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Sermons on defeating death:

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  • Defeating Death Series

    Contributed by Dan Proctor on Mar 28, 2016

    Now, it is possible for every person to overcome and defeat death.

    Defeating Death John 11 Introduction: 1. In this day of modern medicine, it is not unusual for a person to quit breathing and be resuscitated. “Resuscitate” means “to revive from apparent death.” 2. But when someone has been dead (person or animal) for four days, this more

  • Death Defeated Death

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Apr 6, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Yes, that's what Jesus did on Easter morn His death defeated death and the Good News is through the grace and mercy of Christ He will bring us up out of that grave>

    Death Defeated Death Matthew 28:1-10 1. Easter confronts us with the reality of death. • death isn’t normal — • Death is not a friend to be embraced • Death is a destructive, insidious force, not to be reconciled to, but to be reckoned with. Paul says in I Corinthians 15:26, death is not a more

  • He Defeated Death

    Contributed by Matthew Rogers on Feb 18, 2002
    based on 244 ratings

    We have no reason to fear death because of Christ’s victory over it. A message for Easter Sunday.

    Easter Sunday April 4, 1999 READ TEXT Story – Part 1 It was a windy but sunny spring day in May of 1986 when the San Jose High School boys track team came to our school for a head to head track meet. Hartsburg-Emden, where I went to school, and San Jose were conference rivals. The more

  • He Defeated Death Series

    Contributed by Kurt Lindgren on Dec 6, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    There were certain people in the Corinth church who taught there was no resurrection from the dead! Paul confronts them with hard evidence... INTRODUCTION: Corinth was the center of the Epicurean philosophy, which said that, because there is no eternity, man should eat, drink, and be merry on earth. Part of this Epicurean mentality had filtered into the church. Specifically, there were those in the church who taught more

  • A Faith That Defeats Death Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Oct 24, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The blessing of faith is of constant use throughout the Christian’s life, but it is of special usefulness when we die. The patriarchs in these verses illustrate the power of faith in facing death.

    HEBREWS 11:20-22 [Leaving a Legacy Series] A FAITH THAT DEFEATS DEATH [ (Gen 27:27–40; 48:1–22; Gen 50:20-25] The blessing of faith is of constant use throughout the Christian’s life, but it is of special usefulness when we die. Faith has a great work to do in our last days helping believers to more

  • The Death Of Death

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Mar 26, 2016

    An Easter Sermon. Jesus defeats death and we are more than conquerors

    The Death of Death Matthew 27-28 March 27, 2016 There are moments in time when all of a sudden something happens and everything changes. You can name just about any movie you watch, and there is a moment when all of a sudden, everything changes. We can almost predict it. It’s part of the more

  • 43. Resurrection - Defeating Death Series

    Contributed by Gary Regazzoli on Nov 7, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    If Jesus remained in the grave, all His previous saving work would be for naught!

    [IN GOD’S IMAGE 43 – RESURRECTION - DEFEATING DEATH] This message is part of a series of 90 sermons based on the title, “In God’s Image – God’s Purpose for humanity.” This series of free sermons or the equivalent free book format is designed to take the reader through an amazing process beginning more

  • Jehovah's Power Over Death Series

    Contributed by Philip Harrelson on Oct 1, 2015

    The miraculous occurred with Jehovah defeated death in Zarephath.

    ELIJAH—A MAN OF LIKE PASSIONS 04 Jehovah’s Power over Death TEXT: 1 Kings 17:17-24 1 Kings 17:17-24 KJV And it came to pass after these things, that the son of the woman, the mistress of the house, fell sick; and his sickness was so sore, that there was no breath left in him. [18] more

  • He Showed Himself Alive Series

    Contributed by Andrew Papson Iii on May 16, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    He defeated death

    He Showed Himself Alive Acts 1:1-7 I He showed Himself alive after His cruel death…. John 20:25 He showed Thomas His nail prints. II He showed Himself alive after having laid in the tomb three days and three nights. John 2:19 Destroy this temple and I will raise it up. III He showed Himself more

  • Our Enemy...death... Defeated!

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Mar 24, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Easter. The Resurrection of Jesus divides the believer from the non believer. The physical resurrection of Jesus shatters the grip of the fear of death. (Heb. 2:14) One can not separate the facts of the cross from the empty tomb. "The Theography" Sweet

    In Jesus Holy Name March 27, 2016 Easter Sunday Redeemer Text: Matthew 28:1,5-6 “Our Enemy – Death- Defeated” He is risen! He is risen indeed! Easter is the ultimate test of faith. The one great watershed that ultimately divides believers more

  • The Empty Tomb

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Mar 28, 2024

    Easter is about the hope of Jesus defeating death.

    The Empty Tomb Matthew 28:1-10, 1 Peter 1:3-4 March 31, 2024 Have you ever been in a cavern or tunnel or some room where you can hear your voice echo? It’s kind of cool to hear the reverb in your voice. To hear your voice echoing, continuing for more than a quick second. Keep that in mind more

  • Deceived And Defeated

    Contributed by Martin Kim on Oct 5, 2004
    based on 21 ratings

    Satan’s strategy for destroying us is through deception.

    Deceived and Defeated Have you ever believed a lie? Is it dangerous to believe a lie? Can a lie make the difference between life and death? You better believe it! Not knowing the truth can cost you your life! Do you know the truth? In John 14:6 Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the more

  • Widow Of Nain

    Contributed by Tim Barrett on Apr 1, 2005
    based on 48 ratings

    An evangelistic sermon showing how coming to faith in Christ defeats death for us.

    Widow of Nain Big Idea: Jesus has compassion for people, authority over death and is the means to receive Gods help. Intro: As a PE teacher I take being healthy pretty seriously. I try and eat healthy, not have too many of those evil crispy cream donuts. I try and exercise every so often – more

  • The Death Of Saul Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Nov 22, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    First Samuel 31:1-13 shows us what happens to one who is unfaithful.

    Scripture First Samuel and Second Samuel were originally written as one book. Somewhere along the way, perhaps because of its length, the Book of Samuel was divided into two. First Samuel essentially deals with the life of Saul, and Second Samuel deals with the life of David. So, as First Samuel more

  • The Death Of Death

    Contributed by Terry Hovey on Aug 26, 2023

    Death is unnatural, but one day, death itself will die. It is that last enemy of mankind and it will be destroyed at the end of the ages when Jesus puts all enemies under His feet.

    The Death of Death 1Corinthians 15:20-26 I want to tell you something that you may or may not be aware of: people die. That’s right, everyone dies. Every person in this room today, every person who was born of a woman has an appointment they must keep. There’s no earthly way out of it. One day we more