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  • Give Thanks For All Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Dec 26, 2019

    Psalm 136 is a beautiful Psalm to read at the year-end and think of our own life and praise the Lord. Reasons are given why we need to praise Him and say that the Lord is Good.

    Psalm 136 “Give Thanks” Introduction: This Psalm was probably composed by David and given to the Levites to sing every day (1 Chronicles 16:41) in the temple as a responsive Hymn. “Great Hallel” (Great Psalm of Praise): A solemn prayer of thanksgiving, it was sung traditionally at the more

  • Receiving 20/20 Vision— And Beyond.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Jan 12, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The text I read to you came as the Levites gather for the dedication of the city wall; It was completely rebuilt in 52 days! Happiness and joy can be heard among this Jewish group of believer’s.

    Receiving 20/20 Vision— And Beyond. Nehemiah 12:42b-47TLB When Kathleen’s teacher called her to the front of the class to analyze a sentence, she panicked. As a recent transfer student, she hadn’t learned that aspect of grammar. The class laughed at her. Instantly the teacher sprang to her more

  • So, You Want To Get Baptized

    Contributed by Howard Gunter on Mar 27, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    The seeker is hungry to understand Scripture. With the explanation, seeks to go deeper and be baptized. Like this reading, it need not be complicated nor by some rigid ritual; it may be spontaneous and thereby even more meaningful.

    Mid-week Message/Devotion March 28, 2018 Reading: Acts 8:26-40 So, You Want to Get Baptized This to me, this is one of the most enjoyable readings in the New Testament. It sets an example for us that is extremely vivid. Let me first narrate a modern day parallel story based upon personal more

  • Why Do Men Hate Going To Church?

    Contributed by Eduardo Quintana on Feb 1, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    This week I read a book by David Murrow. The title of the book is “Why Men Hate going to Church”. This book deals with a major and troubling issue with Christianity as a whole...

    This week I read a book by David Murrow. The title of the book is “Why Men Hate going to Church”. This book deals with a major and troubling issue with Christianity as a whole, even affecting the church, and that issue is that Christianity is pretty much the only major religion where more

  • Sixth Commandment (7 Of 12)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 14, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    There is a book on the market called the Shoot-em up Society by Harry Hollis, Jr. The purpose of the book is to revealed on the cover of the book. We read, “An appeal for Christian alternatives to the insanity of violence.”

    But we do not have to read a book to discover that we live in a violent society. Every day we hear news reports of all kinds of violence around the world. Illus: Death is always sad, but it seems we are troubled the most when a murder has gone on a rampage and shot down innocent people that they more

  • Satan's Minion: Beast #2 (Revelation 13:11-18) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Aug 24, 2023

    Beast #2 is designed to persuade people to be patriotic. 1st century, through the imperial cult. Today? Perhaps through mainstream media, and school systems. A no-rapture reading of Revelation.

    It's quite possible this morning that I may offend some of you this morning. I'm a little nervous, to be honest. So I just want to say, up front, that I don't take any particular delight in anything I'm saying today. All I'm trying to do, is be faithful to the message of more

  • Hearing The First Six Trumpets (Revelation 8:1-9:21) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on May 26, 2023

    The trumpet judgments, are God's call to the world to repent, and come to him. But at 9:21's end, no one listens. A no-rapture, academically rigorous reading of Revelation.

    Let's begin today by taking a step back, and reminding ourselves of the big picture of Revelation, starting in chapter 5. We need to somehow keep at least three chapters together in our mind, for today's passage to make sense. In Revelation 5, the Lamb, Jesus Christ, suddenly appears in more

  • "do Not Judge" Series

    Contributed by Fred Sigle on Jan 12, 2023

    Although Jesus said the words, "Do not judge..." (Matthew 7:1), we have to read on to see what Jesus is really teaching about judging and not judging others.

    A. According to Lifeway Christian Resources, the most misused VERSE found in the Bible is: “DO NOT JUDGE.” 1. The Bible talks a lot about JUDGING, but the verse they had in mind was what Jesus taught at the close of His Sermon on the Mount: “Do not judge, or you too will be more

  • Gospel Light Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Jan 23, 2023

    Gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news to the world. It’s miracle working light, manifested light and very magnificent. May God bless you as read this sermon. Be a light to the world.

    Theme: Gospel Light Text: 2 Corinthians 4:1-12 Greetings: The lord is good and his love endures forever. “Let there be light”, Amen. Today, I would like to share with you three thoughts from 2 Corinthians 4:1-12 about the gospel light. Gospel of Christ is the light to the world and nations. It’s a more

  • Sermon # 21 - Discover Life's Purpose Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Feb 3, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Have you discovered God’s purpose for your life? Read on to understand how you can break free from every bondage, and be all that God created you to be.

    We read in Romans 12:1, “For this reason I make request to you, brothers, by the mercies of God, that you will give your bodies as a living offering, holy, pleasing to God, which is the worship it is right for you to give him.” (BBE) In Romans 12:1, when Paul exhorts the believers with the words more

  • Three Reasons To Thanks God Series

    Contributed by Steve Meenho Kang on Nov 13, 2022

    The passage that we read today tells us about three changes that God brings into our lives. It says that we should thank God for these changes that He brings to our lives.

    Three Reasons to Thank God Give Thanks Part 2 John 3:1-15 Today, we are continuing our message series, Give Thanks. As we approach Thanksgiving, we want to prepare our hearts for gratitude toward God. God does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. God is always holy, just, more

  • A Bridge Too Far?

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Oct 1, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Does your faith waiver when on the mountaintops or in the valleys of life? Read this sermon to find out how to have faith that does not depend on one's circumstances but on one's belief in a risen Savior.

    A Bridge too Far? Mark 9:14-29 Online Sermon: Whether one is on the mountaintop of blessings or in the valleys of trials and tribulations, keeping one’s faith in Jesus is not an easy task! When we are the recipients of blessings it is easy to more

  • The Meaning Of Life

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Nov 12, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    The meaning of life is not found accumulating things under the sun but in doing the will of God who resides above the sun! Please read this sermon and learn more on what God expects from you!

    The Meaning of Life Ecclesiastes 1:1-11, Matthew 21:18-27 Online Sermon: “Mother Teresa was born in 1910 in Skopje, the capital of the Republic of Macedonia. Little is known about her early life, but at a young age, she felt a calling to be a more

  • Judge Of All Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Apr 10, 2021

    We are in the very first week after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We will be thinking more about the purpose and aftereffects of the resurrection. The resurrection of Jesus Christ was unique in nature. Read to know the purpose.

    Theme: Judge of All Text: John 5:16-30 Introduction: We are in the very first week after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We will be thinking more about the purpose and aftereffects of the resurrection. The resurrection of Jesus Christ was unique in nature. All were dead and gone. No one was more

  • Jerusalem Council Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Apr 21, 2021

    The first Jerusalem Council met to decide on the issues raised by the early Christians. Certain problems have to be discussed, argued, and finalized with the help of the Holy Spirit. Know further by reading through this sermon.

    Acts 15:1-20 Jerusalem Council on Gentiles Conversion 15:01-05 Issues of Circumcision 15:06-12 Peter stood for Grace 15:13- 21 Ruling of James on Circumcision Acts 15:01-05 Issues of Circumcision This passage explains ceremonialism emphasized by few Jewish Christians. The descendants of Abraham more

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