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  • The Resurrection Life Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Nov 20, 2022

    Paul defended the resurrection of the body with two illustrations from nature and creation and used two contrasts of the old and new body, and the first and last Adam to make his point.

    1 Cor 15:35-49 The Resurrection Life Do you believe in the resurrection? Do you believe in the resurrection of the dead? • Do you believe that there will be a bodily resurrection and not some kind of spiritual existence with us floating around as spirits? • Or for the non-Christians, believing more

  • What Do I Say

    Contributed by Darrin Fish on May 7, 2014

    We have to know the Truth to be able to speak the Truth, We have to know the Truth to be able to defend the Truth, And we have to know the Truth to be able to Teach the Truth

    Mt 7:15 “Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep, but are really wolves that will tear you apart. Mt 24:11 Many false prophets will appear and will lead many people astray. • You know when you are in a situation – later you always think of what you should more

  • Leaving The Old Behind

    Contributed by Brian Williams on Jul 13, 2023

    Jesus was saying that this Gospel, the Good News is incompatible with any and all other religious beliefs. It is exclusive and stands alone.

    Can you imagine living in an environment where you are told that you are cursed by God, unloved, unacceptable, and a social outcast? As a result you would probably feel marginalized and rejected and have no clue about how to come to God in your current state. Many established religions today put more

  • Foundation Of The Church

    Contributed by James Chandler on Jun 30, 2003
    based on 45 ratings

    10 Foundational Beliefs of the Peebles Church of Christ. A sermon I delivered on a Friend Day.

    Jim Chandler Peebles Church of Christ. What is the Church of Christ built on? The Peebles Church of Christ is built on 10 foundational beliefs. 1. The Bible is true. (2nd Timothy 3:16-17) We believe that the Bible is God’s inspired Word to the world. The Bible is God revealing more

  • Growing A Faith That Stretches Series

    Contributed by Steve Salmon on Oct 9, 2002
    based on 37 ratings

    Hebrews 10 teaches us that with the foundation of a right belief, we can accomplish much.

    Growing a Faith that Stretches Hebrews 10:19-31 SICC 9/2/02 (Morning) INTRODUCTION: There are things in my Christian life that I have been struggling with literally for 20 years. I am not a bad person, even so there are sins in my life that I have a difficult time dealing with. Maybe you can more

  • Jesus Is Risen Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Apr 14, 2001
    based on 64 ratings

    Mary and the disciples discover true belief in Jesus and are sent out to proclaim his resurrection

    It’s early Sunday morning, and she can’t wait any longer. Jesus had been taken down from the cross late on the Friday and buried in Joseph’s tomb, but the Jewish law prohibited them from travelling as far as the tomb on the Sabbath, particularly this Sabbath, being Passover. So they’d had to wait a more

  • "The Case For Easter”

    Contributed by Keith Foskey on Mar 25, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    Stage a courtroom drama concerning the case for the resurrection of Jesus and help affirm the belief of the listener

    “The Case for Easter” 1st Peter 3:15 OBJECTIVE: To stage a courtroom drama concerning the case for the resurrection of Jesus and help affirm the belief of the listener INTRODUCTION: With all of the focus that the film “The Passion of the Christ” has given the crucifixion of Jesus, it can become more

  • What Do You Believe? Catholics

    Contributed by David Diyanni on Sep 2, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    This is a sermon series that explores the beliefs of different religions and comapres them to what the Bible says.

    What Do You Believe? Catholicism Introduction A. Today we are finishing our series called “What do you believe?” We have been talking about some of the major false religions that we are faced with today such as Jehovah Witnesses, the Mormons, Scientology and Islam and why Christianity more

  • James 4

    Contributed by Kyle Gray on May 20, 2009

    James tells us how to turn hatred into humility, judgment into justice and boasting into belief.

    There is a stark contrast in tone from chapter 3 to chapter 4 Chapter 3 (taming the tongue) closes with words like peace, gentleness, mercy, good fruits…it kind of ends on a good tone…but CH 4 contains words like fights, quarrels, lust, hate, envy, pride and sin. In CH 4 James gives clear advice on more

  • True Lies Series

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Nov 9, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    The people of Lystra are held captive by not only false belief, but also by the spirit of darkness that they serve.

    Common Lies that plague our lives: The check is in the mail. (Well, internet banking has made that one less popular) I’ll start my diet tomorrow. (No comment) We service what we sell. (I won’t mention any of the places you are thinking about right now) Give me your number and the doctor will more

  • Losing My Religion Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Mar 17, 2011

    To be able to break away from tightly held beliefs, there has to be a conversion of the heart and mind

    Losing my Religion Acts 10-11 After several years of trying to bring about change from the inside, former President Jimmy Carter announced that he’s severing his ties with the Southern Baptist church over its treatment of women. “I have been a practicing Christian all my life and a more

  • Believe In The Son And Walk The Talk Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Apr 13, 2013

    The answer to the new atheism is the old faith, belief in Christ and reception of his forgiveness and grace.

    Monday of Third Week in Easter 2013 Gaudium et Spes It’s been a while, but some years ago I used to hear Christians using the phrase “walk the talk.” That means that what you profess with your lips you have to live with your whole person. Today we are given the first more

  • According To Jim: Genuine Faith Series

    Contributed by Jackie Hill on May 3, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Do you have real faith or just random beliefs? Let's find out...

    According to Jim: Genuine Faith James 1:1-18 Genuine Faith vs. Sincere Belief: Faith in God instead of belief in something Absolute truth instead of relative truth Relationship with Jesus instead of religious ritual Focuses on obedience instead of tradition Genuine more

  • Answering The Call - Part Two: Immediately Series

    Contributed by Russell Brownworth on Jan 23, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    Jesus only requires two things - repent with belief towards Him, and to follow Him.

    Mark 1:14-20 14 Now after John was arrested, Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God, 15 and saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news." 16 As Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother more

  • Apostles' Creed: Recognizing The Maker Series

    Contributed by Vic Folkert on Aug 14, 2019

    Belief in God as Creator gives life meaning, gives wisdom, and sustains human flourishing.

    APOSTLES’ CREED: Recognizing the Creator The Apostles’ Creed begins simply and boldly: “I believe in God, the Father Almighty, CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH.” Our God is the Creator of the universe, and more importantly, he is the Creator of us. He says in Isaiah 45:12, “It is I who made the earth more

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