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  • Genesis Chapter Seventeen Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Feb 4, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    These are thoughts on Genesis Chapter Seventeen. In his work, "What does every Bible chapter say..." John Hunt gives an overview of each chapter of the Bible. It is my intention to do the same thing here.

    GENESIS CHAPTER SEVENTEEN OVERVIEW Overall what is happening in this chapter is that the covenant between God and Abram renewed. In the process, Abram’s name is changed and circumcision becomes a part of the agreement. Thomas Coke (1801) – Genesis 17 God renews the covenant with Abram: changes more

  • The Trademark Of The Covenant Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Sep 29, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    Circumcision was the "trade mark" of the Old Covenant. But what difference could that make to us? We're no longer commanded to be circumcised as they were back then.

    Back in the 1990s, Reader’s Digest told the story of a soldier who was serving as a guard through the night. Early in the morning, he reported to his commanding officer who demanded, “Did you sleep well while on duty?” “What made you think that I fell asleep?” asked the surprised soldier. “Look more

  • A Wedding Feast--Sign Of The New Covenant Of Grace

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jan 15, 2025

    At Cana, both Mary and Jesus knew that if Jesus intervened to fix the problem of the empty wineskins, as He did on her request, doing such a sign reminiscent of the prophets’ predictions about God’s redemptive action would start them both down the road to Calvary.

    Second Sunday in Course 2025 Just last Sunday we heard from Isaiah that the Messiah would not cry out or mistreat the wounded. That surely describes Jesus. Today we hear from Isaiah, “For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest, until her vindication more

  • Jesus' First Sign Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Sep 15, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    The first sign in John 2:1-11 teaches us that Jesus is the Christ who initiates the new covenant.

    Introduction The movie Signs tells the story of a former Episcopal priest named Graham Hess (played by Mel Gibson). Graham lives on a farm in rural Pennsylvania with his children. His younger brother, who was a former minor league baseball player, has been helping the family since Graham’s wife more

  • Signs, Signs,everywhere A Sign

    Contributed by Horace Wimpey on Aug 15, 2015

    God gave the nation of Israel a sign of their commitment to him with circumcision. The people thought that the sign was their salvation. Not their relationship with God. Many who profess Christian faith do the same with baptism.

    Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign Genesis 17: 9-13 (NLT) Intro: Back in the seventies, there was a one hit wonder band called the five man electrical band. There one mega hit was called “Signs”. . The chorus went like this: . Signs, Signs, Everywhere there's signs. Blocking out the more

  • Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs

    Contributed by Michael Blitz on Jan 27, 2025

    This Sermon focuses on the Old Testament Typology and Fulfillment found in Jesus first miracle in the Wedding Feast of Cana - Deuteronomy 19 and Bridegroom Themes

    Good Morning. Last week our Epiphany theme took us to Mark and the beginning of Mark’s record of Jesus Ministry. We saw there the showing forth of the glory (that’s what Epiphany means) of the Trinity at the Jordan River, and how Jesus showed His glory in humility by receiving a baptism for the more

  • "Signs In The Clouds"

    Contributed by Ray Scott on Oct 15, 2004
    based on 74 ratings

    Clouds, mentioned several times in the Scriptures, are closely identified with God. This message deals with God’s lessons in the clouds.

    “Signs In The Clouds” INTRODUCTION: “Clouds” are mentioned several times in the Scripture. They are closely identified with God. Isaiah 19:1 – “Behold, the Lord rideth upon a swift cloud, and shall come into Egypt:” Rev. 14:14 - “And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one more

  • Sign Along The Dotted Line

    Contributed by Craig Smee on Nov 27, 2005
    based on 1 rating

    To covenant with God we need to know Him

    Please sign along the doted line: INTRO ILLUSTRATION TESTIMONY – The God I have Covenanted with? Who is my God? Naming Kyle. Eg Smee surname had to be careful. A lot is based on name etc. In bible, names mean a lot: Name = personality or related experience Hebrew name for Eve =WOW! Moses = more

  • The Covenant Of Grace Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Mar 11, 2022

    In Genesis 9:8-17 God offers "The Covenant of Grace". In it we see: 1) The Stipulations of the Covenant (Genesis 9:8-11), 2) The Sign of the Covenant (Genesis 9:12-16), and finally, 3) The Summary of the Covenant (Genesis 9:17).

