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Sermons on daily renewal:

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  • Clothe Yourself With The Lord Jesus Christ

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Sep 11, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    We need daily renewal, and reminding that we belong to God.

    Today is September 11. Where were you 10 years ago on September 11, 2001 How did you feel that day? There are other tragedies that have gone on and that are going on right now all around the world, I know. However, in modern memory there is no other single day that stands out like September 11. more

  • Daily As Needed Series

    Contributed by Bruce Rzengota on Dec 28, 2011
    based on 1 rating


    Daily as Needed January 9th, 2011 If you were to ask people what they could change in their daily regimen to improve their health, most people would have some very good basic ideas. For instance. . . Regular Exercise -- Just walking more promotes better thealth. Eating better, increasing our more

  • Renewed People

    Contributed by Stephen Funderburk on Sep 29, 2005
    based on 18 ratings

    transforming power of the gospel

    Intro: two words have been repeated to me by many I have talked to coming back from vacation. The hope that Lauri and me were refreshed and renewed on our trip. Both of these are powerful words, for we all need to be refreshed and we all need to be renewed. Tonight, I would like to take the word more

  • The Leader And Renewal Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Feb 20, 2015

    The work’s finished! The people flock back into Jerusalem to celebrate. The people demand that God’s word be read to them! They show their renewed hunger for hearing God’s word.

    Sermon by Rev George Hemmiongs I have great news this morning. Wonderful news. The building project’s over! The work’s finished! It seemed impossible, but it’s happened. The builders have been hard at it, working night and day. Despite all those naysayers, despite all the more

  • A Daily Enthusiasm For Our Mission Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jun 3, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Just as charity covers or eradicates an infinity of sin, so infinite sadness is cured by Christ’s infinite love.

    Thursday of 1st Week in Course 2017 Joy of the Gospel “No one dared to ask Him any questions.” I am a teacher on summer break. It’s quite a transition every year for teachers to move into June. We have to have time off, or we’ll burn out prematurely. But we also have to sharpen our pencils, hone more

  • Our Daily Bread Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Mar 15, 2001
    based on 144 ratings

    The part of the Lord’s Prayer that reminds us of our daily dependence on God.

    A Study of the Lord’s Prayer Lesson # 5 “Our Daily Bread” Matthew 6:11 “In this manner, therefore, pray. Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. (10) Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. more

  • Daily Series

    Contributed by Allen James on Sep 5, 2010

    Message 3 of 5 exploring the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6. Today's message, "Daily", takes a look at the petition, "Give us this day our daily bread."

    Daily • Matthew 6:11 • May 29 & 30, 2010 OPENING: Introduction: This single verse is a greater CHALLENGE than many realize. A careful study of the Scriptures unveils God’s promises to meet our NEEDS day by day. 3 Foundational Life Principles Principle 1: God is READY to meet more

  • Go! And Trust In God’s Faithfulness - Lamentations 3:22-23 Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Feb 10, 2025
    based on 2 ratings

    Lamentations 3:22-23 reminds us that no matter what we face, God’s love and mercy are constant. We are called to trust Him in every season of life.

    Go! And Trust in God’s Faithfulness Introduction Lamentations 3:22-23 (NLT) declares: "The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning." These verses remind us that no matter what we face, God’s love and more

  • Renewal

    Contributed by Archie Norman on Nov 11, 2014

    spiritual renewal

    Renewal Revelation 2:1-5 I. The church needed to recognize the need A. God had praise for them B. God had a problem with them II. The church needed to renew first love A. The priority of relationship B. The presence in relationship III. The church needed to more

  • Our Daily Bread

    Contributed by James May on Oct 20, 2002
    based on 94 ratings

    Jesus is the Bread of Life and is always enough for our daily needs. Not only that but He leaves enough overflowing fragments for us to bless others.

    OUR DAILY BREAD The first part of the 8th chapter of Mark tells us of the great miracle that Jesus performed when he fed 4000 men with only 7 loaves of bread and few small fish. (In one other instance in Matthew chapter 14, Jesus had fed 5000 with only 5 loaves and two fish.) Right on the heels more

  • Our Daily Bread Series

    Contributed by Ed Gratton on Aug 12, 2018

    Seventh in a series on the Lord's Prayer

    1 Our Daily Bread Lord’s Prayer series, Week 7 Matthew 6:11 Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t one of our favorite topics of conversation, food? Who has the best pizza? Mineo’s? Aiello’s? Vincent’s? We talk about our favorite spaghetti sauce recipes and compare ingredients for marinades and we more

  • Daily Sacrifice

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Dec 24, 2022

    Paul has provided guidelines for how believers are to live in a sinful world.

    Paul provides guidelines for living as redeemed people in a fallen world, moving from the theological to the practical. We are to offer ourselves as a living sacrifice to Christ, to follow the law, to love our neighbors, and to especially care for the faithless. In the Old Testament, priests had more

  • Daily Light Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Nov 30, 2020

    We are in darkness. We don’t have any clue on what a day may bring forth in our lives (Proverbs 27:1). Now, we have entered into another Advent. The Christmas tide has begun in our hearts. Let us look for Daily Light in the Word of God.

    Text: Psalm 119:105 Theme: Daily Light Introduction: I am familiar with the custom of using the Lantern in the nights. In Indian Villages, we have this beautiful small instrument to walk through. It helps to identify the potholes on the road, reptiles on the way, dispelling the darkness even more

  • Daily Bread Series

    Contributed by W Pittendreigh on Jul 10, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    Part of a series on the Lord’s Prayer. "Give us today, our daily bread."

    We have been studying the Lord’s Prayer and you may have noticed this prayer is like an archaeological dig. On the surface, it seems simple. Dig a little bit, and you find some new things. Dig deeper, and you discover even more The phrase we look at this morning is "Give us this day our more

  • Daily Vows

    Contributed by Don Baggett on Dec 28, 2007
    based on 15 ratings

    The Christian life is not lived from Christmas to Christmas, or Easter to Easter, or month to month, or week to week, but every day, all the time.

    The last verse of this Psalm caught my attention. Especially the idea of doing daily what we ought to do. The Christian life is not lived from Christmas to Christmas, or Easter to Easter, or month to month, or week to week, but every day, all the time. Exercise institutions will experience more

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