  • Kurt Lindgren

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Kurt's church

Harvest Free Will Baptist Church
Bakersfield, California 93307
661 831-3639

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  • Short & Sweet: Marriage Ceremony

    Contributed on Feb 9, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    A short but sweet Christian marriage ceremony.

    Gathering Words Dearly Beloved, We are gathered here in the sight of God and these witnesses, to join together this man and this woman in Holy matrimony; which is an honorable estate created by God. Charge Marriage is an institution ordained of God, and it is not to be entered into lightly more

  • Have A Hezekiah New Year

    Contributed on Dec 30, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    King Hezekiah had some awesome leadership qualities. I want us to steal some of his leadership mojo and apply it to 2013 HAVE A HEZEKIAH NEW YEAR! 2 Chronicles 32:1-30 / December 30, 2012 INTRODUCTION: • Hezekiah was twenty-five years old when he became king of Judah • Hezekiah replaced his father (Ahaz) who was an awful king • Hezekiah was a king of change / repentance • King more

  • 6 Reasons Why We Need Christmas

    Contributed on Dec 16, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    We live in a world where Jesus is optional. Today we will learn Jesus is not an option but a very real necessity.

    INTENSIFY CHRISTMAS (PART 1) Isaiah 9 / December 16, 2012 INTRODUCTION - We live in a world where Jesus is optional. Sunday we will learn Jesus is not an option but a very real necessity. Two major problems with Christmas holiday today... 1. Confusion - Society has twisted Christmas! Its more

  • Dealing With Doubt

    Contributed on Dec 9, 2012

    The issue in doubt in the Corinthian church is that one day people will be raised from the dead. Not every person in the Corinthian church believed it will happen. INTRODUCTION - Are you a Christian with doubt? What do you doubt about? I’ve had people say to me - I have a hard time believing DEFINITION - Doubt: A place between belief and unbelief, involves uncertainty or distrust or lack of sureness of an alleged fact. The more

  • He Defeated Death

    Contributed on Dec 6, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    There were certain people in the Corinth church who taught there was no resurrection from the dead! Paul confronts them with hard evidence... INTRODUCTION: Corinth was the center of the Epicurean philosophy, which said that, because there is no eternity, man should eat, drink, and be merry on earth. Part of this Epicurean mentality had filtered into the church. Specifically, there were those in the church who more

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