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  • Results Of Obedience To God

    Contributed by Clarence Clough on Jan 28, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Obedience is pleasing to the Lord and will bring powerful results in our lives individually and corporately.

    Results Of Obedience To God Text: John 14:21 Introduction: Early on in life, we become aware that we are to obey. We soon learn that obedience brings smiles of approval and that disobedience is met with frowns and often harshness. Parents tell their children, "You had better mind us!" Teachers: more

  • Facing Fear

    Contributed by Jeff Pearce on Feb 1, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Faith over fear

    Facing fear Intro: What does being afraid do? 1: Hesitation a) you second guess b) you wait when you should move c) you stand still Point: Fear is something everyone who has ever lived has had to deal with, at one point and time even the bravest men and women felt fear creep into their hearts more

  • Forever

    Contributed by Matt Williams on Feb 8, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    We are created to live forever but we live in a world that is constrained and confined. This series seeks to help us to look beyond this world to eternity and its current implications for our lives today.

    Introduction: We are created to live forever but we live in a world that is constrained and confined. This series seeks to help us to look beyond this world to eternity and its current implications for our lives today. We each have things in us, “tells”, that tell us that we are made more

  • Bread And Life

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Jun 21, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    Bread represented much more than just a loaf or even a general reference to food. Bread represented all of the things needed for physical life.

    Bread and Life John 6:35, 48-51 June 13, 2010 Morning Service Introduction Abigail has been active with her 4-H projects this year and has done one on baking breads. I cannot tell you how many different kinds of bread have gone through my house this year but there have been almost too many to more

  • Concept Of Revitalization

    Contributed by Jeremy Poling on Jun 3, 2014

    Working together to build a Godly environment.

    Concept of Revitalization In the middle of the last century Anthony F. C. Wallace deveolped the concept of "Revitalization Movements." Here are a few of his ideas: "A revitalization movement is defined as a deliberate, organized, conscious effort by members of a society to construct a more more

  • Palm Sunday Of The Lord's Passion - Year A

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Mar 2, 2020

    Jesus take my donkey's reins!!

    Palm Sunday God's saving plan, "the mystery of his will" mentioned in Ephesians 1:9, teaches that all creation makes one big circular movement from God and back to God- to "recapitulate" all things in heaven and on earth in Christ (Ephesians 1:10)… ….Which is why Jesus more

  • The Answer Is No!

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Apr 17, 2018

    Jesus is too much a threat to Rome, to the Jewish religious authorities, and to the crowds. They all reject his words of life and his invitation to walk in God’s kingdom.

    INTRODUCTION In the movie, “The Lion King” there is the classic plot of good versus evil. There is also a sub-plot of Simba learning what it is to be king. He has to answer the question, “Why will he be king?” Is it to have people do his will? Or, is being a king to serve people. A similar more

  • Receive The Word

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jan 1, 2022

    Who is the Word? Is Jesus God? Let’s find out in John 1:1-18.

    Hymns Thy Word, Ancient Words, Wonderful Words of Life Readings Jeremiah 31:7-9; Psalm 147:12-20; Ephesians 1:3-14 Sermon Who is the Word? Is Jesus God? Let’s find out in John 1:1-18. Jesus is God In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the more

  • Christ Our Passover Is Sacrificed For Us.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Feb 8, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    A perpetual feast to the LORD.

    CHRIST OUR PASSOVER IS SACRIFICED FOR US. 1 Corinthians 5:6-8. The context for this passage is one of church discipline (cf. 1 Corinthians 5:1). The case in point concerns an incestuous affair which, far from addressing, the church seems to have been ‘puffed up’ about (cf. 1 Corinthians 5:2). more

  • Mission To Galilee. Abridged.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Sep 28, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Jesus goes on a purposeful walkabout in Galilee.

    MISSION TO GALILEE. John 1:43-51. 1. PHILIP. The first chapter of John’s Gospel, having opened with a declaration of Jesus as God (John 1:1), closes with Jesus seeming to make an ordinary human decision: to go ‘walkabout’ into Galilee (John 1:43) - perhaps to visit the home of His new more

  • The Contention Concerning The Centurion.

    Contributed by Melvin Shelton on Feb 26, 2004
    based on 25 ratings

    Whenever a change takes place in a church there is often a stir among some of the members. And unfortunately, when the change is good, there is more contention. That tells a great deal about the character of the church.

    The contention concerning the centurion. Acts 11:1 -- 18. 02/25/04 You remember I said a great change came into the early church when the Gentiles got saved. This change produced contention in the early church and Peter was right in the middle of it. “When the apostle’s and brethren that were more

  • Free Us From The Petty Tyrannies

    Contributed by Douglas Kinney on Dec 20, 2007

    Petty arguments, ideas, and beliefs will only tear the church apart.

    Romans 14:2-9 2-4For instance, a person who has been around for a while might well be convinced that he can eat anything on the table, while another, with a different background, might assume he should only be a vegetarian and eat accordingly. But since both are guests at Christ’s table, wouldn’t more

  • Marks Of A Conquering Church

    Contributed by Clarence Clough on Aug 29, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The Church has a God-ordained mission to save sinners and to develop the saints.

    MARKS OF A CONQUERING CHURCH Text: John 14:16-17; Acts 1:1-5 Introduction: *A Complacent Church *A Complaining Church *A Conquering Church Which one could be the most productive for the Kingdom? more

  • Being A Worship Leader

    Contributed by Bob Cook on Aug 15, 2005
    based on 27 ratings

    This is a message written to believers about what worship really is. It is not an event but a lifestyle.

    Being a Worship Leader • Last week Pastor Scott spoke about giving thanks and how not to be swayed by circumstances. • A direct result of being grateful or thankful is an attitude of adoration, love, or reverence. • These are all synonyms for worship. • I am not going to tell you how to more

  • A Love Affair

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Feb 24, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Are you Romantic? - Having a love affair with excitement & adventure in your marriage

    - Love Affair, one of the 1939 Best Picture nominees & Best Actress - Starring Irene Dunne and Charles Boyer - At a premarital counseling the minister asks how long they have know each other - 9 out of ten the groom will answer, ’2 or 3 years, ’ while the bride will say, ’3 or 4 more

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