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  • Deadly Morsels

    Contributed by Clark Tanner on Nov 7, 2000
    based on 104 ratings

    The consequences of unbelief can be far-reaching; which is one reason God calls unbelief ’evil’.

    There is an old story of an eagle who, on an early morning during the Spring thaw, soared high above the forest looking for something to eat. As he followed the course of a river he looked down and spied a small rodent, trapped on a piece of ice that had broken free and was floating down more

  • A Deadly Conspiracy Series

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Nov 23, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    I preach expository messages, and this is the tenth in my series on the Book of Acts.

    “A Deadly Conspiracy” Acts 5:1-11 July 8, 2007 Note the honesty of the Bible, and of Luke as a historian. Surely, if the Bible were a book that was merely a propaganda piece, wanting only to “put the best foot forward”, aiming to impress people, this incident would have been covered up/swept more

  • Deadly Appeal

    Contributed by Dennis Selfridge on Nov 7, 2007

    How to ovecome temptation

    How Will the Church Be Lighted? Several centuries ago in a mountain village in Europe, a wealthy nobleman wondered what legacy he should leave to his townspeople. He made a good decision. He decided to build them a church. No one was permitted to see the plans or the inside of the church until it more

  • Deadly Sentence!

    Contributed by Samson Musyoki on Sep 24, 2007
    based on 4 ratings


    DEADLY SENTENCE! PSALM 118:17 I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the Lord has done. As believers, we all have a mission to accomplish and it is the will of God that we live to the fulfillment of His mission. We are expected to use and be used effectively in this world. Nobody is more

  • Deadly Sins? Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Mar 14, 2005
    based on 21 ratings

    We’re to be counter-cultural in the way we fight against the social pressures of our world where the norm is to respond to hurt with anger and revenge, where lust is seen as normal, faithfulness as an option. Rather we’re to respond with the servant love

    According to the Age this week, the seven deadly sins have been knocked for six. No longer do we worry about sloth, gluttony or lust. In fact most respondents to a recent survey carried out by the BBC said they rather enjoyed those particular vices. The trouble is, according to a professor of more

  • A Deadly Conversation

    Contributed by Shad Comeaux on Sep 7, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon will make you aware of what the indicators of harmful conversations are.

    Through conversations people exchange thoughts, opinions, ideas, and feelings. Everywhere we go we see people engaging in conversations. In beauty salons and barber shops, conversations make sitting in a chair for a long period of time a little more comfortable. Through conversation you now have more

  • The Deadly Epidemic

    Contributed by Bruce Ferris on Aug 19, 2005
    based on 28 ratings

    There is an epidemic that is destroying our society today and it has it’s death grip in people especially men from 11 year olds to men married with children.

    The Deadly Epidemic There is an epidemic that is destroying our society today and it has it’s death grip in people especially men from 11 year olds to men married with children. Pornography is a $13 billion dollar a year industry. In 1999 web-site revenues were 1.2 billion dollars. more

  • A Deadly Game Series

    Contributed by Stephen Collins on Jan 6, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    Part 4 of our Being the Church series, this one focuses on hypocritical living.

    Being the Church Part 4: A Deadly Game Scripture: Acts 4:36-5:11 “[Hypocrisy is] the desire to look better than you are; the hiding of things you do, because you would not be supposed to do them, because you would be ashamed to have them known where you are known. The doing of them is foul; the more

  • A Deadly Virus

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Jan 3, 2010

    Sin is not excused by good works, and unrepentant self-indulgence is destructive. Sexual integrity is not just a private matter; how we handle it will determine what happens with our church.

    This has the potential for being the shortest sermon I’ve ever done. At first glance, it seems all I need to do with this text is to praise the church for doing so well, declare myself to be against sin, and wrap it up. The shortest sermon I’ve ever done, and maybe the shortest on record! Anybody more

  • Deadly Determination Series

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Jan 15, 2005
    based on 25 ratings

    The road to Jerusalem was a road to pain and suffering for Jesus and for Paul. What made them stay on the path? What will keep you on the same path to glory?

    In August 2004, Gene Banister, a Christian teacher, reports, “We have been studying with a group of 49 students in Bahrain. This week, 31 of those 49 were baptized. We hope there will be more baptisms soon. We are told we will soon be studying with a large group of students. The church in Bahrain more

  • Deadly? Anger! Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Feb 24, 2018

    As we draw closer to God, we must look at our sinfulness. We're looking at the 7 deadly sins, today is anger!

    The Great Adventure - Wrath (Anger) Seven Deadly Sins February 25, 2018 There’s nothing like watching a sporting event and seeing an athlete or a coach go ballistic. Whether they’re throwing chairs, throwing bases, or helmets, it’s actually appalling, but deep down it’s kind of funny watching more

  • The Deadly Hand

    Contributed by Steve Kinnard on Feb 6, 2019


    The Great Rebellion (Jonah 1:3) Intro: Long, long ago in a world far, far away from here there was a great kingdom. It was a kingdom fill with the wonders of all the ages. Everywhere that the eye looked the mind became overwhelmed with all the beauty. This world was filled with more

  • Deadly Exercise

    Contributed by Imelda Mesa on May 22, 2019

    Revenge and retaliation can be deadly exercise. It can potentially imprison us for the rest of our lives.

    Some years ago a murderer was sentenced to death. He has a younger brother who had served the State so well in the past and to which the State was deeply indebted. This younger brother sought the governor of the State for his pardon. The pardon was granted and his brother was about to deliver the more

  • "Silent But Deadly”

    Contributed by Sean Dees on Feb 7, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Praise pays for the promise!

    I. A Generation of Complainers. A. Joshua was now in charge, Moses has passed on and the mantle has falling on Joshua to take the children of Israel to the Promise. Joshua was in charge of a new generation this was not the same group that Moses started out with in the Exodus. 1. more

  • Deadly - Pride Series

    Contributed by David Lodwig on Oct 20, 2015

    A look at how the Seven Deadly Sins twist our God-created nature into something unnatural.

    INTRO - There are certain conversations in life that I love. o Last week, while at Physical Therapy for my shoulder, I wound up discussing Calvinistic theology and how it applies within a modern context with my therapist. o You know…light conversation for 7:45 in the morning. more