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  • Forgiveness Is A Family Value

    Contributed by Ronald Harbaugh on Sep 12, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon for the 18th Sunday after Pentecost, [Proper 19]Series A

    18th Sunday after Pentecost [Pr. 19] September 14, 2008 “Series A” Grace be unto you and peace, from God our Father and from our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, your Son, Jesus the Christ, taught us to pray and to ask you to forgive our sins, as we forgive those who more

  • We Are The Landowners Managers

    Contributed by Ronald Harbaugh on Oct 4, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    A sermon for the 21st Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 22, series A

    21st Sunday after Pentecost [Pr. 22] October 5, 2008 “Series A” Grace be unto you and peace, from God our Father and from our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, through the power of your Holy Spirit, enable us to hear your Word with open hearts and minds, especially as more

  • A Comparison Of Matthew And Luke On The Parable Of The Great Banquet

    Contributed by Ronald Harbaugh on Oct 9, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    A sermon for the 22nd Sunday after Pentecost, proper 23, Series A

    22nd Sunday after Pentecost [Pr. 23] October 12, 2008 “Series A” Grace be unto you and peace, from God our Father and from our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, through the death and resurrection of your Son, Jesus the Christ, you have poured out your redeeming grace more

  • It Is Faith That Matters, Not Intelligence

    Contributed by Ronald Harbaugh on Jul 1, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    A sermon for the 8th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 9, Series A

    8th Sunday after Pentecost [Pr. 9] July 6, 2008 “Series A” Grace be unto you and peace, from God our Father and from our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, you came among us in the person of your Son, Jesus the Christ, to reveal your will for our lives, and through more

  • Grace Is Not A License To Do As You Please

    Contributed by Ronald Harbaugh on Jul 12, 2008

    A sermon for the 9th Sunday fater Pentecost, Proper 10, Series A

    9th Sunday after Pentecost [Pr. 10] July 13, 2008 “Series A” Grace be unto you and peace, from God our Father and from our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, you sent your Son, Jesus the Christ, to reveal your will for our lives and to redeem us from sin and death. more

  • It's Not What It Seems

    Contributed by Ronald Harbaugh on Jul 19, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    A sermon for the 10th Sunday after Pentecost, proper 11, series A

    10TH Sunday after Pentecost [Pr. 11] July 20, 2008 “Series A” Grace be unto you and peace, from God our Father and from our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, you sent your Son, Jesus the Christ into our world, that he might reveal your will for our lives, and redeem us more

  • God Has Given Us Many Talents - Share Them

    Contributed by Ronald Harbaugh on Nov 15, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon for the 27th Sunday after Pentecost, proper 28, series A

    27th Sunday after Pentecost [Pr. 28] November 16, 2008 “Series A” Grace be unto you and peace, from God our Father and from our Lord, Jesus the Christ. Amen. Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, through our baptism into the death and resurrection of your Son, Jesus the Christ, you have called us more

  • Break Down The Walls To Witness

    Contributed by Ronald Harbaugh on Jun 5, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    A sermon for the 4th Sunday of Pentecost, Series A, Proper 5

    4th Sunday after Pentecost [Pr. 5] June 8, 2008 “Series A” Grace be unto you and peace, from God our Father and from our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for the healing power of your Son, Jesus the Christ, who offers to each of us forgiveness and the more

  • In, Not Of The World

    Contributed by Ronald Harbaugh on Jun 28, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    A sermon for the 7th Sunday of Pentecost, proper 8, series A.

    7th Sunday after Pentecost [Pr. 8] June 29, 2008 “Series “A” Grace be unto you and peace, from God our Father and from our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, you sent your Son, Jesus the Christ, into our world that he might reveal you Word for our lives, and through his more

  • We Are All Ministers

    Contributed by Ronald Harbaugh on Jun 30, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon for the 6th Sunday of Pentecost, proper 9 Series C.

    6th Sunday after Pentecost [Pr. 9] July 4, 2010 “Series C” Grace be unto you and peace, from God our Father and from our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, you sent your Son among us to reveal your grace, to proclaim your forgiveness, and to assure us that more

  • So Somone Is Throwing Stones

    Contributed by Jimmy Chapman on Nov 9, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    Accept the provoking reality Acknowledge the preserved resource Activate a proper response

    SO SOMEONE IS THROWING ROCKS AT YOU Acts 7:54-60 Acts 7 is the longest address in the book of Acts, and one of the most important. In it Stephen reviewed the history of Israel and the contributions made by their revered leaders: Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, David, and Solomon. Stephen’s more

  • One Day At A Time Series

    Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on May 22, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    It is important to keep a proper perspective on life, and to remember that time is not in our hands.

    “A Faith That Works: One Day at a Time” James 4:13-17 Charles Schultz has Linus say, “I guess it’s wrong always to be worrying about tomorrow. Maybe we should think only about today.” Charlie Brown responds, “No, that’s giving up. I’m still hoping more

  • With Heart And Mind Series

    Contributed by James Hickman on Apr 9, 2016

    An examination of how commitment is a proper response to Christ's work on our behalf.

    With Heart and Mind Romans 12:1-2 What would be the proper response to the discovery that God, the Creator against Whom the crown of his creation—humankind—had rebelled, the Holy One who had declared that all such rebels should endure eternal death, the Righteous Judge who had the more

  • Humble Yourselves Before God

    Contributed by Ronald Harbaugh on Aug 29, 2007
    based on 19 ratings

    A sermon for the 14th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 17, 2007

    14th Sunday after Pentecost [Pr. 17] September 2, 2007 “Series C” Grace be unto you and peace, from God our Father and from our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, through the death and resurrection of your Son, Jesus the Christ, you have given us the gift of your love, more

  • Working For A Living

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Feb 19, 2019

    We will define proper perspective for work; paid, unpaid, school, home

    Opening illustration: This is a lesson I began to learn shortly after becoming a Christian, while serving in themilitary in England. There were several of us who had just set out on the Christian adventure. In ourenthusiasm to serve Christ we somehow concluded that we didn’t need to concern more

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