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  • Gideon And His God Were Soon Forgotten By An Ungrateful Israel [judges 8.33-8.35] Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Oct 18, 2019

    It seems that as soon as Gideon was dead that they put off the worship of Jehovah God and turned to worship foreign gods; particularly, the local Baal gods.

    Chapter 36 Gideon and his God Were Soon Forgotten By an Ungrateful Israel [Judges 8.33-8.35] Scripture 33 And it came to pass, as soon as Gideon was dead, that the children of Israel turned again, and went a whoring after Baalim, and made Baalberith their god. 34 And the children of Israel more

  • Ambassadors For Christ

    Contributed by Kevin Higgins on Nov 3, 2019
    based on 5 ratings

    Every believer represents Christ in this world. This text shows a few ways to represent Him better.

    2 Corinthians 5:11-21 Ambassadors for Christ Oak Ridge Baptist Church October 27, 2019 Introduction Today I want to challenge you with one simple idea. I want to plead with you to give your life to Christ. If you’ve never trusted Jesus Christ as your savior, I plead with you even now to give your more

  • The Authority Principle

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Dec 6, 2019

    A study in the book of Romans 13: 1 – 14

    Romans 13: 1 – 14 The authority principle 1 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will more

  • Thanks Be To God Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 10, 2021

    Paul cannot thank God enough for the blessings and joys of the victorious Christian life. It is a life where the enemies of the cross are defeated, and the captives of darkness are being led out into the light by Christ the conquering King, as He rides in His triumphal train.

    The comedian Joe E. Brown lost his son in World War II. Captain Don Brown was a handsome and healthy strong boy with a quick mind and a flair for leadership. He was student president at UCLA, and student Colonel of ROTC. He was an ideal boy, and as far as father was concerned, the sun rose and more

  • The Pinnacle Of Praise Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 18, 2021

    This is the Hallelujah Chores of the Hebrew hymnal, and it calls for total inclusiveness. Every voice and every instrument are to join in the reverberation of jubilation that fills the universe with praise to God.

    A little girl was saying her prayers, and her mother suggested she ask God to get uncle John a job. The little girl considered this a good idea, and so she included this in her requests. The next evening when it was time to say her prayers again the mother reminded her to pray for uncle John to more

  • Let The Redeemed Of The Lord Say So Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Aug 10, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Psalm 107:1-43 teaches believers to thank God for his deliverance from various perils.

    Introduction How would you like to travel on a small ship for 66 days with about 130 other people and all their belongings? The Pilgrims did that in 1620 on a ship called Mayflower. Mayflower set sail from England in July 1620 but had to turn back twice because its sister ship, Speedwell, more

  • The Love Above All Loves

    Contributed by Michael Collins on Jan 15, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    In this sermon I seek to explore the 4 different kinds of loves that exist today, and how we need to keep God's Divine Agape love at the center of all the 4 loves.

    THE LOVE ABOVE ALL LOVES Uses of the Word Love in the world today 1. Eros (Romantic Love) - This is the love shared between a man and woman who are attracted to each other and is quite often connected with sexual behavior. 2. Phileo (Brotherly Love) - This is the love shared between two friends more

  • The Songs Of Ascent – Part 2 – Psalm 120 – Trouble And Persecution Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jan 27, 2023

    The first Psalm of Ascent looks at trouble and what to do with lying lips and a deceitful tongue. We have difficulties and persecution but God is the Mighty Rock and our refuge. We dwell in an evil world but God is in control!

    THE SONGS OF ASCENT – PART 2 – PSALM 120 – TROUBLE AND PERSECUTION (A). O, THE GRIEF OF THE TROUBLED SOUL {{Psalm 120:1 “In my trouble I cried to the LORD and He answered me.”}} The Introduction for these Psalms has been done in Part 1, and today we commence with Psalm 120, obviously the more

  • Jesus Speaks Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 8, 2021

    It’s here on the Road to Emmaus that you and I learn powerful lessons on how to experience a personal awakening. My aim this morning is this: for you to experience a personal time of worship.

    Good morning to my friends at Cross Church. As you are finding the last chapter of Luke 24, I want to invite you to a powerful time of prayer two Sundays from today. I am calling our church to pray for spiritual awakening. Personal awakening… for our church to awaken, and for our nation to awaken. more

  • Is Free Will Really Free?

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Jul 23, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    The subject of Free Will cannot be simply defined. However, it can be described as the ability of a person to determine within themselves the choices they make and the course of action they take.

    Nowhere in the Bible is there any specific mention of 'Free Will,' the divine will of God, or human free will because it never discusses philosophical subjects of any kind. It is apparent in the Bible that God is regarded as acting freely, and that humans are recognized as free agents to do more

  • Free Indeed

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Jul 26, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Freedom according to the 13th amendment is iffy at best, based upon interpretation and circumstance, but the Bible says in John 8:36 “Whom the son hath set free is free indeed”

    Free Indeed By Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr. OPENING:- According to Wikipedia Slavery is any system in which principles of property law are applied to people, allowing individuals to own, buy and sell other individuals, as a form of property. An enslaved person is unable to withdraw unilaterally more

  • "a New Focus"

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on May 25, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    This is part of a series in Philippians

    Title: “A New Focus” Scripture: Phil. 1:21-26 Type: Expository series Where: GNBC 5-28-23 Intro: One of the best parts of being a pastor is the opportunity I have to perform wedding services. I have been very blessed to be involved in the service for both of my married sons, and soon, my more

  • 2nd Sunday After Epiphany, Year C. Series

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Nov 18, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    January 19th, 2025.

    Isaiah 62:1-5, Psalm 36:5-10, 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, John 2:1-11. A). A JOYOUS PROSPECT. Isaiah 62:1-5. Isaiah’s so-called ‘Song of the Vineyard’ (Isaiah 5:1-7), spoke of a time when judgment and desolation loomed large upon the horizon of his contemporaries. There the husbandman (cf. more

  • "9 Unimaginable Words That Should Guide Every Prayer"

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on Jul 24, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    This is a sermon I preached on the great prayers of the Bible.

    Title: “9 Unimaginable Words that Should Guide Every Prayer” Script: Mt. 26:36-46 Type: Series Where: GNBC 7-26-21 Intro: Shortly before his death as a martyr at the command of Spain’s Phillip II, the principal author of the Belgic Confession, Guido de Brès, wrote from prison the more

  • Do Hard Things Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Jan 22, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    If you want to know God's will, do the will of God you already know.

    I finally came across a national church survey filled with good news from the pews! Here’s the headline from Christianity Today: “9 in 10 Evangelicals Don’t Think Sermons are Too Long.” This study also confirmed what I know to be true among the people of Edgewood: “They’d like to see more more

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