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  • The Great Teacher Learns Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Apr 30, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    If we are secure in our walk with God, we are free to consider potentially positive changes.

    The Great Teacher Learns (Exodus 18) 1. This coming week is teacher’s appreciation week. 2. The number of all teachers in the United States is 6.2 million, and that does not include home-schooling parents! About 71% are female. 3. One of the greatest legends in teaching was a 17th century more

  • Is It Christian Or Is It Convenient

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Jul 1, 2001
    based on 107 ratings

    This sermon looks at how we may have to choose between being a true Christian, or simply taking the path of convenience in our walk with the Lord. Jeroboam is the main character.

    IS IT CHRISTIAN OR CONVENIENT I Kings 11:26-40, 2 Timothy 2:1-30, Text I Kings 12:25-33 Early 2/26/93 .ls2 We live in a world intent on making things convenient for us. There are a host of things that have made living more conven ient and human bodies more lazy. We no longer more

  • Counterfeit Christianity

    Contributed by Abraham Shanklin on Jan 31, 2004
    based on 35 ratings

    In other words, John was declaring one of the evidences of last times is the increase of false Christians, false church members, false teachers inside the church and outside the church.

    Living The Life: Counterfeit Christianity Scripture Reference: 1 John 2:18 – 27 Introduction There was a game show that debut on television December 18, 1956 entitled, “To Tell The Truth”. Three contestants claim to be the same person. A celebrity panel asks them questions, and must guess who’s more

  • A Christian Carol

    Contributed by James May on Dec 18, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    A sermon based upon the story of Scrooge in Charles Dickens’ "Christmas Carol". Let the Holy Spirit reveal your past, present and future.

    A Christian Carol Sunday, December 18, 2005 – AM By Pastor Jim May Let us take a journey this morning. It’s a journey that will begin right where you are now, for where else can we really begin? Today I want us to think of one of the greatest works of literature, penned by Charles Dickens, and more

  • Christian Cowards Series

    Contributed by David Scudder on Oct 5, 2008

    A fresh vision of Christ is the only way we can face life’s trials with joy.

    Christian Cowards Revelation 2:18-29 Purpose: To alert us to the danger of having false teachers in the church. Aim: I want the listener to cling to holiness. INTRODUCTION: We are in constant danger of letting our view of Christ get out of focus. Pergamum allowed heretics in the pew, Thyatira more

  • Salty Christians

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Jul 9, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus' says "Ye are the salt of the earth." This sermon looks at 3 characteristics of salt to show how Christians should influence the world around them.

    Salty Christians Chuck Sligh July 8, 2012 A PowerPoint presentation of this sermon is available by mailing a request to me at VIDEO CLIP: Deep Thoughts from a Shallow Christian: Salt of the Earth (51 sec.) TEXT: Matthew 5:13 – “Ye are the salt of the earth: more

  • Christian Warfare Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 25, 2021

    The Christian does not win in the war with evil by making the enemy suffer. He wins by suffering for the sake of the enemy. This is the new message of the cross.

    William H. Taft, the 27th President of the United States, was a big man in more ways than one. When he was inaugurated in 1909 at age 51 he weighed 325 pounds. His goal was not to become President, however, but to be the chief justice of the Supreme Court. In 1921 he achieved his goal and became more

  • 2008 Is Gonna Be Great!

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Dec 18, 2009

    Encouragement for the new year

    2008 is Gonna be GREAT! December 30, 2007 A reporter covering a coal-mine disaster wrote a story that began: “God looked at the grief today in this little West Virginia mining town, and He wept.” The city editor emailed back: “Forget the mine cave-in. Interview God.” Obviously, getting to know more

  • So Great A Salvation Series

    Contributed by Lonnie Erwin on Jan 28, 2015

    Hebrews 2:1 states that we "must give more attention"; attention to "The message" of the Good News of Jesus Christ. This salvation is prophetic in the sense that the Old Testament prophets foretold of its coming in of the incarnate Jesus

    Title: "So Great A Salvation" Big Idea: (I) Salvation Promised, (II) Salvation Realized, (III) Salvation Received Text: 1 Peter 1:10-12 Of this salvation the prophets have inquired and searched carefully, who prophesied of the grace that would come to you, 11 searching what, or what manner of more

  • The Great Denominational Explosion Series

    Contributed by Keith Foskey on Jul 11, 2014

    Following the reformation, the church fragmented into many denominations. This lesson examines the question of what makes a church a true, biblical church.

    So far in our lessons, we have walked through church history and made some very significant stops along the way, examining some of the great creeds and confessions, councils and synods, and some of the great divisions within the church. Tonight, we are going to be examining the advent of more

  • Great Commission And Ascension Series

    Contributed by Fred Sigle on May 17, 2024

    This is a study of the gospel of Mark regarding the life of Jesus. It is based on my personal study and research of Scripture and many books and sermons I have read over the years. (PREACHED DURING COVID SHUT DOWN)

    GOSPEL OF MARK: GOD’S SERVANT IN ACTION GREAT COMMISSION AND ASCENSION 4/19/20 – Garfield Good morning, Family. I hope and pray that you and your family continue to be healthy and safe. And I hope during this time that we are having to shelter in you have been spending time in God’s Word and in more

  • The Wardrobe Of A Christian

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Oct 20, 2008
    based on 10 ratings

    There are three important items of apparel in every Christian’s spiritual wardrobe. All three are to be worn at their appropriate time.

    THE WARDROBE OF A CHRISTIAN Daniel said: "So I gave attention to the Lord God to seek Him by prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes. And I prayed to the Lord my God and confessed and said, ’Alas, O Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant and loving-kindness more

  • The Christian And Fasting Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Nov 26, 2019

    Perhaps, the most misunderstood and most misapplied teaching in the Bible is the teaching of fasting.

    The Christian and Fasting Matthew 6:16-18 Perhaps, the most misunderstood and most misapplied teaching in the Bible is the teaching of fasting. Down through the ages, it has been a method of displaying something on the outside that was supposed to be prevalent on the inside. It supposedly used to more

  • The Unrapturable Christian

    Contributed by Dotun Jegede on Oct 17, 2022

    Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh

    Whilst having a very serious conversation with my wife this early morning, i told her plainly: " I didn't just marry you for procreation, enjoyment and earthly companionship only, i must do all things by possible means and at whatever cost to get you, the children, the entire family, more

  • Missions: The Great Mandate

    Contributed by Kevin Higgins on Feb 26, 2004
    based on 175 ratings

    Missons must be the heartbeat of our church.

    Matthew 28:18-20 Missions: The Great Mandate Introduction A. Beginning today and continuing through the 18th of this month I want to bring a short series of messages that deal with this subject of missions. It has been rightly said that missions is the heartbeat of God, and it must also be more

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