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  • Stomped By David’s Lord - Mark 12:35-40 Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on Mar 25, 2024

    Do you take Jesus’ warnings seriously?

    Jesus’ Last Days (Mark): Part 14 (, ) 4/10/2021 Mark 12:35 While Jesus was teaching in the temple, he asked, "How is it that the teachers of the law say that the Christ is the son of David? 36 David himself, speaking by the Holy Spirit, declared: " 'The Lord said to my more

  • David's Greatest Sin

    Contributed by John Kapteyn on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 108 ratings

    Pride is the greatest sin and contributor to sin. We see this in David and in our own lives.

    Introductory Considerations 1. Today we look at a very interesting passage. On the surface may seem a just a historical event that has little to teach us today. It is the story of what may well be David’s greatest sin, at least in regards to the consequences. 2. Last week considered David’s sin more

  • David's Dysfunctional Family

    Contributed by Jeff Simms on Apr 18, 2004
    based on 74 ratings

    Learning from David’s mistakes with his sons Amnon and Absalom

    David’s Dysfunctional Family 2 Samuel 13:21-18:33 Primary Purpose: Learning from David’s mistakes in dealing with his disappointments with Amnon and Absalom One of my favorite Bible characters is David. David was a great man of God, but wasn’t one who had a easy life. Some of the problems he more

  • David Inquires Of The Lord

    Contributed by Jeff Simms on May 2, 2004
    based on 47 ratings

    To look at how David sought God’s direction and how God blessed him and gave him victories for waiting upon Him.

    David Inquires of the Lord 2 Samuel 5:17-25 Primary Purpose: To look at how David sought God’s guidance in his daily decision making and how God blessed him. Introduction When I was in college, my second semester I told College Algerbra. I felt that the Lord was leading me to get a Bachleor’s more

  • David's Four Lambs

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Aug 6, 2003
    based on 116 ratings

    David compounded the tragic consequences of his sin by his pious act in imposing judgment, not realizing that he was, in fact, passing judgment upon himself and his family.

    DAVID’S FOUR LAMBS “Then the LORD sent Nathan to David. And he came to him, and said to him: "There were two men in one city, one rich and the other poor. The rich man had exceedingly many flocks and herds. "But the poor man had nothing, except one little ewe lamb which he had bought and more

  • David's Hard Heart

    Contributed by Charles Andrews on Jan 1, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    David’s heart was hardened by sin. Only the death of his newborn son softened it. This sermon looks at three aspects of his son’s death and David’s reaction.

    “David’s Hard Heart” Text: 2 Samuel 12:1-23 Introduction: Sin carries consequences! Some are immediate; others come much later in life and some last an entire lifetime. And, of course, any sin of which we do not repent and ask for forgiveness, carries with it the consequence of an eternity in a more

  • The Prince Of David Will Come

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Nov 23, 2002
    based on 60 ratings

    sermon on Christ the King

    November 24, 2002 Ezekiel 34:11-16, 23-24 For this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I myself will search for my sheep and look after them. As a shepherd looks after his scattered flock when he is with them, so will I look after my sheep. I will rescue them from all the places where they were more

  • The Rise And Fall Of David

    Contributed by John Mccaherty on Nov 23, 2002
    based on 17 ratings

    David a mighty man of God, a man after God’s own heart, falls in to sin and finds forgiveness through repentance.

    The rise and fall of David By: Rev. John C. McCaherty November 17, 2002 Murphy Baptist Text: II Samuel 11, 12, Psalms 51 Introduction: David was a hero of the faith, mentioned throughout the Bible as God’s man, after Gods own heart. Mentioned in Hebrews 11 (the great faith chapter), “Who more

  • David And The Fiery Furnace

    Contributed by William Rushing on Jun 20, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    This sermon looks at the examples of David and the three Hebrew boys and finds four charateristics of Courage.

    I. Introduction a. Christians are in need of courage today. b. Nathan Hale epitomized courage when he said, “My only regret is that I have but one life to give for my country.” c. We are all in the midst of a battle, and we need the courage to stand up for Jesus. d. We can look to a boy named more

  • Forgiveness Saul And David Series

    Contributed by Brad Dyrness on Mar 21, 2002
    based on 57 ratings

    A look at the issue of forgiving others through the example of David and King Saul. David had every right to kill Saul, instead he trusted God to deal fairly with him.

    Forgiveness - David and Saul By Brad Dyrness The story of kings David and Saul is a case study in forgiveness. Few places in the Bible, with the exception of God’s forgiveness to us through Jesus Christ, do we find such a living example. The story starts out with Saul – chosen by God to fulfill more

  • The Broken Heart Of David Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Mar 24, 2002
    based on 25 ratings

    This is the second sermon in a series of seven on Brokenness. This is a study of King David.

    Proverbs 25:11 says, "Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spoken in right circumstances." A Hard Heart or a Broken Heart – Your Choice Jesus said that people in the days of Moses were permitted to divorce because of the “hardness of men’s hearts”. Divorce is not caused by more

  • David's Cry For Holiness

    Contributed by Jon Earls on Feb 13, 2003
    based on 48 ratings

    David cry’s out for Holiness in these verses. He answers the all important question, "Who will make it to heaven?"

    David’s Cry for Holiness I. The Prayer for Holiness. (v. 3) A. Shows that holiness is hunger. Matthew 5:6 “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” If any of us ever want to succeed in our Christian life we are going to have to hunger and more

  • David Faces Goliath

    Contributed by Jeff Simms on May 21, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    Facing our fears with faith

    David Faces Goliath 1 Samuel 17 Purpose Statement: To encourage the congregation to face their fears with faith. Introduction Have you ever been terrified? Have you ever been afraid of something that you didn’t know what to do about? That’s what I want to talk about in this message. Facing more

  • A Heart Like David Series

    Contributed by Bob Hostetler on Jul 13, 2001
    based on 145 ratings

    Third in a series of "Heart-to-Heart Talks on Relationships," this one about relating to God

    HEART TALKS: A Heart Like David (Righteousness) 1 Samuel 13:14, Psalm 51 I knew that my mother was dying of cancer, but I still was not prepared for the day I arrived home from school and found a message telling me that my father was at the hospital with Mom and I was to wait for my uncle to more

  • David: A Legacy Of Courage Series

    Contributed by Mike Quinn on Jan 18, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    The story of David and Goliath, asking the question, "How do I deal with my fears when facing the giants of my life?" I listen to who God says I am, I celebrate what God has done in the past, and I remember the battle belongs to God.

    Legacy David: A legacy of Courage 1 Samuel 17 Part Three Intro: Geographic and historic setting… 1 Sam 17:1-11 Now the Philistines gathered their forces for war and assembled at Socoh in Judah. They pitched camp at Ephes Dammim, between Socoh and Azekah. 2 Saul and the Israelites assembled and more

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