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Sermons on covenant renewal:

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  • The Covenant Renewed Series

    Contributed by Michael Stover on Oct 20, 2000
    based on 34 ratings

    The Israelites renew their covenant with God.

    The Covenant Renewed I. The Signers of the Covenant (1-27) A. Chief Leaders B. Priests C. Levites D. Other Leaders II. The Solemn Promise of the Covenant (28-29) A. Walk in the Law B. Obey the Law III. The Separation of the Covenant (30-39) A. Specific B. Temple Taxes C. Offerings more

  • Covenant Renewal

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Sep 24, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    God has always been a covenant God. He makes His covenant with us through Jesus Chrst.

    Covenant renewal Deuteronomy 29:1-15 Introduction- Turn to Deuteronomy 29:1-15. It is the fifth book of the Old Testament. I want to talk to you about a covenant, more closely, the covenant between more

  • Covenant Renewal

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Jul 20, 2022

    Relationship means everything to the Lord and our agreement with Him is binding.

    Covenant renewal Deuteronomy 29:1-15 Introduction- Good Morning- Good to have our online church with us and I hope you have come to hear the word of God with an open heart. Grab your bible and turn to Deuteronomy 29:1-15. It is the fifth book of the Old Testament. I want to talk to you about a more

  • Covenant Renewed (Deuteronomy 29)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jan 16, 2025

    Why was there a need for a new covenant? Who was at fault? Let's begin in Deuteronomy 29.

    Why was there a need for a new covenant? Was there a fault with God, the covenant or the people? Let’s begin with the old covenant in Deuteronomy 29. Was the covenant renewed while Israel waited in the land of Moab? These are the words of the covenant that the Lord commanded Moses to make with more

  • Renewing Our Covenant With The Lord

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jun 28, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    Christians need to be constantly recalled to their first love, and churches to the rudiments (first principles) of the faith of a better generation.

    RENEWING OUR COVENANT WITH THE LORD. Joshua 24:1-3; Joshua 24:14-25. The choice of Shechem as the site for the renewal of the covenant after the conquests under Joshua is significant. This was where the LORD had promised Abram both ‘this land’ and ‘a seed’ to occupy it, and Abram had ‘built more

  • New

    Contributed by Kevin Barron on Dec 31, 2016

    Preached as a challenge for a covenant renewal service.

    NEW REVELATION 21:1-6a JANUARY 1, 2017 FIRST SUNDAY OF CHRISTMAS, YEAR A COVENANT RENEWAL SUNDAY FARM HILL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, HARRISBURG, AR INTRO. Four times in these short verses, the word “new” is used. The whole language of the passage is of newness, of change, of leaving things more

  • Renew Your Covenant With God Series

    Contributed by Paul Carlson on Dec 17, 2015

    PROPOSITION: Because Christ fulfilled His covenant with the Father, you must fulfill your covenants with Christ.

    Renew Your Covenant with God Joshua 24 I. Remember God’s faithfulness! v. 1-13 A. God has chosen you out of the world (2-4). 1. Your ancestors served other gods (2). 2. Your ancestors were blessed by me (3). B. God delivered you out of helplessness (5-13). 1. I brought you out of more

  • Oneness In Marriage

    Contributed by Gary Shockley on Mar 3, 2003
    based on 77 ratings

    A pastor and his wife preach a message on Biblical oneness in marriage culimating in a marriage covenant renewal service for the church

    Developing Oneness in Marriage Marriage Covenant Service Cornerstone Church Pastor Gary and Kim Shockley February 16, 2003 Several couples from our church are fresh out of the Family Life Marriage Seminar this weekend. There were around 180 couples present. Kim and I decided to attend because we more

  • Covenant PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 26, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores building relationships with our new pastor, fostering inclusivity in our congregation, and embracing a renewed covenant with God for all.

    Good morning, dear church family. It's a joy to gather with you in the warmth of this sanctuary, the echo of our shared laughter and the harmony of our joined voices filling this sacred space. It's a blessing to be here with you, united in faith, bound by love, and driven by our shared pursuit of more

  • A Hope Renewed Series

    Contributed by Josh Foster on Feb 20, 2014

    Hope rests upon the heart of God. Hope tells us the desire of God. Hope has the potential to transform our most significant relationships into reflections of the covenant we have with Him!

    Covenant Connections: A Covenant of Old ~ A Hope Renewed Scripture Text: Hosea 1.2 – 2.1 INTRODUCTION If you are not familiar with Hosea ~ …his life and the message that God told him to announce ~ …if you don’t know that-much about Hosea, …then the story may be a more

  • "I Do" All Over Again

    Contributed by Bob Joyce on Sep 11, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    When the time comes when we lose our zeal and passion for Christ, we must make a covenant renewal.

    I had the privilege of presiding at my aunt and uncle’s fiftieth wedding anniversary service. It was a joy for me to be a part of such a wonderful celebration. Every year around Valentine’s Day, a pastor friend has a service where people renew their wedding vows. They say, "I do," all over again. more

  • The Covenant With Abraham Series

    Contributed by Lynn Malone on Mar 28, 2018

    The covenant making God renews His covenant with Abram, and changes his name to Abraham.

    Last Sunday, we started a new series entitled “Covenant.” Or, we think about the old covenant—that which is revealed in the Old Testament, or the new covenant—meaning that which is revealed in the New Testament. We are examining the idea of covenant from the biblical perspective. God is more

  • The Secret Series

    Contributed by John Bright on Jan 16, 2021

    Working through the book of Philippians using consecutive expository preaching. Philippians 4:10-13

    Series: Philippians Sermon: “The Secret” Philippians 4:10-13 Pastor John Bright Philippians 4 “10 But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at last your care for me has flourished again; though you surely did care, but you lacked opportunity. 11 Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have more

  • Renewing Your Vows Series

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on Jun 18, 2002
    based on 66 ratings

    Before beginning the battle for the promised land, God’s people recommit to the covenant

    Renewing Your Vows Joshua 5:1-12 Intro: It has been a wonderful weekend of celebrating our Lord and all He is doing among us. We also want to celebrate fathers today, and I’d like to do that in prayer. Kids, we are very glad to have you as part of this whole service. We wanted more

  • The Sign Of The Covenant Series

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Dec 31, 2004
    based on 20 ratings

    God renews His covenant with Abram in 2 ways--a name change, and a mark of ownership. Circumcision becomes Abraham’s signature on his new pact with God.

    The Sign of the Covenant” Genesis 17:1-13 Pastor Bob Leroe, Cliftondale Congregational Church, Saugus, Massachusetts As we consider our needs and wants, we work out various ways to achieve them. Facing a new year, many of us will make resolutions. Abram had an understandable yearning for a more