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Sermons on chistmas:

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  • The Nature Of Chistmas Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Dec 1, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Christmas doesn’t come from a store it comes from God.

    The Nature of Christmas Text: Matt. 1:18-25 Introduction 1. Illustration: "Fa-who-for-ay; da-who-dor-ay; welcome, Christmas, come this way; Fa-who-for-ay; da-who-dor-ay; welcome, Christmas, Christmas day." They continue, singing, "Christmas day is in our grasp so long as we have hands to more

  • Chistmas Is Jesus

    Contributed by John Crowe on Dec 27, 2016

    This is a Christmas Eve service. I introduced each major point by taking an ornament from our tree.

    Christmas is Jesus Christmas Eve service December 24, 2016 River Bend Baptist Church Merry Christmas! - Peace on Earth - Good will to Man The story of Jesus’ birth starts long before Joseph and Mary were visited by the angel. Prophets, hundreds of years before Jesus was born told about more

  • The Gift Of Christmas Part 5 " Remembering The Reason After The Season" Series

    Contributed by Randy Edwards on Jan 2, 2018

    part 5 of our 2017 Christmas series

    The Gift of Christmas Part 4 “Remembering the Reason after the Season” Luke 2:21-38 Today we are going to wrap up our Christmas series with a final sermon from the gift of Christmas We started this series a few weeks before Christmas With a sermon called What Mary did not know And saw in more

  • Twelve Days Of Christmas

    Contributed by Arlen Payne on Nov 2, 2005
    based on 78 ratings

    The sermon is based on the song "The Twelve Days of Chistmas" and give the meaning for each of the Gifts.

    12 Days of Christmas Deut. 6:4-9 Intro. One of the responsibly of parents is to teach their children about the Lord. -It is also part of the great commission. Matthew 29:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: more

  • Did You Get What You Asked For This Christmas

    Contributed by Craig Smee on Jan 3, 2005
    based on 20 ratings

    A look at what we asked for and what we got, compared to what Christ is asking of us and what we give him.

    Did You Get What You Wanted? So did you get what you needed? Those gifts, were they practical, sentimental, nice to haves, or something you just wanted for quite some time? For the children, Christmas is something that is too long in the coming, and is over far too quickly. QUESTION AND more

  • Candlelighting Sermon: The Responses To The First Christmas

    Contributed by Roy Hartzell on Dec 19, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    The innkeeper's, shepherds', Herod's,religious leaders', wise men's, and Mary's response to Jesus' birth in poem and Hymn.

    The Responses To The First Christmas (adapted from “A Savior Has Been Born” by Melvin Newland; Lk 2:1-20 In the last 15-20 years we have seen a lot of change in how people of this country respond to Christmas. There seems to more and more avoidance of the use of the name of more

  • Narnia: Delivering A Grown Up Story To The Child Within

    Contributed by Daniel Donaldson on Nov 27, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    Can the words of this inspired author take us to a place of deeper, yet childlike faith in the story behind the story of Christmas, in a land called Narnia?

    Narnia: Delivering a Grown Up Story to the Child Within Dan Donaldson November 27, 2005 In a few days, in fact already, you will be subjected to a massive advertising campaign to urge you to take your children to see a new film, “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.” The timing was no accident. more

  • Come Home For Christmas

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Dec 14, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    It is normal to have a longing for home, especially during the Christmas Holy Days. Before God created mankind, he had a plan on the drawing board. His plan was to create an environment in which He would place mankind.

    TITLE: COME HOME FOR CHRISTMAS SCRIPTURE: ST. LUKE 2:3 ++++We are now in full swing with our “COME HOME FOR CHISTMAS” Campaign. Post cards have been and are being mailed out to many of our friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, inviting them to come visit and perhaps connect and more

  • Consummation: God Reigns

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Dec 29, 2016

    Jesus is returning as the king. He came in the cradle, died on the cross and will return as king.

    Consummation: God Reigns Revelation 21-22 Rev. Brian Bill December 31-January 1, 2016 Now that Christmas is over, maybe people will start being nicer to each other again. Several years ago, I was at a store doing Christmas shopping and a lady told me that I was ignorant. I almost agreed with her more