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  • Growing Younger Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jan 27, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    Hebrews tells us that, if we've been Christians for any length of time, we ought to be teaching. But how do I do that, and why should I bother?

    The comic strip “Peanuts” (by Charles Schultz) often had a Biblical theme to it. In one of his comic strips, Lucy and Linus were staring out the window watching it rain and Lucy says… "Boy! Look at it pour. What if it floods the whole world?" Linus says: "It won't. In Genesis more

  • Eulogy Charles Marcus

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Jan 24, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Charles was a believer in Christ whom I had the privilege of watching growing in Christ from a very worldly perspective to a disciple of Jesus Christ.

    Charles Marcus What would you do, if you had one week left to live? You would probably begin to realize what is really important in your life? You’d realize that some of things you’re dying to have really do not matter that much in the long run. Death more

  • The Escape Of Charles Ii

    Contributed by Jody Marsh on Sep 10, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Ten Biblical lessons for the story of Charles II fall and restoration.

    I dressed up as King Charles II and gave this sermon in the first person. PowerPoint slides are available. email to get them Greetings and Salutations. I am King Charles II. Some of you may know my great great great great great great great great great great great more

  • King Charles' Coronation

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on May 6, 2023

    It isn't irrelevant. It isn't just pageantry. It's a model for the commissioning of every leader.

    Yesterday, I imagine that most of us were glued to our televisions from about 11 to 1 watching King Charles' and Queen Camilla’s coronation. For most of us, this was the first time in our lifetimes that we’d witnessed such an event. It was an extraordinary spectacle. What did you think of it? more

  • Changing Places

    Contributed by Bobby Mcdaniel on Feb 27, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    How would the world see you if Christ fully changed places with your heart for one day? Would they see a noticeable difference?

    Scripture Ref: Philippians 2:1-5 Ephesians 4:22-25 Other Ref: Wiersbe’s Expository Outlines Believer’s Bible Commentary 1. Introduction a. In 1882 Mark Twain published the novel The Prince and the Pauper in the United States. b. Set in 1547, the novel tells the story of two young more

  • To Be Series

    Contributed by Richard White on Oct 5, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    The beatitudes don’t tell us how to be saved, but how to live because we are saved.

    The Be-Attitudes 9/1/02 When Jesus spoke these words, he was sitting down on a hillside teaching his disciples. These words are not generic lifestyle guides; they are the Master’s teaching for living a fulfilled life. While most may call these “Beatitudes” I call them the “To Be” attitudes. If more

  • Four Things That Bring Blessing

    Contributed by Charles Salmon on Sep 30, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Blessings stem from forgiveness, obedience, unselfish service, and faithfulness.

    Four Things that Bring Blessing. Matt. 16:17 INTRO.: in our text, Jesus declares Peter to be blessed or happy because he has just received from the Father great truth and has confessed Jesus to be Christ. It’s hard for us to realize how much happiness would come to a Jew because he discovered the more

  • How To Dwell Securely

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Aug 26, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    ❶ Be Realistic ❷ Be Informed ❸ Be Confiden

    How to Dwell Securely Ps 91 Where did the term “security blanket” come from? (June 1, 1954) Charles Schultz, creator of the comic strip “Peanuts” pictures one of his characters, Linus van Pelt, tenaciously clinging to his security blanket. Linus is unusually smart, and more

  • Christmas - A Fairy Tale? Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Dec 23, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Is the Christmas story a fairy tale? This message suggests that it is not. It is in fact the greatest and truest of all tales.

    Ron Walters tells the following story in Preaching magazine. During the 1960s, a phenomenon called “Peanuts” was born. The comic strip began popping up in newspapers across America. It was destination reading. The cartoon’s childlike characters and modest storylines had become the more

  • F + 0 = 0 Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Sep 5, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Genuine faith in Jesus Christ bears fruit in our souls and shows itself in action.

    MONDAY MORNING QUARTERBACK SERIES F + 0 = 0 JAMES 2:14-26 #JAMESatCCC INTRODUCTION… Math Woes (p) How many of you here like math… enjoy math… maybe have dreams about being a math teacher? You people are strange. I dislike math and it is all math’s fault. My dislike for math started when I was more

  • The Christmas Story: Responding To God's In-Breaking Kingdom: Jesus Is Come Series

    Contributed by Marty Boller on Dec 15, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    #4 in a series: A look at some of the better known characters of the Christmas Story, learning from their experiences as God’s In-Breaking Kingdom brought the incarnation of Jesus Christ to planet earth and into their personal lives.

    If you would like a free MP3 audio file of this teaching, please email us @ and mention the teaching MP3-20061224. It’s Christmas Eve! Christmas 2006 Do you have your Christmas shopping done yet? If you’re a guy…you might be saying…Hey…I still have 24 hours. That’s plenty of time more

  • What Kind Of Excuse Do You Have?

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on May 12, 2011
    based on 8 ratings

    Everybody seems to have an excuse why they can’t or don’t serve the Lord!

    A man who bought a brand new Mercedes and got out on the interstate. It was a convertible and the top was down, the breeze was blowing through his hair, and he decided he would open it up to see what it could do. The needle hit 80 miles an hour, then 90, then 100, then 110, then 120, even 130. All more

  • 09 Life Encounter: It's Persuasion Series

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Jun 10, 2008

    ❶ Unpersuaded ❷ The Persuasion ❸ Why Be Persuaded? ❹ Steps To Persuasion

    PEANUTS with Charlie Brown (CB) - Peanuts debuts in seven newspapers October 2, 1950 - Peanuts ran in over 2,600 newspapers - Readership of 355 million in 75 countries, and was translated into 21 languages. - Last Peanuts strip January 3, 2000 - Charles Schulz dies Feb. 12 - Charles Schultz, more

  • Surrounded By Something Better - Funeral Message For Charles Shirah

    Contributed by Danny Janes on Jan 9, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Funeral message for a male believer. Ideal for an avid sports fan.

    SURROUNDED BY SOMETHING BETTER Funeral Message for Charles Shirah Text: Hebrews 12:1-2 As I started to prepare for Charles funeral today – there was a passage of scripture that just kept coming to my mind. That’s not really odd itself. But the unusual thing was that I’ve been more

  • As Worthless As A Dead Battery Series

    Contributed by Chris Anderson on Mar 19, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Message 5 in a series through James that helps us explore the relationship between faith and works in our lives. James was the half-brother of Jesus and the leader of the church in Jerusalem

    I have the good pleasure of working alongside several self-proclaimed mechanical ignoramuses. And between these two guys, they have a LOT of talent and God has gifted them with things that he didn’t give me. But the one skillset that neither of them has ever been accused of is this: auto mechanic. more

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