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  • Darwin’s Fables Series

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Sep 29, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    The life and predictions of Charles Darwin teach us alot about the mindset of modern science

    11 For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, 12 in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness. 1859: A book came out that changed the landscape of science, religion and the world. It more

  • Darwin Day Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jan 31, 2016
    based on 12 ratings

    Darwinism is based on several assumptions about the origin of life. But its often used by many as a tool to oppose God. Because of that, this theory ultimately enslaves people to sin and despair. Do you know why?.

    OPEN: (missing in action) All this month we’ve been focusing on “holidays” in January that you may not have heard of. Today we’re going to stretch a little outside the month to touch on the International Darwin Day that is more

  • The Hoax Of Evolution

    Contributed by John Gaston on Feb 23, 2014
    based on 5 ratings

    Atheism is growing in America, due to the universal teaching of evolution. The church must counter this with strong evidence of the impossibility and contradictions of it. Here is a compiling of the latest juggernauts against the hoax of evolution.

    THE HOAX OF EVOLUTION Col. 1:13-17 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: ONLY HEARING ONE SIDE 1. A Judge was about to swear in a member of a jury when he was told that the man was deaf in one ear. 2. “You really can’t serve on the jury.” “Why not?” 3. “Because you can more

  • Why Darwin Cried But We Rejoice

    Contributed by Michael Walther on Jun 20, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    The miracle of Creation brings us closer to God. The idea of evolution takes us away from God.

    “Why Darwin Cried But We Rejoice” Genesis 1.1-2.4 Today is Trinity Sunday - the one Sunday of the church year that is devoted especially to God and His unique nature as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God reveals Himself with many different names. Each of them teach us something about more

  • How She Became A Creationist

    Contributed by Coz Von on Jul 25, 2018

    A life changing experience

    Seven years old, lying in my dark bedroom, saying a prayer to God, I realized that my words were bouncing down from the ceiling and hitting me in the face. God was not with me in my heart, but out there somewhere—and there was a great blackness between us. I couldn’t reach Him, and I knew, truly more

  • Did God Use Evolution To Develop The Species Series

    Contributed by Coz Von on Jul 17, 2018

    Theistic evolution

    A zoo keeper, walking by the animal cages one day, sees an orangutan with two books under his arms. One is the Bible; the other, Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species. Surprised, the zoo keeper asks this rather extraordinary primate, “Why are you reading those books?” “Well,” says the ape, “I more

  • Where Did We Come From? Series

    Contributed by Coz Von on Jun 30, 2016

    one of the last century’s greatest scientific minds argues that, perhaps, aliens in spaceships first brought life to Earth, and that explains how we all got here. mmmmm??

    According to Hollywood, there’s no shortage of alien life in the universe. Unfortunately, these aliens are usually presented as hostile to humanity. In fact, flicks like War of the Worlds, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and Independence Day depict cosmic creatures that threaten more

  • Darwin Awards 2003

    Contributed by David Swanger on Mar 15, 2003
    based on 107 ratings

    Incredibly dumb spiritual decisions that some people make.

    THE 2003 DARWIN AWARDS (Mark 8:13-21) Introduction: 1. Have you ever known someone who just did not get it? Please do not answer that out loud. a. In out text, Jesus’ disciples do not get it and Jesus questions their lack of understanding. b. They had been with Jesus. They had listened to him more

  • Why I Reject Evolution Series

    Contributed by Adrian Rogers on Mar 15, 2011
    based on 40 ratings

    A classic sermon from the Adrian Rogers Legacy Collection biblically refuting the concept of evolution.

    This Sermon From Adrian Rogers Legacy Collection Used By Permission © 2010 Colossians chapter 1—before I tell you what I don’t believe, let me tell you what I do believe. I can give it to you in a few verses, with gratefulness. I want to join the Apostle Paul in saying, more

  • Man Has Twisted, Contorted, Inverted, And Opposed All God’s Creation – Part 2 - Genesis Chapter 1 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Sep 4, 2023

    We continue the study in Genesis chapter 1 to see how sinful and deluded man has overturned all that God set in place, inverting and destroying it. We especially look at evolution and God is Light. Man’s inversion of God’s order causes chaos and growing evil.

    MAN HAS TWISTED, CONTORTED, INVERTED, AND OPPOSED ALL GOD’S CREATION – PART 2 GENESIS CHAPTER 1 In Part 1 we looked at how man has taken what belongs to God and cancelled God out of the whole matter. The self-deceived in the world dismiss God and His creation and wallow in their own intelligence more

  • Eulogy Charles Marcus

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Jan 24, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Charles was a believer in Christ whom I had the privilege of watching growing in Christ from a very worldly perspective to a disciple of Jesus Christ.

    Charles Marcus What would you do, if you had one week left to live? You would probably begin to realize what is really important in your life? You’d realize that some of things you’re dying to have really do not matter that much in the long run. Death more

  • The Escape Of Charles Ii

    Contributed by Jody Marsh on Sep 10, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Ten Biblical lessons for the story of Charles II fall and restoration.

    I dressed up as King Charles II and gave this sermon in the first person. PowerPoint slides are available. email to get them Greetings and Salutations. I am King Charles II. Some of you may know my great great great great great great great great great great great more

  • King Charles' Coronation

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on May 6, 2023

    It isn't irrelevant. It isn't just pageantry. It's a model for the commissioning of every leader.

    Yesterday, I imagine that most of us were glued to our televisions from about 11 to 1 watching King Charles' and Queen Camilla’s coronation. For most of us, this was the first time in our lifetimes that we’d witnessed such an event. It was an extraordinary spectacle. What did you think of it? more

  • Creation Or Chance

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Aug 31, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The issue of the origin of humanity is either by creation from God or chance by evolution. Clearly we are created by God

    Creation or Chance Selected Passages February 15, 2009 Morning Service Introduction Tomorrow our nation will celebrate President’s Day as a celebration of two of the greatest Presidents of our nation, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. However, another birthday seeks to overshadow these men. more

  • Creation's Revelation Of Intellegence Series

    Contributed by Dave Kinney on May 6, 2004
    based on 54 ratings

    The way that God has created everything we see and touch is a wonder. Let’s look at just a few areas of creation that ought to totally amaze us about God!

    Evolution’s Deception: Making a Monkey of Man, Pt. 4 “Creation’s Revelation of Intelligence” Job 12:7-10 Charles Darwin wrote in “Origin of Species”… “Both butterflies and humans have descended from a remote common ancestor, most likely a small wormlike marine animal resembling a flat worm.” more