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  • #2 Life Is About Focus And Choices!

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Dec 26, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    We become a product of our daily choices. Choices have consequences.

    LIFE IS ABOUT FOCUS & CHOICES... #2 SEE THE GIANTS OR SEE THE GOD OVER THE GIANTS... ??? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. TEXT: Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore more

  • An Answered Prayer From A Cave

    Contributed by David Wilson on Jan 7, 2016

    David's emotional outpouring as he hides in a cave, with Saul closing in... is heard and answered by God.

    Psalm 142 The first thing we see in this Psalm is the descriptive label placed over it in English translations. When written in the Hebrew, these descriptions would actually have been part of the Psalm and so should be carefully considered when studying these Psalms out. We are told that more

  • Stewards Of Children And Creation Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jan 16, 2016

    The Church cannot be expected to change position on the evil of murder.

    Thursday of Second Week in Course 2016 Joy of the Gospel The readings today remind me of the cynical epigram: No good deed goes unpunished. David was the champion of Israel, defeating the Philistines time after time. Still, king Saul, who was probably suffering from a long-lasting clinical more

  • Lust: What Love Is Not Series

    Contributed by Paul Basehore on Feb 10, 2016

    Love focuses on others, lust focuses on self. There is no such thing as “acceptable lust”.

    Many of you know of C.S. Lewis from his Narnia book series. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and its sequels have been made into multiple movies that together have grossed over 1.5 billion dollars worldwide. However, Mr. Lewis is also very well known for his books discussing Christianity and more

  • Psalm 17 - Saviour, Saviour, Hear My Humble Cry Series

    Contributed by Philip Harrelson on Feb 19, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    A psalm that can literally be prayed out because it is a cry from the soul in duress to a Lord who is not distant.

    SAVIOR, SAVIOR, HEAR MY HUMBLE CRY TEXT: Psalm 17:1-15 Psalms 17:1-15 (KJV) A Prayer of David. Hear the right, O LORD, attend unto my cry, give ear unto my prayer, that goeth not out of feigned lips. 2 Let my sentence come forth from thy presence; let thine eyes behold the things that are more

  • God Calls People To Participate With His Work! Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Mar 23, 2015

    God empowers and orchestrates, people are to participate.

    Many of you are good at this “follow the hidden ball game”……… Many of us try to play this game with God, trying to hide things in our lives from Him. We may think we are playing a game but to God this is really not a game because He sees this game this way….. (through a clear glass!) We will more

  • Hushai Vs. Ahithophel

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Mar 30, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    To show what a worldly advise can do to you.

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you give good or godly advise? Godly advise. It's always in the WORD. Proverbs 28:26 (Amplified Bible) 28:26 He who leans on, trusts in, and is confident of his own mind and heart is a [self-confident] fool, but he who walks in skillful and godly Wisdom shall be delivered. II. more

  • Learn To Have Confidence To Battle Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Apr 13, 2015

    Learn from the confidence of David as he decides to tackle Goliath

    Two weeks ago we started our study of the famous story of David and Goliath. We noted the right and wrong things to do in preparation for battle. And for us Christians, we are in a spiritual battle till our Lord Jesus takes us to heaven. Therefore, we must not only know the right things to do to more

  • What Is In Your Hand? (Part 3) Series

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Apr 21, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Can you see the situation more clearly from God's vantage point? Do you need to take courageous action in the face of insults and fearful circumstances? Do you trust that God will give you victory? Remember, God's opinion is the only one that matters.

    Opening illustration: In July 1947, the British Navy was confronted by a defiant but unarmed ship of Jewish refugees - Holocaust survivors - who were intent on emigrating to colonial Palestine. As Robert Mackey explains on the New York Times' Lede Blog, the Brits responded to the incursion of the more

  • Learning To Fight Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on May 4, 2015
    based on 3 ratings

    Showing the importance of fighting through Prayer.

    Title: Learning how to fight Theme: Understanding the importance of fighting for the kingdom and how to fight. Text: 1 Samuel 30:1 - 8 Prayer Time: Matthew_12:34 For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Hebrews_12:2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for more

  • A Psad, Psad Psong Series

    Contributed by Lynn Malone on Jul 26, 2015

    David's prayer of confession came as a result of a sad time in his life, but it became a song of grace and forgiveness.

    I love old homes. They have character, charm and history, and they have high ceilings. Most old homes have front porches, too. I love front porches. For all the warmth, charm and character old homes have, they often leave a lot to be desired. For one thing, the floors creak when you walk. For more

  • Behaving Badly

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Aug 2, 2015

    Bad behavior and the consequences thereof may be far-reaching but in coming clean we find the grace of God to be equally far-reaching.

    20150802 10th Sunday after Pentecost B Web Site Title: Behaving Badly Text: II Samuel 11:26-12:13a Thesis: Bad behavior and the consequences thereof may be far-reaching but in coming clean we find the grace of God to be equally far-reaching. If this text were to be funneled through the College more

  • Loneliness, Frankenstein's Monster & Psalm 142 Series

    Contributed by Bobby Gilles on Sep 10, 2015

    How does the Bible speak into our seasons of intense loneliness? Does becoming a Christian simply make it all go away? Let's explore Psalm 142 for the answer.

    Reading: A maskil of David. When he was in the cave. A prayer. 1 I cry aloud to the LORD; I lift up my voice to the LORD for mercy. 2 I pour out before him my complaint; before him I tell my trouble. 3 When my spirit grows faint within me, it is you who watch over my way. In the path more

  • When God Says No To Our Dreams Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Nov 4, 2013
    based on 14 ratings

    In this chapter Nathan presents two different oracles from God to David, tied together by different understandings of the word "house." David wants to build a house for God; God instead intends to build David's house.

    2 SAMUEL 7: 1-17 [The Life of David] WHEN GOD SAYS NO TO OUR DREAMS [Luke 22:14-20] In this chapter Nathan presents two different oracles from God to David, tied together by different understandings of the word "house." David wants to build a house for God; God instead intends to build more

  • Humility To Praise Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Nov 4, 2013

    When you are at the bottom it seems like there is no way up or out. But in the final five songs of ascent, we see that the way is the way of Yahweh.

    In a way, the final songs of ascent contained in Psalms 130-134 trace the path of salvation and unity with God, which leads to abundant praise and thanksgiving for all that He has done for us. Psalm 130 starts with the cry of the broken-hearted. 1 – 2 When either you find yourself in a more

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