    Genesis 9:8-17. [8] Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him, [9]"Behold, I establish my covenant with you and your offspring after you, [10] and with every living creature that is with you, the birds, the livestock, and every beast of the earth with you, as many as came out of the ark; more

  • Have You Signed On The Dotted Line?

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Jun 28, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    We sign our name to thousands of documents in our lifetime to secure anything from homes to cell phone agreements and do it without even reading the contracts most of the time. When it comes to “belonging” to a people of God however, we turn into a conspiracy theorists and feel threatened

    TITLE: HAVE YOU SIGNED ON THE DOTTED LINE? SCRIPTURE: ST. LUKE 9:57-62 When was the last time you signed a contract? Any kind of contract – A Mortgage - A Car Loan - A New Job - A Marriage License - A School Admissions Agreement. Now consider this - How many pages was the contract? More more

  • Signs, Signs

    Contributed by Monte Brown on Jan 16, 2015

    Signs, Signs there everywhere, on the roads, on the trees, in the buildings, on cars, on tools and on toys. Signs are everywhere! We live in an age of signs.

    Signs, Signs John 6:30-35 Monte T. Brown Introduction: How shall we regard Jesus Christ? Is he to be thought of as the best of men, or may we worship him as God? Was he the greatest of prophets, or is he also the Messiah, the predicted Savior of the world? Does it really matter how more

  • From The Signs To The Savior

    Contributed by Mike Hays on Jun 3, 2001
    based on 66 ratings

    The writer of Hebrews points exhorts us to move beyond the signs given by God under the Old Covenant to the reality of the Savior.

    From The Signs To The Savior Hebrews 6:1-8 A man set out on a trip from Oklahoma City to Denver. He had never been to Denver before, but to prepare for his trip he decided to do his homework. He searched the Internet and found the most popular sightseeing spots, restaurants, and the cheapest more

  • Signed, Sealed And Delivered

    Contributed by Wilson Oshorakpor on Feb 24, 2022

    Believers are letters signed with blood of Jesus, sealed by the Holy Spirit of God and delivered to the kingdom of God. We are purchased by the blood of Jesus, sealed till the day of reckoning by the Spirit and translated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light.

    TEXT: Colossians 1:12-14 "Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: in whom we have redemption through his blood, more

  • Sign, Sign, Everywhere A Sign Series

    Contributed by Matthew Rogers on Feb 20, 2002
    based on 91 ratings

    All churches have signs. Most of these are not literal signs, but rather unwritten messages that are communicated loud and clear - especially to people who don’t go to church.

    The Greatest Place on Earth – Part 4 February 3, 2002 (For this message we had 6 signs made and I unveiled them one at a time. In our foyer we have permanently hung the three that communicate what churhes should. Thanks to Mike Breaux, Lexington, KY for the seed idea.) INTRODUCTION Play the more

  • Sign, Sign, Everywhere A Sign Series

    Contributed by Warren Lamb on Jun 23, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Even though He will have face-to-face confrontations with the Pharisees from time to time after this, where we are now is a critical juncture in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, especially as it pertains to His relationship with the spiritual leader

    Jesus And The Forbidding Pharisees – Part 5 Matthew 12:22-45 Sign, Sign, Everywhere A Sign Matthew 12:38-45 As we draw near the end of our study in Matthew 12, I thought it might be a good time for an overview. When we move into Matthew 13, the entire timber of Jesus’ teaching changes as He more

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