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Sermons on Daniel 1:6:

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  • Godly Character Series

    Contributed by Tim Huie on Apr 18, 2008
    based on 15 ratings

    We live in a world starving for godly character. Daniel is a young man with an abundance of it!

    1. Illustration of Gerald Ford. • Gerald Ford died recently. He has the dubious honor of being the only vice president, and later president, who was never elected to those offices by the people. • Over and over, those who have spoken of him have mentioned his character and his integrity. more

  • The Making Of Wise Men Series

    Contributed by Hal Seed on Oct 11, 2007
    based on 58 ratings

    Opening message in Future History: the book of Daniel. The theme of Daniel 1 is how Daniel and friends become "10 times wiser than all the enchanters in the kingdom."

    [This sermon is contributed by Hal Seed of New Song Church in Oceanside, California and of Hal is the author of numerous books including The God Questions and The Bible Questions. If you are interested in The Bible Questions Church-wide Campaign, please visit and watch Hal’s more

  • Cutting Out The Dead Wood. Series

    Contributed by Charles Wilkerson on Nov 14, 2003
    based on 8 ratings

    Those who are more than survivors stay alert to self-dimishint compromises

    In the back of our lot is an old tree. I’ve been told by more than one person here how it was a playground for them as they grew up in these neighborhoods. For a couple of years I wasn’t sure what type of tree it was. In fact, it wasn’t we built a tree house, of sorts, that I found out it was in more

  • Daniel, Young Man With Purpose

    Contributed by David Seeley on Nov 30, 2004
    based on 28 ratings

    Daniel was a young man who determined early in life to please God.

    Introduction: Daniel and his three friends were among hundreds of young people who were kidnapped by the enemy nation of Babylon. They were taken from their homes in Israel to a foreign land somewhere between 800 and 1500 miles from home. The kidnappers were instructed by Nebuchadnezzer, king more

  • Faithfulness In A Strange Land Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Nov 30, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    Where do you need to "draw the line" in your life?

    Singing the Songs of The Lord in a Strange Land. October 17, 2004 Daniel 1 Faithfulness in a Strange Land A few years ago, a good friend invited me to join his corporation’s team for a charity 24-hour relay run. As I hung out with him and his colleagues for the day, I realized what a different more

  • Getting Inside Society Without Letting Society Get Inside Of You Series

    Contributed by Art Campbell on Nov 12, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    How can we infiltrate our culture without letting it’s values infiltrate us? Daniel and his friends faced this issue...

    One of the questions thoughtful Christians often ask when we’re trying to live incarnationally – putting flesh on the gospel – is how far should we go in accommodating ourselves to our culture? What’s OK for a Christian to do and what’s not when we’re trying to reach people where we are? For more

  • How To Live For God In A Pagan Culture / Earning Street Cred Series

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Nov 2, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Christians who consistently demonstrate spiritual integrity earn "Christian cred."

    Title: How to Live for God in a Pagan Culture / “Street Cred” Text: Daniel 1, 2 and 6 Thesis: Christians who consistently demonstrate spiritual integrity earn Christian cred. Series: The Bible in 90 Days Whole Church Challenge Introduction Did you know there is an Urban Dictionary of terms (or more

  • Planting God's Flowers In The Devil's Dirt

    Contributed by Mark Roper on May 16, 2008
    based on 17 ratings

    Compromise is a cancer that destroys. We must stand up for what we believe.

    PLANTING GOD’S FLOWERS IN THE DEVIL’S DIRT Topic: COMPROMISE Illustration: Don’t Negotiate With Satan A hunter raised his rifle and took careful aim at a large bear. When about to pull the trigger, the bear spoke in a soft soothing voice, "Isn’t it better to talk than to shoot? What do you more

  • Becoming A Man Of Convictions Series

    Contributed by Terry Blankenship on May 28, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    Daniel revealed early in life what kind of character he would possess. He was a man of integrity.

    Daniel The Book of Revelation in the Old Testament I. The Name of the Book Daniel’s name means “My Judge is God” or “God is Judge” II. Date of Daniel Daniel and 3 Hebrew children were taken out into captivity in 605 B.C. Other captives were taken in 597, 586 & 582 B.C. Some contend that book more

  • Thriving In Babylon Series

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Aug 18, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    How do we live fearless lives as Christians? God’s heart is that we not just survive, but thrive (adapted from a series taught by Pastor Larry Osborne, North Coast Church.

    Thriving in Babylon Daniel 1:1-1:21 Fearless Pt 1- Thriving in Babylon Introduction New Series- Fearless (adapted from a series by Pastor Larry Osborne from North Coast Church). Many things to worry about and be afraid of today. What is it that causes you to toss/turn at night -economy, more

  • How To Prevent Compromising

    Contributed by Dan Santiago on Aug 31, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Christians should not conform to the ways of this world.

    HOW TO PREVENT COMPROMISING Daniel 1:1-21 Believers are commanded not to conform to the ways of this world. READ Romans 12:1-2. Conforming to the pattern of this world means to be in accord or agreement with the principles of this world. Christians should not agree or follow the ways of more

  • Heroes #5: Daniel's Purpose, Purity And Promotion Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Aug 2, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The Bible says that the people who know God will be strong and have great adventures. Daniel and his three friends’ lives are an example for us to how we can have our own excellent adventures in God.

    HEROES #5: DANIEL’S PURPOSE, PURITY AND PROMOTION OPENING HUMOUR: Talk about wedding yesterday. Three weeks after her wedding day, Joanna called her pastor in hysterics. She was crying, “Pastor, John and I had our first fight together! It was awful. What am I going to do?" The pastor, leaning more

  • "A Sure Word Of Prophecy” Series

    Contributed by Ed Taylor on Aug 8, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    The book of Daniel is one of purity and prophecy.

    OPEN YOUR BIBLES TO Daniel 1 & 2 Peter 3:1-13 1. As you survey the world today, reading the newspapers, watching the latest news, seeing the times in which we live. a. You’ll probably be grasped with a strong sense that Jesus may come back soon! b. I really believe that we are the, THAT generation more

  • "God Can Use Anything” Series

    Contributed by Ed Taylor on Aug 8, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Through Daniel’s life we learn that it’s possible to stand for what is right even everything around you is wrong!

    OPEN YOUR BIBLES TO Daniel 1 & Isaiah 43.10 1. The TIMING of GOD is always perfect. a. God is never late. He’s never early. He’s always on time. b. And the life that you have, the times in which you live, are God’s perfect choice. c. We’re here, in this city, in this state, in this year, in this more

  • Being Godly In An Ungodly Workplace

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Sep 4, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    We can learn two lessons from the life of Daniel on how to be godly even when working in a pagan place.

    Being Godly In An Ungodly Workplace Labor Day Sermon (Key Thoughts taken from Melvin Newland’s Sermon, "Taking Christ With You") Daniel 1 August 31, 2008Chester FBC, Chester, Illinois Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker A Labor day is said by some to be the most hypocritical of all our holidays. 1 We more

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