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  • Family Matters Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Jun 29, 2014

    Jesus teaches those around Him a very important lesson concerning family at the end of Mark, Chapter 3. Those who DO the will of God ARE part of His family, and whoever claims Jesus Christ's name today needs to know and act on this immediately!

    Family Matters Mark 3:20-35 Introduction - Pray for Rod: doing well, needs to rest and recover from fusion surgery - Jesus is demonstrated in this book as a “servant” -- He is the ultimate servant; giving Himself clearly for all who will receive -- Key verse: Mark 10:45, more

  • His Name Shall Be Called - 5 Powerful Names Of Jesus

    Contributed by Dr. Stanley Vasu on Mar 28, 2020

    and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 We must claim the promises of God through prayer , obedience, faith and patience.

    5 POWERFUL NAMES OF JESUS OUTLINE 1. WONDERFUL 2. COUNSELLOR 3. THE MIGHTY GOD 4. THE EVERLASTING FATHER 5. THE PRINCE OF PEACE We must claim the promises of God through prayer , obedience, faith and patience. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES Isaiah 9:6 ………. and his name shall be called more

  • Jesus Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Nov 17, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Last in a series on unlikely heroes mentioned in Hebrews 11 using Jesus as an unlikely hero leading into ADvent.

    Chico Alliance Church December 15, 2002 Pastor David Welch “The Ultimate Unlikely Hero” Unlikely Heroes Part Eight Introduction Hebrews 11:32 mentions six individuals used by God to accomplish eternal purposes. All of these individuals had some attribute that qualified them as unlikely candidates more

  • Oh Yeah! Prove It! (Pt. 2)

    Contributed by Chris Talton on Jan 28, 2002
    based on 71 ratings

    It is not enough to claim faith; there should be some evidence to prove your claim.

    James 2:19-26 July 18, 1999 “Oh yeah? Prove it!” Part II Introduction - It is not enough to claim faith; there should be some evidence to prove your claim. Tomorrow evening, one of the most important events that we will conduct all year will begin at 6:30. That event is Vacation Bible more

  • Is There Evidence?

    Contributed by Sonny Thomas, Sr. on Jun 24, 2001
    based on 135 ratings

    If you claim the name of Christian, are there evidences in your life to support that claim?

    I. A Christian Shows Evidences of Believing - v. 21 "And the hand of the Lord was with them: and a great number believed, and turned unto the Lord." Many today claim the name of Christian or profess Christianity as the basis for their lives. However, a large portion of these same individuals do more

  • Can You Believe What Jesus Said? Part 2

    Contributed by Glenn Newton on Jan 17, 2004
    based on 53 ratings

    If you believe that Christ is who he claims he is, the Son of God.... then we need to pay attention to what He has said to us..... that’s where our study of His Word takes on life and relevance in our life......

    Can You Believe What Jesus Said? Part 2 Pastor Glenn Newton Jan. 4, 2003 John 14: 12-21 12 “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, more

  • Because Of The Great I Am – In Christ, I Am… Series

    Contributed by Mitch Davis on Jul 10, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus’ claim to deity means nothing if that claim wasn’t backed by the act of deity: salvation for mankind. Ultimately, those in Christ, as blessed with EVERY spiritual blessing.

    Because of the Great I Am – in Christ, I am… Theme: Counting all the blessings I have because I’m in Christ. Ephesians 1:3-14 INTRODUCTION A. Jesus’ claim to deity means nothing if that claim wasn’t backed by the act of deity: salvation for mankind. B. For those who accepted His claim, believed more

  • The Jesus Family Tomb: Have We Found The Bones Of Jesus?

    Contributed by Galen Hackman on May 23, 2007

    The Christian faith is founded on the confession that Jesus has Risen. If the Tomb that has been making all the news lately is that of Jesus, what impact does it have on the Christian Faith? Can we still believe?

    The Jesus Family Tomb: Have we found the bones of Jesus? John 20:1-18 A few weeks ago, on March 4th, the Discovery Channel aired a documentary entitled “The Lost Tomb of Jesus.” If you saw it, you may have noticed right up front that it was very well done. Obviously behind its production more

  • Jesus

    Contributed by Dr. Jwt Spies on Apr 10, 2021

    The Lord's Power, Verses Man Power

    I’m reminded of a young man by the age of 30 who has received many of the things that he wanted in life. He received the nice expensive car that he desired, he moved into his dream house with 10 bedrooms, and 12 bathrooms. His bank account has reached an astronomical peak, he married the center more

  • A Charge Of Being A Rabble-Rouser Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on May 23, 2023

    The fourth reaction to Jesus’ claims comes from the religious and civil authorities. It paints a clear picture of men in every generation who reject or oppose Jesus. That’s because what Jesus says is tragic for all unbelievers.

    We have been studying the reactions of the people to Jesus’ claims for the past 3 studies. Tonight, we are going to look at a fourth reaction. The fourth reaction to Jesus’ claims comes from the religious and civil authorities. It paints a clear picture of men in every generation who reject or more

  • Jesus Is The Total Package

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Aug 14, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    In Jesus we have everything we need for salvation and for life in this world.

    Last week the Minnesota Timberwolves traded the superstar Kevin Garnett to the Boston Celtics in exchange for seven players. What does it feel like to know that you are worth seven men? Obviously KG, as he’s known among NBA fans, must be pretty good. He is. He’s the total package. This 6’11’’ more

  • Jesus: Son Of Man

    Contributed by Kevin Higgins on Jan 27, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    Some important truths concerning Jesus’ use of this title.

    Matthew 18:11 Jesus, Son of Man Woodlawn Baptist Church December 2001 Introduction Whether we were ready or not, Thanksgiving has come and gone, and we are now in those few weeks that will be spent in the mad rush of shopping and preparing for meals, for family, decorating, visiting, and so more

  • The Cost Of Preaching Jesus Series

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Jun 22, 2022

    Russian born, author Ariel Durant wrote: “There is no significant example in history, before our time, of a society successfully maintaining moral life without the aid of religion.” “The greatest question of our time is . . . whether men can live without God.”

    In Jesus Holy Name June 26, 2022 Text: Acts 4:12 Redeemer Lutheran “The Cost of Preaching Jesus” Russian born, author and researcher Ariel Durant helped her husband William Durant co author their book: The Story of Civilization. She wrote: “There is no more

  • He Is Worthy: The Excellency Of Jesus! Series

    Contributed by Rickey Bennett on Aug 16, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The excellency of Jeus makes him our majestic master; let’s worship him as he deserves.

    INTRODUCTION As the way of introduction to today’s sermon, permit me to share with you the content of a dream of mine. In my dream, I was setting in the back of the chapel during a worship service when a guest pastor was preaching. His sermon was interesting to most, monotonous to a few, and more

  • Seve Words That Rocked The World Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Aug 20, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus stands alone as a man who claimed to be alive before Abraham and He predicted He would come back from the grave.

    INTRODUCTION Today we’re going to talk about “Seven Words that Rocked the World.” We’ve all heard about the seven sayings of Jesus from the cross. But these seven words were spoken at the empty tomb of Jesus. They were spoken in a cemetery. Cemeteries can be spooky places. more

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