed by Kenneth Henes on Jun 23, 2004
    based on 33 ratings

    The two men Paul introduces us to in this text demonstrate two qualities of people who live together in service.

    2002-07 G-4 M-1 (86-76) LIVING TOGETHER IN SERVICE Philippians 2:19-30 INTRODUCTION A. Have you been playing it safe as a Christian? – illustration: A Georgia farmer, ragged and bare-footed, was standing on the steps of his tumbledown shack. A stranger stopped for a drink of water. "How is more

  • Five Short Stories Of Grace

    Contributed by Chris Tiller on Nov 19, 2005
    based on 70 ratings

    Five stories from Old Testament that demonstrate God’s graciousness. (Grace is not just a New Testament concept.)

    In the second century, a hundred years or so after the death of Jesus and the birth of the church, lived a man named Marcion. Marcion was a Christian. Well, not exactly. Marcion called himself a Christian, but he had his own perspective about what that meant, a perspective shared by his more

  • Their Eyes Were Opened

    Contributed by Thomas Bowen on Mar 30, 2005
    based on 29 ratings

    Theire eyes were opened at the end of their journey, are our eyes opened? The athority of the Bible is demonstrated in the unknown teacher.

    Their Eyes Were Opened Luke 24:13-24:35 Not long ago I was down in Cartersville at a covered dish supper and worship service. Right before meal time, I was talking with a group of people and this young lady walks up and says hello Tom. I am a face person; I often have trouble with names. more

  • Getting Through The Tough Stuff

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Jan 17, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    This message deals with a subject that is often controversial, prejudice. As Christ followers we are to demonstrate love to all without exception.

    *************************************************************************************Getting Through the Tough Stuff -Prejudice- James 2:1-4 Tomorrow we as a country recognize Dr. Martin Luther King Day. King had a dream that was grounded in the Word of God that all people and ethnic groups more

  • Thriving In A World Of Evil Series

    Contributed by Jim Luthy on Apr 28, 2003
    based on 67 ratings

    The Parable of the Weeds in Matthew 13 is meant to demonstrate that the kingdom of God can flourish in spite of all the evil and opposition.

    Thriving In A World of Evil Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43 Pastor Jim Luthy Our vision statement calls us to see the Living Christ in a thriving church of giving people. As we continue along this long walk with Jesus, how will our encounters with Christ translate into us becoming a thriving more

  • Spiritual Rescues

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Oct 26, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    When Jesus stopped at the Well in Samaria he was performing a spiritual rescue and demonstrating guidelines for us to do the same

    She was rescued twice. Two times, two complete strangers made a decision to rescue her, within two days of each other. Not bad, huh? Her name was Kelly Moore which means absolutely nothing to you. You don’t know Kelly Moore but most of you know some of the circumstances about the day that she more

  • The Surperiority Of Christ Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Jan 26, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Exposition of Acts 19:21-41 regarding the riot in Ephesus and its demonstration of the superiority of Christ in an experiential fashion

    Text: Acts 19:21-41, Title: The Superiority of Christ, Date/Place: NRBC, 1/25/09, AM A. Opening illustration: Read the story of John Stam, missionary to China in 1934 from The Baptist Vision magazine current issue, MacArthur summary of Hebrews… “the letter begins with the general superiority of more

  • Spiritual Growth In The Kingdom Of God Series

    Contributed by Donald Rapp on Jul 24, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    By using the mustard seed as an illustration for the growth of the kingdom Jesus is demonstrating the amazing power of the gospel and its effect on people.

    Spiritual Growth in the Kingdom of God The Book of Mark Mark 4:26-34 I. Introduction A. As we have seen the parables of Mark 4 primarily concern themselves with issues of the Kingdom of God. 1. Specifically they deal with the spiritual aspect of the Kingdom. a) That is the realm in which we live more

  • Some Things God Doesn't Know

    Contributed by Wayne Searls on Jan 12, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    PROPOSITION: To demonstrate the awesomeness of God in order to motivate people to turn his/her entire life over to Him.

    John 16:29,30 (NKJV) His disciples said to Him, “See, now You are speaking plainly, and using no figure of speech! Now we are sure that You know all things, and have no need that anyone should question You. By this we believe that You came forth from God.” I. GOD DOESN’T KNOW OF A SINNER HE DOES more

  • How To Avoid The "Slow Fade" Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Feb 8, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Daniel's response to his vision demonstrates how to avoid having our relationship with God slowly fade away.

    Go ahead and turn in your Bibles to Daniel 8 as we continue our journey through the Old Testament prophets. This morning, rather than read the entire passage all at once at the beginning, we’ll deal with our passage section by section. As always, the first thing that we want to do is to put more

  • A Tale Of Two Mothers

    Contributed by C Vincent on Mar 22, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    A look at two Mothers and their role in the life of Moses. The natural mother and the adopted mother, both demonstrate love for the child.

    A Tale of Two Mothers JCC Mother’s Day 14.03.10 am Exodus 2:1-10 Moses wrote this account about his own birth He shares with us who and what his family was like But he never discloses his parents names until later in Ex 6:20 Now Amram took for himself Jochebed, his father's sister, as wife; more

  • The Loving Pastor Series

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on Jan 27, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus demonstrates the heart of a true pastor when he leads the lost sheep of Israel to green pasture... litterally.

    The Loving Pastor Pastor Jesus. It’s not a phrase you hear very often. In fact, you may never have heard Jesus referred to quite like that. Nevertheless, Jesus was and is our pastor—the Good Pastor. The word pastor—which we often use to describe our church leaders and preachers—is derived from the more

  • The Crowd's Miscalculation

    Contributed by Joseph Barraclough on Jul 29, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    This is an expository sermon preached to demonstrate the foolishness of turning away from Christ and seeking fulfillment apart from Him.

    Introduction: Have you ever placed little value on something, only to miss it dearly once it was gone? We’ve often heard the saying, “You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.” Example: Earlier this year while itinerating to raise up our missions support, after completing a missions service more

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