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  • I Am Bound For The Promised Land Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Feb 21, 2011

    A sermon on Hebrews 3:7-19 about belief (Parts adapted from Jerry Watts's sermon on Sermon Central called "What Am I To Believe?")

    HoHum: A young couple, very much in love, were getting married in church. However, the bride was very nervous about the big occasion and so the preacher chose one verse that he felt would be a great encouragement to them. The verse was 1 John 4:18 which says: There is no fear in love. But perfect more

  • Lessons On Fatherhood From Joseph

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Jul 17, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    A short message for Father’s Day in which we did some significant recognition of our fathers in attendance and remembrance of fathers passed on.

    FATHER’S DAY 2009 “LESSONS ON FATHERHOOD FROM JOSEPH” MATTHEW 1:18-25 For many years, Lou Gehrig held the iron-man record of playing in 2,131 consecutive baseball games. Cal Ripken, Jr. broke that record on September 6, 1995. Ripken gave much of the credit for his success and more

  • The Traits Of A Godly Leader Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on May 28, 2024

    It is evident that the modern church needs godly leaders. We need those who will rise to the occasion and use their spiritual gifts to influence others in a positive manner. We all influence others – either in a positive way or a negative way, but our influence is inevitable.

    The Traits of a Godly Leader Nehemiah 1: 1-4 “Every believer is a minister or servant of God who should be serving God and exerting influence on others through his/her local church. Leadership is one person influencing positively another person. Christian leadership is one believer spiritually more

  • The Presence Of The Lord Is Here

    Contributed by Kraig Pullam on Feb 17, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The presence of God in His church makes the difference.

    It was the day of Pentecost. It was the time of the year when all good Jews would take part in a glorious time of celebration. Pentecost had been in existence for centuries and was a time when all Jews would come before God making their offerings of Thanksgiving for the harvest of the year. As the more

  • The Cost Of The Cross

    Contributed by Joseph Rodgers on Jun 6, 2004
    based on 8 ratings

    A message concerning the cost of following Jesus.

    The Cost of the Cross Introduction The Curiosity of the Call Burning Bush The Chiseling of Character 40 Years The Challenge of Conviction The Lord said The Crisis of Commitment Red Sea Cul de Sac Note: I believe I have inherited a church somewhere between Egypt and the Red Sea. more

  • A Wake Up Call For America

    Contributed by Poly Rouse on Aug 9, 2002
    based on 6 ratings

    A response to the Attack on America

    Introduction: · Where is God? - Illustration Where is God? l The same place He was when our country voted to take Prayer out of our Public Schools. l The same place He was when our country voted murder hundreds of thousands of unborn babies each year. l The same place He was when our more

  • Soul-Winning Opportunities And Prayer

    Contributed by Larry Wolfe on Jul 25, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    A list of ways to win souls and the prayer power necessary for success

    ’Souls for Jesus’ I. SOULWINNING OPPORTUNITIES 1. Supplying Names of Lost Souls: Friends/Neighbors/ Fellow-Workers/Acquaintances 2. Two by Two Soul-winning/Witnessing/’Silent’ Partner 3. Giving Tracts/Church Literature to Lost Souls 4. Inviting more

  • The Despised Gospel

    Contributed by Mitch Davis on Aug 28, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    A general overview of how and why the gospel is despised by man (including a number of disciples who belong to the Lord).

    The Despised Gospel Theme: The true gospel message and commitment is despised by many. INTRODUCTION A. In the name of “mainstream Christianity” the gospel has a very easy flavor: 1. The idea is to get as many people in to their churches. 2. Getting the masses in is wonderful, but not at the expense more

  • The Prodigal Son Series

    Contributed by Dr. Rich Denning on Aug 12, 2016

    THEME: Justifying grace

    INTRODUCTION: All of us have experienced God’s amazing grace. Justifying grace is sometimes called “conversion” grace. It has been described as, “just-if-I-never-sinned.” John Wesley described his experience of justifying grace as the “assurance” of more

  • Proclaimer's Responsibility

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Jun 26, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The responsibility of preachers to proclaim and teach the Word of God in a way that insures there is healthy milk and meat for the children of God to feed upon. Jesus said, “It is written, ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes

    Turn your Bibles to 2 Timothy 2:15 Title: Proclaimer’s Responsibility Theme: When Preaching is Truth Proclaimed Listen as I read 2 Timothy 2:15, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” Let more

  • Living A Life Of Goodness And Peace And Joy In The Holy Spirit (How Christian Ought To Behave)

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Feb 24, 2022

    To preserve the unity and influence of the church, believers must offer mutual acceptance in non-essentials of the Christian faith. They should also resist the temptation to judge one another or condemn one another for what we believe about non-essentials tenets of the faith.

    Sermon “Living a Life of Goodness and Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit” Scripture Lesson: Romans 14:1-17 “Accept other believers who are weak in faith, and don’t argue with them about what they think is right or wrong. 2 For instance, one person believes it’s all right to eat anything. But another more

  • "The Water's Fine"

    Contributed by J. Curtis Goforth, O.s.l. on Jan 6, 2005
    based on 70 ratings

    The Baptism of the Lord First Sunday in Ordinary Time

    One of my favorite movies is made by the Coen Brothers. It is called “O Brother, Where Art Thou.” It features George Clooney and John Turturro as these escaped convicts in the depression of the 1930’s in America. George Clooney is a smooth-talker in jail for practicing law without a license. more

  • The Responsibility Of The Christian Voter

    Contributed by Guy Glass on Feb 9, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Our responsibility to vote

    CHRISTIAN VOTER RESPONSIBILITY INTRODUCTION: Paul declares to Timothy in 2 Tim. 4:2-4 Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction. 3For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. more

  • Acts To All The World PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 29, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon encourages believers to stand firm in their faith like Peter and John, boldly proclaiming their identity in Christ, regardless of opposition.

    Good morning, beloved family of Christ. It warms my heart to see each and every one of you here today, gathered in the name of our Lord, eager to hear His word and to grow in His love. We are here today, not by chance or by habit, but by the divine appointment of our Heavenly Father. Our gathering more

  • Be Sure You Are Saved

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on May 22, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    *4 key questions to help you be sure you are saved.

    Be Sure You Are Saved Luke 23:33-46 Sermon by Rick Crandall McClendon Baptist Church - May 20, 2007 *I recently ran across some alarming statements from several well-known pastors and evangelists. -Billy Graham once said that 75-85% of church members are lost. -Vance Havner estimated that over more

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