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  • Conversion

    Contributed by Garry Code on Feb 21, 2003
    based on 15 ratings

    What it means to be converted

    Afternoon all Jesus said in John 3:3 I tell you the truth, no one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again. Being born again is to be converted, and that’s what I would like to talk about today. What is conversion? Is it as easy as simply believing in Jesus and being baptised? In the more

  • Conversion

    Contributed by Jimmy Chapman on Jan 31, 2001
    based on 230 ratings


    CONVERSION by Jimmy Chapman Matthew 18:3 Introduction: The Greek word translated "conversion" refers to a turning on the part of an individual. When it is applied to salvation it consists of two elements, repentance and faith. Repentance is a turning from and faith is a turning to. In more

  • Conversion

    Contributed by Darrin Fish on Oct 3, 2009

    God has a need for each one of us To do His work – To be disciples To do what He needs us to do - To spread the message Saul’s job was to take the message to the Gentiles Ours is the same We are to take his message to all (the Gentiles) Everyone Who

    Conversion – What is conversion – And why should we worry about it Webster defines conversion as something that’s converted from one use to another • Wwe take something that’s being used for one purpose • and we change it so that it can be used for a whole new purpose Now 1st of all there has more

  • Conversion

    Contributed by Darrin Fish on May 7, 2014

    God has a need for each one of usTo do His work – To be disciples To do what He needs us to do - To spread the message

    Conversion – What is conversion – And why should we worry about it Webster defines conversion as something that’s converted from one use to another • We take something that’s being used for one thing • And we change it so that it can be used for a something more

  • Conversion

    Contributed by Darrin Fish on Sep 3, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    God has a need for each one of us • To do His work – To be disciples • To do what He needs us to do - To spread the message

    Conversion – What is conversion – And why should we worry about it Webster defines conversion as something that’s converted from one use to another • We take something that’s being used for one thing • And we change it so that it can be used for a something more

  • A Radical Conversion Series

    Contributed by Chuck Gohn on Jul 6, 2022

    This sermon focuses on the conversion of Saul and the common theme between his conversion and all subsequent conversions to Christ.

    We are continuing the series called The Story: God’s story as told through the people, places, and events of the Bible. Today, we are going to talk about a conversion. A radical conversion that is found in the ninth chapter of Acts. It is a conversion of a guy named Saul that eventually would more

  • The Greatest Conversion

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Feb 8, 2022

    The conversion of the apostle Paul is one of the most thrilling and inspiring conversions we have ever heard about. Paul truly had a conversion.

    Today the modern churches talk about DECISIONS, not CONVERSIONS! Illus: Someone said to a preacher, “Did you have any decisions last week?” The preacher said, “Yes, I had lots of them. Some DECIDED to go to the mountains and some DECIDED they would go to the beach instead of coming to more

  • Analyzing A Conversion

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Jun 5, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    You could write a book entitled “The Conversions Recorded in the Bible.” This is the story of one of those conversions.

    ANALYZING A CONVERSION Joshua 2:1-24 INTRO: You could write a book entitled “The Conversions Recorded in the Bible.” The book would be thick, for the conversions are numerous. The book would be interesting, for the types of conversions are unique. The book would have a universal appeal, for many more

  • The Greatest Conversion

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 29, 2022

    The conversion of the apostle Paul is one of the most thrilling and inspiring conversions we have ever heard about.

    Today the modern churches talk about DECISIONS, not CONVERSIONS! Illus: Someone said to a preacher, “Did you have any decisions last week?” The preacher said, “Yes, I had lots of them. Some DECIDED to go to the mountains and some DECIDED they would go to the beach instead of coming to more

  • The Conversion Of Saul

    Contributed by Al Lowe on Feb 26, 2003
    based on 26 ratings

    The Lord is one of long suffering patience

    Acts 9:1 PROPOSITION: The Lord is one of long suffering patience. OBJECTIVE: To experience the patience of God. The story of the conversion of Saul has been told through the centuries of the Christian church. Luke found this so important, he gives an entire chapter to it. This conversion makes more

  • A Burning Conversation

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Mar 12, 2002
    based on 65 ratings

    A first person sermon from Moses perspective. It tells of who he was and why he made the decisions he made.

    A BURNING CONVERSATION (An Impersonation) NEEDED: White wig & beard (paste on beard), staff and middle east garb with slanting accent towel tucked into belt TEXT: (Read by another) Exodus 3:1-6 THRUST OF MESSAGE - Moses had been a man who did not need God, but who changed once he met him at the more

  • The Power Of Conversion

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Dec 22, 2000
    based on 84 ratings

    The power of God is revealed in the conversion of Saul

    The Power of Conversion Acts 9:1-9 I. Saul’s Mission A. Saul wanted to destroy the church 1. Saul states his threats a.) Saul makes his disgust of the church known b.) Saul designs a plan to eliminate the church 2. Saul was eager to persecute the Christians a.) Saul approached this issue with more

  • Components Of Conversion

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 39 ratings

    In Acts 9:5 Saul said, "Who are you Lord and what do you want me to do?" Those who are truly converted to Christ have a genuine desire to know the Lord and a willingness to obey Him. Many people think they are children of God, but they only pretend to kno

    In Acts 9:5 Saul said, "Who are you Lord and what do you want me to do?" Those who are truly converted to Christ have a genuine desire to know the Lord and a willingness to obey Him. Many people think they are children of God, but they only pretend to know the Lord and obey His will. Saul’s more

  • Peter's Conversion

    Contributed by Melvin Shelton on Jul 17, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    Peter was brought to Jesus by his brother.

    Peters conversion. John 1: 40 -- 42. 02/19/03 When you read biographies they began with the record of the physical birth of the person being written about. But in our study of the life of Peter, we begin with the record of his spiritual birth. But we cannot begin any sooner in his life, for more

  • Snake Conversations

    Contributed by David Ward on Aug 4, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    A look at the tempter’s tactics from Genesis 3:1-6

    Snake Conversations Genesis 3:1-6 [READ] Introduction: Iron Eyes Cody was the Native American who appeared in the old “Keep America Beautiful” TV commercials. He told an Indian legend from many years ago. Indian youths would go away in solitude to prepare for manhood. One such youth hiked more

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