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  • Life Is Difficult Series

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Sep 25, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Sermon #4 in the Truths we must believe series extracted from "Truths we must Believe" by Dr. Chris Thurman. Truth #4 is "Life is Difficult" and companion texts are John 16:33 and Gal. 6:7-8.

    Title: Life is Difficult Series: TRUTHS We Must Believe #4 CHCC: August 26, 2012 John 16:33; Galatians 6:7-8 INTRODUCTION: In this series on TRUTHS we must believe, we’ve examined 3 truths so far: To err is human; You can’t please everyone; and last week Ronnie talked about the more

  • Enjoy Life

    Contributed by Troy Campbell on Oct 5, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    If you’re a Christian, you should be enjoying life. If you are born again, if you have made Jesus Christ your Lord, you should be so satisfied, so joyful, so overflowing with life that you should seem almost ridiculously optimistic to the unbelievers aro

    Title: Enjoy Life Text: John 10:9-11 If you’re a Christian, you should be enjoying life. If you are born again, if you have made Jesus Christ your Lord, you should be so satisfied, so joyful, so overflowing with life that you should seem almost ridiculously optimistic to the unbelievers more

  • Life Of John Series

    Contributed by Mark Driscoll on Oct 12, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    John understood that the most important thing for the children of God, with a feeble breath and the few words he could say, that they were supposed to love each other.

    Next week we begin the Gospel of John. I just finished the book of Exodus. And so what I wanted to do by way of transition this week was to introduce you to John – not just the things that he has to say, not just his ideas and his concepts and his theology, as wonderful as that is, but to introduce more

  • The Godly Life Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Oct 15, 2011
    based on 35 ratings

    Living the godly life. What is it? What will it take? 1- The godly life will center on Christ 2- The godly life will bring on persecution 3- The godly life will rely on scripture

    INTRO.- The Godly life is NOT what many people want. I think many people would rather have the world and all of its goodies. ILL.- How would you like to own a 5000 square foot home with 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, three car garage, etc.? We’re talking $500,000 to $600,000 home. And let’s say you have more

  • Possessor Of Life Series

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Oct 18, 2011

    In this brief study we will take a walk through the book of Acts highlighting some of the more significant verses and ideas presented by Luke. I have drawn some material from "Act Normal" by Scott Wilson.

    Acts Pt3- Possessor of Life Last weeks Challenge -continue- read Acts- turn a verse into a prayer for yourself/church- share verse prayed. Review/Recap Looked at- miracle of Pentecost/birth of- early church. The church had a strong sense of fellowship/unity. The HS unifies people around the more

  • The Christian Life

    Contributed by Joshua Hetrick on Oct 23, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    The Christian Life

    THE LIFE OF A CHRISTIAN Col. 2:6-7 INTRODUCTION: 1. The life of a Christian is the greatest in this world. 2. “Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it's been found difficult and not tried.” (G.K. Chesterton, quoted in Swindoll, Hand Me Another Brick, Thomas Nelson, more

  • The Path Of Life Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Jul 30, 2013

    Psalm 16 pictures the resurrection of Jesus which makes it possible to choose the path of life.

    This week the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, more commonly known and William and Kate, announced that they are going to have a baby. And it’s really not surprising that when their child is born sometime next year, the whole world will watch and will celebrate the birth of the child who will more

  • New Life Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Aug 6, 2013
    based on 2 ratings

    Everything is transformed in our lives because of the cross of Christ. The old life is dead and gone. We are now living a new life.

    Colossians 3:1-11 “New Life” INTRODUCTION The tale of “The Ugly Duckling” begins, when a mother duck's eggs hatch. One of the little birds is perceived by the other birds and animals on the farm as a homely little creature and suffers much verbal and physical abuse more

  • Life's Greed

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Aug 8, 2013

    To show that we need to guard ourselves from love of money and to honor the LORD with our wealth.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you greedy for wealth? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that we need to guard ourselves from love of money and to honor the LORD with our wealth. IV. TEXT: Luke 12:15 (Amplified Bible) And He said to them, Guard yourselves and keep free from all more

  • A Wild Life Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Aug 25, 2013
    based on 38 ratings

    Jesus saved us to live a wild and adventurous life. But how can we do that? We're not apostles like Peter and John were. We don't have their courage and experience. We're just common ordinary folks... or are we?

    OPEN: When we first started this series, I sang the chorus to “Born To Be Wild” (by Steppenwolf). This morning I want to sing for you the 1st phrase of the first verse of that song: “Get your motor runnin' - Head out on the highway. Lookin' for adventure and whatever comes our more

  • Life And Doctrine

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Sep 3, 2013

    To prove that our lifestyle and the Bible or what we preach should be the same.

    I. EXORDIUM: Is your life and doctrine the same? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To prove that our lifestyle and the Bible or what we preach should be the same. IV. TEXT: 1 Timothy 4:16 (Amplified Bible) Look well to yourself [to your own personality] and to [your] more

  • The Ultimate Life! Series

    Contributed by Kyle Sullivan on Nov 10, 2014

    The Holy Spirit makes it possible for us to live the Ultimate life.

    Key Word: Spirit used 19 times. Key Phrase: “In Christ Jesus” used 164 times in all. Our Life The Holy Spirit Makes Possible For Us To Live: 1) A Life without Condemnation. Vs. 1-4 Key: God is not angry with me anymore! John 3:17-18 2) A Life without Domination. Vs. more

  • The Life Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Nov 11, 2014

    Jesus is superior to anyone/anything in the Old Testament. He is the fulfillment of all the rituals, symbols & prophecies found there.

    Hebrews Sermon Series #15 June, 18, 2014 The Life of Faith A Jesus is superior to anyone/anything in the Old Testament. 1 He is the fulfillment of all the rituals, symbols & prophecies found there. a Hebrews 10:37-38 (NKJV) 37 "For yet a little while, And He who is coming will come and will not more

  • The Generous Life Series

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Nov 18, 2014

    Are you tight with your treasure? You’ll be tight with your heart as well. It’s the age old battle that we all fight… the battle between selfishness and generosity. Truly, it is more blessed to give generously than it is to receive.

    The Generous Life John 12:1-8 Six days before the Passover, Jesus arrived at Bethany, where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. 2 Here a dinner was given in Jesus' honor. Martha served, while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him. 3 Then Mary took about a pint more

  • Life Is A Highway Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Nov 25, 2014

    Jesus teaches us that life is like a highway and we can choose a road that leads to death and destruction, or a road that leads to life and blessing.

    TRANSFORMATION #6: LIFE IS A HIGHWAY REVIEW THE TRANSFORMATION SERIES: For the past two months, we have been going through the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. We have learned that when we put God’s Word into practice in our lives, we can be transformed. INTRO TO TOPIC: Many people more

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