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  • Avoiding Fear And Trusting In God

    Contributed by Charles Jones on Feb 16, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    God has promised to never leave you nor forsake you.

    David the Shepherd had been anointed King by the Prophet Samuel. Though Saul still sat on the Throne of Israel the Lord has promised David that he would one day be King of Israel. The first time Saul meets David was when the Philistine Goliath challenges Israel to a duel. David - filled with faith more

  • Working For The King Series

    Contributed by James D. Thornber on Nov 2, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    How a person anointed for a position works for someone who is no longer serving God.

    Working for the King 1 Sam. 16:14-23 Last week we started our study in the life of David by looking at the characteristics that made him a man after God’s own heart. We said that David had spirituality, humility and integrity, and then we applied those same characteristics to our own more

  • Living Triumphant

    Contributed by Daren Mitchell on May 24, 2012

    To experience the Victory of the King and live a life triumphant you need to make Jesus the center of your attention, you need to worship with abandon, and you need to teach and mentor your children.

    Living Triumphant This Sunday is a day Christians all over the world call Palm Sunday. At the beginning of the last week of Jesus life, before his horrific torture and execution, throngs of people came out of their homes and businesses to honor their messiah as he entered the city of Jerusalem. more

  • 2019 The Year Of New Beginnings Series

    Contributed by Cameron Conway on Jan 15, 2019

    A new year is upon us, 2019 is officially here so rather than giving you a Christian horoscope about the coming year I want to talk about how we can embrace change and new beginnings in our lives so we can better serve and follow after God.

    For more information and other teachings, podcasts, videos, books and study guides visit A new year is upon us, 2019 is officially here so happy birthday Earth?!? Now rather than me giving you a Christian horoscope about the coming year I want to talk about more

  • How The Faithful Overcome Challenges

    Contributed by Cameron Conway on Mar 5, 2019

    Whether or not we overcome challenges placed before us ends up proving not just to God but ourselves that we can actually accomplish the great things God has planned for us in our lives.

    For more information and other teachings, podcasts, videos, books and study guides visit As we’ve seen over the past few weeks the life of David so far has been a rollercoaster ride of highs and lows. From his anointing by Samuel, to defeating Goliath all the more

  • How The Faithful Overcome Challenges Series

    Contributed by Cameron Conway on Mar 5, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Whether or not we overcome challenges placed before us ends up proving if we can accomplish the things God has planned for our lives.

    For more information and other teachings, podcasts, videos, books and study guides visit As we’ve seen over the past few weeks the life of David so far has been a rollercoaster ride of highs and lows. From his anointing by Samuel, to defeating Goliath all the more

  • A Study Of Psalm 26 And 27 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Nov 28, 2017

    Do we delight in what God offers; in what living for Him does for us? David knew that God provided everything … are we committed like this as well? Do we desire to see Him in every facet of our life?

    A Study of Psalm 26 and 27 Psalm 26 and 27 Introduction - Psalms broken into 5 books, covered an extensive time period - Gathered together as songs of praise & words of encouragement/warning - We are studying book 1, Psalm 1-41 … Info: we’ll take break for Advent - The Psalms have already given more

  • A Study Of Psalm 39 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Jan 22, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    David understood what it took to live fully for God. Even under Godly discipline he knew God's ways were better than his. What would our lives look like if we adopted the same thinking?

    A Study of Psalm 39 Psalm 39 Introduction - Wed night format; opportunity to study together from our homes -- Re: Invite someone else to join in - not an exclusive study for "just LFC" - Psalms are songs of praise and words of encouragement/warning - We are studying book 1, Psalm 1-41 … more

  • The Cost Of Sacrifice

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Jul 31, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Our sin demands great price.

    The Cost of Sacrifice July 20, 2008 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: Our sin demands great price. Focus Passage: II Samuel 24:1-24 Supplemental Passage: (Romans 6:23 NASB) For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in more

  • Man Up

    Contributed by Ron Geisler on Aug 4, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Message to encourage and motivate men to deeper discipleship.

    Many of us men grow up without any idea of who we are or how we’re supposed to be in life. Quite a few of us didn’t have the best role models of men/fathers. For so many of us men, even though we have faith values, we’re often less outspoken or passionate about faith than women more

  • A Study Of Psalm 18 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Nov 2, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    If David can cry out to the Lord and know he’d be rescued, why can’t we? To be honest, sometimes, all we really need to do is humble ourselves, pray … and worship.

    A Study of Psalm 18 Psalm 18 Introduction - Psalms broken into 5 books, covered an extensive time period - Gathered together as songs of praise & words of encouragement/warning - We are studying book 1, Psalm 1-41 … Info: we’ll take break for Advent - If we apply ourselves, this could be a more

  • A Study Of Psalm 43 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Feb 10, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    To combat depression, it is David's desire to meet with God for worship. It is where he finds peace, it is where he loves to be (especially in God's house). We can learn something about this today!

    A Study of Psalm 43 Psalm 43 Introduction - Wed night format; opportunity to study together from our homes -- Re: Invite someone else to join in - not an exclusive study for "just LFC" - Psalms are songs of praise and words of encouragement/warning -- They are also written to give us more

  • What To Do When Your World Falls Apart

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on Oct 31, 2020

    This is from a series I preached on the Psalms.

    Title: “What to Do When Your World Falls Apart” Script.: Psalm 3 Type: Expository Series Where: GNBC 11-1-20 Intro: As a young man, film director Robert Flaherty spent many months in the far north looking for iron ore and cod. He found neither, but he did shoot 70,000 feet of film in his more

  • When The Giants Just Keep Coming!

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Mar 23, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Each Christian will face battles throughout the life they are called to live. There will not be one battle, but each of us will face multiple battles, and the situations we face may appear overwhelming as we face our own giants. But God will send a deliverer just when we need that deliverer most.

    “There was war again between the Philistines and Israel, and David went down together with his servants, and they fought against the Philistines. And David grew weary. And Ishbi-benob, one of the descendants of the giants, whose spear weighed three hundred shekels of bronze, and who was armed more

  • The First 3 Kings Of Israel Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 15, 2021

    There are four major characters to this time period in Israel’s history: the prophet and judge Samuel, King Saul, King David, and King Solomon.

    When we are touring around Israel in recent trips, my friend and tour guide, Nir likes to say “It’s Good to be King” when he explains certain periods of history and how the monarch availed himself of certain privileges. It’s reference to Monty Python movies of old. Several decades ago, Tom Petty more

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