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Sermons on challenging sayings of jesus:

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  • Where's Lazerus

    Contributed by John Gullick on Aug 12, 2018

    A sermon about the poor man at the gate of the rich man.

    Where’s Lazerus???????????? Luke 16:19 Where's Wally? is a British series of children's puzzle books created by English illustrator Martin Handford. The books consist of a series of detailed double-page spread illustrations depicting dozens or more people doing a variety of amusing things at a more

  • The Challenge Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Feb 18, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    John 3:16 is known to all. Other 3:16 passages in the New Testament teach us important things about Jesus as well. This is Revelation 3:16

    (adapted from a sermon series by Tom Ellsworth) SERIES: “DISCOVERING JESUS: The Other 3:16’s” TEXT: REVELATION 3:14-22 TITLE: “THE CHALLENGE OF JESUS” OPEN: A. I’m a fan of the “Rocky” movies 1. As a former Golden Gloves boxer, I can tell you that the fight scenes are more

  • The Challenge

    Contributed by Thomas Wilson on Sep 7, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Challenge we face as Christians - 9/11 and forgiveness and judgement....are we comfortable being Christians?

    Soon as I get in from work, I like to get comfortable. I kick of my shoes, strip off my clothes, head for a shower and then put on my normal clothes – denims, t-shirt and trainers – l love to be comfortable and hate wearing shirts of any kind or suits for that matter! When I sit at more

  • The Challenges Of Freedom Series

    Contributed by David Flowers on Dec 19, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus came to bring freedom. But there are two challenges God has in bringing spiritual freedom to human beings.

    The Challenges of Freedom Jesus in Isaiah, part 2 Wildwind Community Church 12/17/06 David Flowers With the threat of global terrorism, we are focused on freedom in ways we never were before. There’s constant bantering in the media and among politicians about the issue of freedom vs. the issue more

  • The Authority Of Jesus Challenged Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Nov 21, 2015

    The challenge to Jesus' authority in Luke 20:1-18 shows us that Jesus' authority comes from God.

    Scripture The final section in The Gospel of Luke begins at Luke 19:28. Luke described Jesus’ final week on earth, and began with his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday (19:28-40). As Jesus drew near the city of Jerusalem he burst into tears and wept over the city because of the more

  • The Authority Of Jesus Is Challenged Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Sep 3, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    In our study of Luke, in the beginning of chapter 20 we find the religious leaders desparate to discredit Jesus and they openly challenge His authority!

    Read Luke 20:1-8… Set the stage: Chapter 20 continues the final week of Jesus, after He has entered Jerusalem and after He has made a scene in His clearing of the Temple and chided the money changers and crooked business practices that took place in the Temple! On a side note, when Jesus more

  • Sanhedrin Challenges Jesus Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Mar 31, 2018

    Jesus had spoken with authority on matters, which they considered their responsibility. He did not challenge their right to question Him, but He did oppose their hypocrisy and insincerity in such questioning.

    -Tuesday- Jerusalem Sanhedrin Challenges Jesus: Answered by Parables: Two Sons, Wicked Husbandmen, and Marriage Feast (Is. 5:1, 2) Mark 11:27-12:12, Matthew 21:23-22:14(focal passage), Luke 20:1-19 Matthew 21:23-22:14 23 Now when He more

  • The Challenge Of Following Jesus

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Jul 15, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Following Jesus is not easy, it's not impossible, but it is a challenge. Taking Jesus with you in your boat gives you the Master of the Sea and Storm

    * The life’s lessons which can be found from this one text are enormous. We could spend a month’s worth of message on this one passage and, quite likely, never repeat ourselves. The messages could be “Jesus calming your storm”, “Is Jesus in your boat?” more

  • Challenging The Authority Of Jesus

    Contributed by David Cain on Aug 4, 2012

    The authority of Jesus was constantly challenged. We must avoid doing the same

    Challenging the Authority of Jesus (Mark 3:20 to 35) Our reading this morning describes two challenges to the authority of Jesus. They are very different challenges; the first is from his family who we would expect to be on his side and the second comes from some teachers of the law who we would more

  • Jesus Challenges The Pharisees

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Aug 31, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    God is interested in our character and not in our get out clauses

    Sermon Story: Many years ago, the well known American Baptist pastor Harry Emerson Fosdick told the story about a church in Denmark, where the worshipers used to bow regularly as they passed a certain part of the wall in the sanctuary of the church They had done so for three centuries - bowing more

  • The Challenge Series

    Contributed by Moses Radford on Mar 3, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus wants real committment out of the believers.

    JOHN 6: 60-71 11. When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it, he said unto them, Doth this offend you? John 6:61 (KJV) 12. What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before? John 6:62 (KJV) A. THE TEACHINGS OF JESUS B. THE CALL TO COMMITTMENT 13. Then more

  • Challenging The Challenges

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Feb 15, 2004
    based on 47 ratings

    When faced with challenges, prayer is the answer.

    CHALLENGING THE CHALLENGES EXODUS 17:1-16 INTRODUCTION Throughout their journey to the promised land the Children of Israel would face challenge after challenge to their faith. We still face challenges today in our lives. 1 Peter 1: 6-7 “ In this you greatly rejoice though for a little while you more

  • Challenging Religion Series

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Mar 18, 2014

    Jesus confronts religious leaders

    Challenging Religion Vital to read the entire book at one sitting from time to time. Chapters 5-7 at minimum Jesus' teaching are set in the backdrop of the Feast of Tabernacles - Season of our Gladness! Called Succoth - Booths. Booths = we want rain. Fall harvest festival - reminder of tent more

  • Four Great Sayings Of Jesus - Sermon Ii: "the Truth Shall Make You Free" (John 8:32) Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Sep 6, 2019

    To know who and what we believe is a great challenge Christians face in these times of uncertainty and unhinged attacks on Christianity. To know the Lord is to know the truth is to be set free to enjoy the Christian life.

    FOUR GREAT SAYINGS OF JESUS II A Series of Devotional Sermons Second Great Saying . . . “The truth shall make you free.” Throughout more

  • The Difficult Sayings Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Hugh W. Davidson on Apr 18, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    These are some of the more difficult saying for believers to grasp let alone the unbeliever.

    The difficult sayings of Jesus John 6:60-71 This is an unusual chapter in John’s book. It’s one of the longest in the N.T. and I think that’s because those who determined where the chapter divisions would be took into account that everything here is connected to one main more

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