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  • Christians Are Called To Christian Service.

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Mar 6, 2007
    based on 20 ratings

    We as Christians are called to Christian Service. We are saved to serve. He wants us to serve Him as son or daughter with that type of relationship. However, also as a servant. This outline shares the five callings of a child of God.

    Christians are called to Christian Service. John 1:12 I. God calls us first to son ship (John 1:12 KJV) But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: A. As His Children we are part of the Family of God 1. This is the more

  • Discipleship: Christianity’s Everest

    Contributed by John Mulholland on Nov 7, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Discipleship, the daily living for Christ, is the most difficult thing that we will ever do.

    Discipleship: Christianity’s Everest January 31, 2010 A Disciple of Jesus Reads God’s Word. A Disciple of Jesus is Engaged in Prayer. A Disciple of Jesus Loves Others in Attitude and Action. A Disciple of Jesus Desires to Reach the Lost. A Disciple of Jesus is Engaged in Worship as a Lifestyle. more

  • The Christian’s Top Priorities

    Contributed by Rodelio Mallari on Nov 14, 2010
    based on 9 ratings

    Priorities are things that consume most of our time and energy. It gives life meaning, happiness and fulfillment.

    Intro: Priorities -- things that consume most of our time and energy. It gives life meaning, happiness and fulfillment. (Examples: family, loved ones, work, career, friends, health, hobbies, travel, personal growth). What are your priorities? I. EXALTING THE SAVIOUR (Psa. 115:1) A. Devoted more

  • Abraham, The Christian’s Precursor Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Aug 20, 2018

    In many ways, Abraham is a prototype of you, the follower of Jesus Christ.

    Abraham, the Christian’s Precursor Hebrews 11:8-19 1. One Greek man and a Turkish man were friends. Both went to a famous Chocolate store in Greece. When everyone in the shop was busy, the Turk stole 3 chocolates from the store. After coming out the Turk said, “Haw! I stole three chocolates and no more

  • Work Or Chance? Series

    Contributed by Donovan Myers on Jun 15, 2007

    Gambling is ok because it doesnt hurt anybody, right??

    I wish to continue my deliberation on the Value of Work by looking at Gambling. There has always been the enticement to put out a little with the hope to win a lot. And it is an even greater enticement when we have things likes the lottery. So that since life is so hard and money is so scarce, more

  • Think On These Things

    Contributed by Robert Glass on Oct 15, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    What should a Christian Focus his thoughts on.

    Think On These Things Every moment of every minute in every hour of every day, we are thinking. You are even thinking right now. The daily Newspaper gives us things to think about, the cable TV is full of things to think about; even the car radio more

  • The Wrong Way To Be Right - Philippians 3:1-10 Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on Jan 27, 2022

    The question of how to be a good person is one of the (few) essentials of Christianity. It begins with rejoicing.

    Philippians 3:1 Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord! It is no trouble for me to write the same things to you again, and it is a safeguard for you. 2 Watch out for those dogs, watch out for those men who do evil, watch out for the mutilation. 3 For it is we who are the circumcision, we who more

  • The Principle Of Edification

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Aug 19, 2013

    A sermon on Romans 14:13-21 on how to handle people who are Christians but they are different from us in their opinions (Material adapted from Dave Swavely's book, Who Are You to Judge? and outline from Don Robinson)

    HoHum: Been a few Sunday’s since preached in the morning. Several topics I thought about: the evils of tobacco, the evils of tattoos/ piercings, public, private or homeschooling, how modern country music, rap music, and rock music are all the devil’s music, a woman who wears pants or more

  • Back To Your Future Series

    Contributed by Gregg Barbour on Aug 23, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Help students learn to make right choices that will affect their future

    Back to your Future!!! Choices 2 gregg barbour. JAM. 8.31.03 Let’s say you wake up tomorrow and there’s a time machine sitting in your driveway!!! Doctor Emmit Brown jumps out of the 1985 DeLorean and says, “(insert name here), you’ve got to come back with me!!!” Back to the Future! Wow! You’ve more

  • 12 Kinds Of Voices Every Christian Should Know About Series

    Contributed by Dag Heward-Mills on Jan 10, 2011
    based on 14 ratings

    Everyone struggles to make important decisions. But what is the right choice as a Christian? Find out how to distinguish between the many voices that speak to us and make the right decision.

    There are, it may be, so MANY KINDS OF VOICES in the world, and none of them is without signification. 1 Corinthians 14:10 [KJV] One of the greatest desires of all serious Christians is to know the will of God. With a little experience in life, anyone can tell that there are many different ways more

  • Laying Down My Rights Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Aug 18, 2022

    The kingdom of God is brought near to others when I gladly lay down my rights for the good of others

    ENGAGE I want to begin this morning by asking you to fill in the blanks in the two statements at the top of your sermon outline. Just write down the first thing that comes to mind and not what you think I want you to write down. In order to be a “good Christian” you must: In order to be a “good more

  • Integrity PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 26, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon aims to explore and understand the power of integrity, the responsibility of unity, and the blessing of doing right.

    Good morning, church family. I am thrilled to see you all gathered here today, eager and open to receive God's word. Today, we're going to delve into the heart of Galatians, specifically Galatians 6:1-5, where we will explore The Power of Integrity, The Responsibility of Unity, and The Blessing of more

  • How To Do Right When You've Been Wronged

    Contributed by Tommy Jackson on Aug 31, 2002
    based on 234 ratings

    How should a Christian react to being wronged?

    How To Do Right When You’ve Been Wronged Open: The title of my message this morning is: “HOW TO DO RIGHT, WHEN YOU’VE BEEN WRONGED” It happens to all of us at one time or another. We know we didn’t do anything wrong, we were innocent in the situation. We didn’t provoke or incite, but someone more

  • Standing Steadfast In Righteousness

    Contributed by Phillip Smith on Oct 25, 2024

    We are about to embark upon a great privilege given us by God Almighty, an offering of participation in the future of our lives; whether to abide in the guidance of God Almighty or to be left to the abominations of the king–nation’s leader.

    We have heard it said that we must obey the powers of earth; kings, rulers, laws, etc. for they have been ordained by God. Romans 13:1. 13 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Is this an absolute command? Are we more

  • Lesson 2: How To Know The Line Between Right And Wrong

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Mar 24, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    How to know how sin affects our relationship with Christ, and what God expects of us.

    A. WHAT GOD EXPECTS OF YOU 1. Separate from sin. “Be ye holy, for I am holy” (I Peter 1:16). 2. Perfection. “You shall be perfect, just as your Father in Heaven” (Matt. 5:48). B. WHAT IS THE LINE BETWEEN RIGHT AND WRONG? Anything that dims my vision of Christ, or more

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