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Sermons on crucifixion day:

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  • His Crucifixion At Golgotha Series

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Mar 27, 2017

    Fourth part of The Echoes of Easter.

    The Echoes of Easter Pt 4 "His Crucifixion on Golgotha" Luke 23:26-49 Luke 23:26 And as they led him away, they laid hold upon one Simon, a Cyrenian, coming out of the country, and on him they laid the cross, that he might bear it after Jesus. 27 And there followed him a great company of people, more

  • The Crucifixion

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Apr 4, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    The Cross of our Lord is the place where hope, help, and healing is offered.

    * The crucifixion of Jesus stands as the center of history and Christianity around which life, as we know it, revolves. * It was on that hillside where darkness collided with light, where death battled life, where forces of hell confronted the powers of heaven. On that crucifixion day when more

  • At The Cross

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Oct 23, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Taking a look at some of the events during Jesus' crucifixion.

    AT THE CROSS John 19:17-27 1) On the road to Golgotha (17-18). “Carrying his own cross” Other gospel accounts mention that Simon of Cyrene carried the cross for Jesus. This isn’t a contradiction. Jesus started out carrying his own cross but along the way he, being unable to more

  • Crowds Around The Cross

    Contributed by Lanny Carpenter on Mar 19, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    A message about the various groups around the cross of Christ on crucifixion day.

    CROWDS AROUND THE CROSS MATTHEW 27:26, 31 INTRO.: If you were to look at Rembrandt’s painting of The Three Crosses, your attention would be drawn first to the center cross on which Jesus died. 1. Then as you would look at the crowd gathered around the foot of that cross, you’d be impressed by the more

  • 3 Days And 3 Nights: On What Day Of The Week Was Jesus Crucified?

    Contributed by Amy Bickel on Aug 30, 2008
    based on 17 ratings

    This is a study on the subject of what day of the week was Jesus crucified to fulfill the prophecy He spoke about Himself in Matt. 12:40.

    Three Days and Three Nights: On What Day of the Week Was Jesus Crucified? This morning we are going to have a little Bible Study as opposed to a sermon. A few weeks ago I was approached with a question concerning the timing of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ that I have found many more

  • The Crucifixion Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Sep 16, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon on the crucifixion of Jesus

    The Crucifixion Mark 15:25-39 Picture of Jesus being crucified. The Romans practiced crucifixion as a means of putting fear in the populace. If one saw a crucifixion, you would want to be sure that you never do what it takes to end up on a cross. It was a frightening, terrible and excruciatingly more

  • The Crucifixion Series

    Contributed by Hugh W. Davidson on Apr 16, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The crucifixion of Jesus and all this means to us.

    The crucifixion John 19:14-22 A young business owner was opening a new branch office, and a friend decided to send a floral arrangement for the grand opening but when his friend arrived at the opening, he was horrified to find that instead of a bunch of more

  • The Crucifixion Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Dec 3, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    In this sermon I review the events leading up to the crucifixion, talk about the significance of Jesus’ death, and then talk about our response.

    Introduction: A. It was a day when the world seemed to stand still. 1. The date was November 22, 1963. 2. President John F. Kennedy sat in the rear seat of an open limousine as it traveled down the streets of Dallas, Texas. 3. At 12:30 p.m., the cars approached an expressway for the last leg of more

  • The Crucifixion Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Apr 22, 2005
    based on 13 ratings

    Jesus chose to go to the cross - to be beaten and spat upon and to be separated from the Father - even though He didn’t have to. The question is: why did He do it? Also learn when it’s right to speak up and when to remain silent.

    1 Very early in the morning, the chief priests, with the elders, the teachers of the law and the whole Sanhedrin, reached a decision. They bound Jesus, led him away and handed him over to Pilate. The Jewish religious leadership had already decided to try to get Jesus killed - they had done it more

  • Crucifixion

    Contributed by Scott Bradford on Mar 17, 2008
    based on 11 ratings

    A Good Friday sermon as part of the lenten series Words of Lent. (This sermon quotes several historical perspectives and descriptions of crucifixion)

    Four simple words are found in this text: “And they crucified him”. -- "And they crucified him!" Not very descriptive really, considering the severity of the punishment. Obviously, they were words that were meant for an entirely different audience. And audience, who is Jesus’ day, knew exactly what more

  • The Crucifixion Series

    Contributed by Leighton (Lee) Vary on Oct 13, 2016

    A description of the crucifixion and our response

    I. Introduction A. I borrowed part of this message from another pastor on Sermon Central 1. But, I erased his name from the text 2. And now, I can’t find it 3. My most sincere apology kind sir 4. Please forgive my sloppy ways C. In 1173 the Italian architect Bonnano Pisano began more

  • The Crucifixion Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Apr 19, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    There are two kinds of hearts in this world, those that reject Jesus and those who accept Him, these verses detail those two hearts and give us great insight on the person of Jesus.

    The Crucifixion – Luke 23:39-49 [ESV] Illegally arrested, unjustly tried and convicted, and brutally treated and tortured, Jesus was now hanging on a cross between two thieves sentenced to the same fate as him… death! The other men sentenced to die had been in the procession coming more

  • The Crucifixion Series

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on May 12, 2020

    6th message in a 7 sermon Easter series. Jesus willingly paid for the consequences of our sin.

    Journey to the Resurrection The Crucifixion April 5, 2020 Palm Sunday Morning Service Easter 2020 Series Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: Jesus willingly paid for the consequences of our sin. Focus Passage: Matthew 27:33-56 Supplemental Passage: After this, Jesus, more

  • What's So 'good' About Good Friday?

    Contributed by Lalachan Abraham on Mar 29, 2018

    Two thousand years have passed since the Crucifixion Day, yet the Bible account enables us to visualize the day and event with a great deal of accuracy. While on the cross, Christ makes seven brief utterances. Ponder it in your hearts by reflecting

    Good Friday is observed traditionally as the day on which Jesus was crucified. Jesus set the ultimate example of sacrifice in His once-for-all work on the cross. It reminds each of us that “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but more

  • The Day The Earth Stood Still

    Contributed by John Knight on Jul 15, 2002
    based on 20 ratings

    A look at the suffering of Christ and the nature of sin that makes a crowd move from "Hosanna" to "crucify him"; the suffering of Christ provides for us the call and example of living for God.

    The Day The Earth Stood Still Mark 15: 1-20 Introduction: 1951. Price controls are introduced to curb high inflation. 1951. The Rodgers and Hammerstein musical The King and I premiers on Broadway June 25, 1951. CBS presents the first commercial color TV broadcast. It lasts for four hours. more

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