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  • Cornelius: The God-Fearing Gentile

    Contributed by Scott Coltrain on May 5, 2003
    based on 183 ratings

    This is an examination of the qualities of the first Gentile to be converted to the Christian Faith. As we see, he is an individual who provides inspiration and an example for all.

    One of my favorite conversion stories in the Book of Acts is that of Cornelius, the Roman Centurion. In fact, one of the first sermons I ever delivered came from this passage. In that lesson and even my later studies of the passage, I must admit, I focused more on Peter than on Cornelius. You more

  • Insights Of A Man Named Cornelius

    Contributed by Lee Black on Sep 14, 2002
    based on 76 ratings

    Seeking and finding God.

    Acts 10:1-8,19-22 Insights Of a Man Named Cornelius Intro:Cornelius, the man who was so much - like many today. I. He was a Good Man, According to His Servants.[22] A. He was a Military Man - Centurion. B. He was a Moral Man - “just man, one who fears more

  • Why God Used Cornelius?

    Contributed by Joel Santos on Sep 28, 2004
    based on 34 ratings

    There are qualifications that God is looking for those who would serve Him.

    There are some qualifications that God is looking for those who would serve Him. I. He was a MAN OF CHARACTER (v. 1-2) A. He was a strongman - He is soldier B. He was a devout man C. He was a generous man D. He was an influential man (with all his house) II. He was a MAN OF PRAYER (v.2-4) A. more

  • The Life Of Cornelius Pt 1

    Contributed by Charles La Porte on Jun 18, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Cornelius was: 1. Known by MEN (reputation) 2. Known to GOD(righteous) 3. No PARTIALITY with God (represented)

    Open with Prayer For Garcia Family… Getting back to Character Studies… Today is Cornelius………. Acts 10:1-4 = read & pray Life Lessons From The Life of Cornelius: 1. KNOWN BY MEN = (REPUTATION) Acts 10:1-2, 22-27 Cornelius was a man well loved and respected by his community. the book of acts more

  • The Life Of Cornelius Pt 2

    Contributed by Charles La Porte on Jun 18, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Cornelius was: 1. FILLED with the Holy Spirit 2. OBEYED the Messenger of God 3. PRE-MATURLY bowed his knee

    THE LIFE OF CORNELIUS part 2 Acts 10:23-48 (Freddie Read & Pray) Life Lessons From The Life Of Cornelius: 1. FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT Peter began to preach to those assembled at Cornelius’ house by talking about John the Baptist and continued to the earthly ministry of Jesus as He went about more

  • Cornelius' Friends And Family Day Series

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Oct 16, 2004
    based on 47 ratings

    Welcome to God’s Great Family! God wants a house full of family and he is preparing both the seekers and the speakers when it comes to evangelizing.

    Welcome! We want to extend a special thanks to all our guests who have come to celebrate the worship of our Lord. God’s family is international. We have several Spanish speakers with us today along with all our other friends and family. We want everyone to be able to participate in the worship more

  • Peter Preaches To The Household Of Cornelius

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Apr 24, 2018

    The opening of the Gospel to the Gentiles is a great day for humankind.

    Peter Preaches to the Household of Cornelius Acts 10:34-43 The bringing of the gospel message is one of the watershed events in all of history. Up to this point, the gospel was preached to the Jewish nation. Luke later describes the Jewish-Christian witnesses he brought to Cornelius’ house as the more

  • Cornelius, Thy Prayer Is Heard

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Aug 11, 2016
    based on 24 ratings

    To establish that Cornelius was instructed by the Angel to send for the preacher to hear words whereby he and his entire house might be saved. This lesson deals with the false notion – that God does not hear or answer prayers from the unsaved or sinners.

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 1. The Message of an Angel 2. The Message of Cornelius 3. The Message of Peter Remarks. 1. In our lesson today we are going to be discussing a theme: “Cornelius, thy Prayer is Heard.” These are the words of the angel that instructed him that God has remembered his prayers more

  • When God Changes A Bigot’s Heart Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Aug 9, 2015

    God's plan was always to reach the world. Yet by Acts 10, the Gospel had gone no further than Jews & a few Samaritans. Why? racism & bigotry. In Acts 10, God changed all that in the story of Cornelius, leading to a dramatic salvation that changed history.

    When God Changes a Bigot’s Heart Acts Series Chuck Sligh August 9, 2015 NOTE: A PowerPoint presentation of this sermon is available upon request by emailing me at TEXT: Speaking of the saints and angels around the throne of God in heaven, Revelation 5:9-10 says, more

  • Story Within A Story

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Sep 30, 2015

    God is speaking to you today God is asking you, “Will you follow Him?” “Will you be in a relationship with Him?” please enter a brief summary that helps other preachers know the focus of your sermon

    Genesis 24:1-63 Like many things in the bible, this story has a two-fold meaning! Just like a parable has a physical application and spiritual application. (Sower and the seed, prodigal son, parable of the lost sheep….) I believe each person in this story represents something, a picture of more

  • The Story Behind The Story

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Apr 6, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    If Christ has not been raised our faith is useless, but the fact is, Christ has been raised from the dead... and because He lives, we too will live!

    Title: The Story Behind the Story Text: Mark 16:1-8 (Matthew 28:1-10 and I Corinthians 15:12-20) Thesis: If Christ has not been raised our faith is useless, but the fact is that Christ has been raised from the dead… and because he lives, we too will live! Introduction Did you know that more

  • The Story Behind The Story

    Contributed by Daniel Austin on Mar 3, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    The truth is there is a story behind the story of the entire Bible. It is the story of God and His love and His desire for all to have salvation.

    The Story Behind The Story 10/12/08 PM Text: Various INTRODUCTION: Introduction: Last Sunday I preached a lesson drawn from a story that many are familiar with, one that I pointed out is taught beginning in the youngest of bible classes; the story of Noah. But the lesson went behind the story of more

  • The Story Behind The Story

    Contributed by John Hamby on Jun 28, 2018
    based on 5 ratings

    In these first seven verses of Ruth we are introduced to the family of a man named Elimelech who lived during the days of the judges (v. 1). It is the sad tale of a man who chooses to walk out on the Lord and on God's plan for his life. As a result of his

    Studies in the Book of Ruth “The Story Behind The Story.” Ruth 1:1-7 Only two books of the Bible bear the names of women; they more

  • A Story Within A Story Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Nov 8, 2017

    A study of the book of Acts 6: 8 – 8:1

    Acts 6: 8 – 8:1 A story within a story 8 And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and signs among the people. 9 Then there arose some from what is called the Synagogue of the Freedmen (Cyrenians, Alexandrians, and those from Cilicia and Asia), disputing with Stephen. 10 And they were more

  • The Story Within The Story

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Feb 21, 2024

    Within the Story that John Mark shares in chapter two is the deeper story of the power of forgiveness – for healing and wholeness physically, emotionally and spiritually.

    Scripture: Mark 2:1-12; Psalm 103:2-4 Title: The Story within the Story Within the Story that John Mark shares in chapter two is the deeper story of the power of forgiveness – for healing and wholeness physically, emotionally and spiritually. INTRO: Grace and peace this morning from God more