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  • Capitalize On Your Borrowed Time

    Contributed by Jeremiah Menyongai on Sep 24, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Through all the ups and downs, mountains and valleys, joys and sorrows, victories and defeats, good days and bad days, God has blessed us to see one more year. Many people died this year. We are alive. We have all the reasons to say "Hallelujah & Amen."

    “CAPITALIZE ON YOUR BORROWED TIME” LUKE 13:1-9: 1 There were present at that season some that told Jesus of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. 2 And Jesus answering said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, more

  • When Honoring Your Father Has An Impact

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Nov 3, 2016

    Lessons about honoring our Fathers

    When Honoring Your Father Has an Impact Genesis 50 - Father’s Day 2016  Turn with me this morning to the first book of the Bible, the book of Genesis, chapter 49.  Today is Father’s Day, and it is a day that we think about honoring fathers.  I think for the most part we do a pretty good more

  • Things You Have Never Heard About The Rapture

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Nov 4, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    I want you to pay very close attention as we examine this scriptural passage that we will be reading.

    The things I will share with you we hope these exciting things will take place during our life time, but if not during our life time, we know they will take place in the life of some Believers who will be living on the earth. Beloved, I am talking about the RAPTURE OF THE BELIEVERS! IS THE more

  • The God Of The Living (Contd) - Mark 12:18-27 Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on Feb 20, 2024

    Jesus destroys the logic of those who deny the resurrection.

    Mark 12:18 Then the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to him with a question. 19 "Teacher," they said, "Moses wrote for us that if a man's brother dies and leaves a wife but no children, the man must marry the widow and have children for his brother. 20 Now there more

  • God Our Provider (Jehovah Jireh) Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Apr 3, 2005
    based on 81 ratings

    This morning our focus is on another name for God. He is Jehovah Jireh, God our Provider.

    You may have heard about the guy who fell off a cliff and on his way down he was able to grab onto a tree branch jutting out from the face of the rock. As he hung there reviewing his options, he started yelling, “Is anyone up there?” He was surprised to hear a voice say to him, “Yes, this is God.” more

  • Living A Life Of Love Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Oct 23, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    The love of God should cause to live a life of love.

    Living a Life of Love 1 John 3:11-18 Rev. Brian Bill 10/23/11 Think with me about two sets of brothers. The first pair got their start a long time ago. While there was friction in their family while they were growing up, their sibling rivalry reared its head in a heated and horrible way when more

  • Planning The Trip Of A Lifetime Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Sep 5, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Almost everyone goes through life with a partial sense of dissatisfaction. We’re looking for the “it.” And we’re not even sure what the “it” is.

    INTRODUCTION This is the first message in a new series I’ve entitled “Heaven: An Insider’s Guide.” When you plan a trip to visit a new city or a new country, you want to have an insider, a local resident, give you information as you plan your trip. When it comes to Heaven, more

  • Are You Ready For The Rapture? Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Oct 9, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    When the bodies of believers are raptured, they will become like the resurrected body of Jesus.

    INTRODUCTION A nervous young preacher was preaching his first sermon. His topic was the Second Coming of Christ. He quoted from Revelation 22. He ran toward the edge of the platform and said with great enthusiasm, “Behold, I come quickly!” But he lost his train of thought and more

  • Multi Ethnic Bereavement

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Apr 30, 2017

    I wrote this for a counseling class. It contains three parts: 1) Bereavement in religion 2) Bereavement in ethnic groups 3) Applications for pastoral and clinical counselors.

    To be used of the Lord to help those grieving is both satisfying and humbling. My personal prayer is that more mourners will be drawn to the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel of Christ is the only thing that can bring true and lasting comfort. Jesus said, “Blessed are those that mourn, for they more

  • What If

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Apr 23, 2003
    based on 8 ratings

    This is an Easter Sermon that deals with some different what ifs in life and what if Jesus was not raised from the dead.

    " What IF" 4/20/2003 Easter NLF Isaiah 53:1-6 Matthew 27:62-28:20 We have all probably played the game of what if in our lives on more than one occasions. "What if I won a million dollars? What if married him? What if I moved more

  • Seve Words That Rocked The World Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Aug 20, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus stands alone as a man who claimed to be alive before Abraham and He predicted He would come back from the grave.

    INTRODUCTION Today we’re going to talk about “Seven Words that Rocked the World.” We’ve all heard about the seven sayings of Jesus from the cross. But these seven words were spoken at the empty tomb of Jesus. They were spoken in a cemetery. Cemeteries can be spooky places. more

  • Ready. Set. Go! Series

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on Sep 26, 2021

    Suppose that the Lord Jesus chose this very moment to return. Would you be ready? Our objective as Christians is not merely to be included in the Rapture but to bring as many people with us as we can. My eternal hope and my ongoing prayer is that neither you nor I get “left behind.”

    One day a pastor was flying home from a speaking engagement. During the flight he observed one of the pilots flirting and chatting it up with one of the women flight attendants. He also noticed that the pilot was wearing a wedding ring and the flight attendant was not. As he watched the couple more

  • Nero Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on May 21, 2022

    Nero formally entered public life as an adult in 51 AD at approximately 14 years old. When he turned 16, Nero married Claudius' daughter (his step-sister), Claudia Octavia. Between the years 51 AD and 53 AD, he gave several speeches on behalf of various communities.

    Nero Author: Tom Lowe Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (/'n??ro?/ NEER-oh; born Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus; 15 December AD 37 – 9 June AD 68) was the fifth Roman Emperor and final Emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty more

  • Uncontrolled Appetites Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Sep 17, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Your soul will only be satisfied when you surrender to the Savior.

    Uncontrolled Appetites Ecclesiastes 6:1-12 Rev. Brian Bill September 14-15, 2024 Several years ago, Beth and I watched a season of “Alone,” which took place in the Arctic. The show tests the survival instincts of humans by pushing them to their limits in extreme conditions while isolating them more

  • Broken Body & A Borrowed Tomb Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Apr 3, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    In the death of Jesus we see God’s Directing: God’s: 1) The Rich (Mt. 27:57–60), 2) The Relatives (Mt. 27:61), 3) The Religious (Mt. 27:62–66)

    One of the majestic attributes of God is His absolute sovereignty, His supreme rulership and ultimate control over all things in the universe. He has created and He sustains all things that exist, and He ordains and brings to pass all things that happen. Nowhere in Scripture is God’s incredible more

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