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  • Spirituality Of Work And The Everyday Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Jun 25, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    The Celts prayed about everything in their day

    Spirituality of Work and the Everyday G@TP May 26, 2008 Grace – Way p. 84 Homework from 2 weeks ago… · Visit to calculate your own impact upon God’s creation. · Patrick blessed a river at least once. Our rivers and streams need miraculous healing beyond just better ecological more

  • Spirituality Of Hospitality Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Jun 25, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Hospitality was a Spiritual practice for the Celts, and should be for us too!

    Celtic Spirituality of Hospitality Monday, June 16, 2008 Earthed Spirituality, God at the Pub Distinction between entertaining and hospitality, - entertaining people is showing off your house, and your cooking abilities to them, - Hospitality is opening your house to them. – welcoming people more

  • Spirituality Of Creation Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on May 13, 2008

    A new course at God at the Pub. This talk deals with how the Celts met God in and through His creation.

    Earthed Spirituality: The Spirituality of Creation Last week, when we were introducing ourselves, Sarah talked about how hard it is to be a Christian around environmentalists – since it has been Christians who have sparked the industrialization of the world and much of the environmental disaster more

  • The Book Of Galatians – Background And Chapter 1 - Message 1 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jan 27, 2023

    God used Paul mightily to bring the gospel to the Galatians, but later on, the false teachers of the Law were trying to make these converts keep some of the Law and the Sabbath. Paul had to counteract their evil plans and chastises the Galatians, then teaches them.

    THE BOOK OF GALATIANS – BACKGROUND AND CHAPTER 1 - Message 1 SERMON CENTRAL We are going to begin a series in the book of Galatians. Paul was upset with the churches of Galatia because they had departed from the pure truth of the gospel and turned to teachings of man. The purpose of Galatians is more

  • Where Did Halloween Come From

    Contributed by Coz Von on Jul 25, 2018

    Many things I never knew

    Where did Halloween come from? Do other cultures celebrate the tradition? Does it tell us anything meaningful about life after death? The Celts, a people who inhabited extensive regions of Europe and the British Isles, had a colorful festival, called Samhain, to honor their dead. These festivities more

  • Halloween - Understanding It's Origins And Practices

    Contributed by Cris Willis on Dec 27, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The festivities on Halloween were once the Christian’s way of laughing at death and evil, something we can do in certain hope of Christ’s victory over the powers of darkness. The opportunity for the Christian Church lies in how we treat the holiday “Hallo

    “Understanding the History and Practice of Halloween” Text: II Corinthians 6:11-18; Ephesians 5:3-16 Introduction: Since the eighth century Christians have celebrated All Saints’ Day on November 1 to celebrate the known and unknown Christian Saints. Saints are not just those whom the Church has more

  • God Calls Us All To Vocation.

    Contributed by Matthew Oliver on Jan 19, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    Through Isaiah’s call to Israel to become the light of the world, and John’s recognition of the Christ, we see a model of vocational call that we can follow. God calls us all to different vocations, but one we are all called to is to pray.

    2nd Sunday after Epiphany God Calls us All to Vocation. Preached at Saint John the Evangelist, Cold Lake, Morning Prayer 20 January 2002 Isaiah 49:1-7, Psalm 40:1-12, 1 Corinthians 1:1-9, John 1:29-42 Collect: Almighty God, your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ is the light of the world. May more

  • Introduction To Celtic Spirituality Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on May 6, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    A new course at God at the Pub. This talk introduces my journey and Saint Patrick

    Earthed Spirituality - Introduction My connection with Celtic Spirituality Early on – John Michael Talbot – God of Life Clannad – intro shots to U2’s “Live at Red Rocks” Video Love of things Irish & Celtic – bands: U2, Big Country, The Alarm (Welsh), The Proclaimers (Scot) The more

  • Don't Fear The Dark (Halloween)

    Contributed by Chris Surber on Oct 27, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    Our ability to enjoy every day that God has given us is not dependant on how others view that day. We don’t walk in the darkness of fear. We walk in the light of Christ! We have no need to be afraid of the dark.

    Don’t Fear the Dark, I John 4:18 Introduction Our family dog Happy is a big baby! For such a big dog, she is afraid of some of the silliest and smallest things. Recently my wife and I were at the store and our two year son Sebastian saw a toy that he just had to have. It is a plastic ball more

  • Trick Or Treat

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Oct 25, 2001
    based on 284 ratings

    This sermon gives the history of Halloween and a biblical perspective of the holiday.

    Sunday Evening October 28, 2001 Bel Aire Baptist Church TRICK OR TREAT Micah 6:8 Introduction: 1. As a parent I have had to make decisions concerning Halloween. Is Halloween just a harmless holiday that kids go from house to house and get candy? What’s wrong with that? Is it harmful to a more

  • Spirituality Of Art Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Jun 25, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Art as a Spiritual Practice

    Celtic Spirituality of Art God at the Pub – Earthed Spirituality Grace – How the Irish Saved Civilization, p 174 Take up homework 1) book of prayers – choose one & use it 2) write a Celtic prayer that fits your life/work. Art Show and tell The Celts & Art I think that if you would ask an more

  • Spirituality Of Trinity And Community Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Jun 25, 2008

    The Celtic emphasis and understanding of Trinity leads us into community with God and eachother

    Celtic Spirituality June 9, 2008 Trinity and Community Take up Home Work Home work: Visit a gallery, find one piece and meditate on it Is God present in the piece? How? Is He absent? How? - Extra reading: Luci Shaw Art and Christian Spirituality: Companions in the Way in Direction Journal more

  • Halloween, An Evangelistic Opportunity

    Contributed by Horace Wimpey on Oct 25, 2013
    based on 3 ratings

    Halloween is an opportunity to share Jesus in a very unique way. We must re-define Halloween just as Easter and Christmas was re-defined.

    Halloween, An Evangelistic Opportunity Ephesians 5:1-13 Intro: Late one dark night, two men were walking home after a party. They were tired and desperate to get home, so they decided to take a shortcut through a cemetery. They got to about the middle of the graveyard, and they were startled and more

  • Halloween's History And The Bible

    Contributed by Glynda Lomax on Oct 27, 2020

    What is the origin of Halloween? Is it ok to have festivals celebrating the harvest ? Are pumpkins okay? Can anything bad happen to us if we celebrate these things? What does the Bible say about Halloween?

    What is the origin of Halloween? Is it ok to have festivals celebrating the harvest ? Are pumpkins okay? Can anything bad happen to us if we celebrate these things? What does the Bible say about Halloween? Let’s talk about that. A man was going to Halloween party one night dressed in a devil’s more

  • Hallow What?

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Mar 15, 2019

    There is a Dark Side to Halloween that you must know.

    HALLOW WHAT? INTRODUCTION: Excited children masquerading as witches, pirates, devils, ghosts, Dracula and other creatures bounding through the neighborhood, going from door to door shouting, "Trick or Treat" the party at school or a friend’s house where they tell ghost stories, more

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