Johnny Bley
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
No Mas
Contributed on Aug 30, 2002
Because of the blood of Jesus Christ, there are several things that have said, "No Mas, No Mas" so to speak concerning our Christian lives.
No Mas! John 1:29 On November 25, 1980 in New Orleans, Sugar Ray Leonard and Roberto Duran fought their second of three fights. In that fight, Duran, in the 8th round said those now famous words, “no mas, no mas.” In other words, he said, no more, no more. He was done, finished. Think ...read more
Allow Me To Introduce Myself
Contributed on Aug 30, 2002
Jesus never tried to prove who He was. He was the only S.I.G.N. that we need to have in order to know God.
Allow Me to Introduce Myself Matthew 11:25-30 Last week, we saw how Jesus introduced the Father to us. This week, let’s see how Jesus introduced Himself to His disciples. It is important for us to understand that Jesus never tried to “prove” who He was. He stated facts, and left it up to ...read more
A Little Spark Will Start A Blazing Fire
Contributed on Aug 30, 2002
For revival, the church needs a S.P.A.R.K. This spark will start the flames of revival we need.
A Little Spark Will Start a Blazing Fire 2 Chronicles 7:11-22 For the last two weeks we have discussed how Jesus introduced His father and Himself. We have looked at these two introductions in an attempt to prepare us for revival as we have taken a closer look at God. Then through Ezekiel ...read more
Contributed on Aug 30, 2002
Five of the seven churches in Revelation were called to repent. What we need today is REPENTAL instead of Revival.
“71%” Revelation 2:1-3:22 Next week will begin our revival services, but I pray that revival has already begun. Some of you may wonder if we need revival as a church or even as an individual. Why do we have revivals? Have our revival services become just two additional days during the ...read more
Covenant Smuvenant
Contributed on Aug 30, 2002
A covenant is a serious agreement two parties enter into and they must not be taken lightly, especially the covenant we have with God.
Covenant Smuvenant 2 Corinthians 3:4-18 Remember Daffy Duck—whenever he thought something was not important, he would say “smuvenant.” Have you ever just blown something off? You know, “it’s no big deal; it’s not really important.” Well, the covenant that God made with Abraham that was ...read more
Newest Sermon Illustrations
A Professor One Day Demonstrated To His Class ...
Contributed on Jul 11, 2001
A professor one day demonstrated to his class the power of an electro-magnet. He placed 2 lbs. of nails on a table with the wires of an electo-magnet under the table. When he flipped the switch, the nails came togehter and he was able to form the nails into various shapes as long as the current ...read more