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  • A View From The Cross

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Jul 6, 2001
    based on 495 ratings

    This sermon looks at the different attitudes of those around the cross of Jesus and how those same attitudes can be found today.

    Sunday Morning July 8, 2001 Bel Aire Baptist Church, Hobbs, NM A VIEW FROM THE CROSS MARK 15:21-47 Introduction: 1. As I thought about the freedom that we have in the United States to worship when, where, and how we choose; I began to think about what freedom really is. 2. I had an experience more

  • Death For Sin Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Mar 31, 2003
    based on 36 ratings

    This is the 3rd sermon in the Easter Series "The Three Crosses".

    Sunday Morning April 20, 2003 Bel Aire Baptist Church Series: The Three Crosses [Easter Series]#3 DEATH FOR SIN Mark 15:21-47 Introduction: 1. When we think of Calvary, we only think of the cross of Christ. We must remember there were three crosses at Calvary. There are three great truths more

  • Thirtieth Sunday In Ordinary Time; 30th Sunday B--Bartimaeus.

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Oct 23, 2021

    We can all get stuck on the side of the road in different ways at different times in our lives.

    The name, fame and shame of Bartimaeus. His name means Bar, meaning “the son of” Timaeus. Others point to the Aramaic or Hebrew word for "unclean" (‘bar-tem’), suggesting that BartimaeSus is "son of the unclean." In reality both names fit because Bartimaeus was a poor more

  • A Message: To The Good Old U.s.a.

    Contributed by Roy Wade, Sr. on Aug 3, 2003
    based on 40 ratings

    There is no such thing as "National Security" without the God of the universe!

    Introduction Of The Text: Today, this is a message to our country, “the good old U.S.A.” The “home of the brave,” the “land of the free.” Where opportunity is available to just about any and everybody! Now, let me set the record straight, I love this country. I would not want to live more

  • When You Hit A Wall Series

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on Oct 29, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Have you ever felt like you hit a wall? What do you do when you hit the wall? In the continuation of our Red Letter Series we will talk about the paralytic's friends who had to "figure out" how to get their sick friend in front of Jesus.

    Luke 5:12-32 INTRODUCTION • We are continuing our conversation today about the RED LETTERS! • We will cover three events today in the life and ministry of Jesus and His followers. 1. The Cleansing of a Leper 2. The Healing of a Paralyzed man 3. The Calling of Matthew as a Disciple of more

  • Palm Sunday Fulfilled And Previewed – Easter Message For Palm Sunday Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Mar 17, 2023

    Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a colt accompanied by its mother donkey. He is King of the Jews, but did the crowd really accept Him as that? This brings together all 4 Gospel accounts into one harmony. This ageless story is full of meaning.

    PALM SUNDAY FULFILLED AND PREVIEWED – EASTER MESSAGE FOR PALM SUNDAY Palm Sunday as it is called is one of the most significant days in the church calendar for some churches, mainly those that pay attention to the ritual of a church program. It has always been a favourite of Sunday School more

  • Violence In The Kingdom Of God SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Oct 26, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Warring for the Kingdom's sake

    Good morning, dear family in Christ. As we gather together in this sacred space, let us prepare our hearts and minds to receive the Word of God. Today, we are embarking on a journey through the scriptures, a journey that will take us into the heart of a paradox that may seem puzzling at first more

  • Jesus - Life Over Death

    Contributed by Howard Gunter on Mar 29, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The Love of Jesus the Christ illuminated

    Message/Devotion March 22, 2020 John 11:1-45 JESUS is LIFE Over Death In my years of ministry, I have preached many, many funerals. Some were very difficult because of my personal love of the deceased or the surviving family. Once, I preached eight funerals in one week. I know the pain of the more

  • The Cross: Why Did Jesus Die? Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Oct 24, 2015

    In this lesson we learn about the significance of the cross as well as various reactions to the cross.

    Scripture Today is the fourth week of a seven-week series of messages based on a book that is titled Christianity Explored by Rico Tice and Barry Cooper, out of England. The purpose of this series is to explore Christianity, primarily through the writing of Mark in his book we call The Gospel of more

  • Speed The Light: Family Helping Family

    Contributed by Paul Basehore on Nov 8, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    We're not all called to be missionaries. We are all called to help those who are.

    Speed the Light: Family helping Family In October 2006, a new website appeared on the internet. was originally formed to allow video footage of politics, war, and other world events and combine them with the power of citizen journalism. Some examples of videos that can be found on the more

  • Hero Without Borders Series

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Dec 22, 2007

    Parables for Stewards, Pt. 3

    HERO WITHOUT BORDERS (LUKE 10:25-37) A few years ago I saw a truck in front of me roaring fiercely about to turn the corner onto the freeway ramp. In the driver’s seat of the humongous truck was a man in his late 20s, ramming his engine and blasting his stereo. The guy had dark glasses and a black more

  • Spiritual Battles And God's Protection

    Contributed by Wilson Oshorakpor on Sep 26, 2022

    The Christian is called to be a soldier. An active officer in a raging battle with the forces of darkness. We are the soldiers of Christ, chosen by the Commander of the armies of heaven, Jesus Christ.

    TEXT: Ephesians 6:12; Psalms 91:11-12; "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places...For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all more

  • Integrity: The Ability To Live Right" Series

    Contributed by Brad Fowler on Dec 1, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    Living a life of integrity is more than just talking the right things. It requires that we do the right things too. Our actions must match our words. This is integrity.

    7-29-07 Albion Church Series: The ABC’s of Christian Living Lesson: Integrity- The Ability I. INTRODUCTION Good morning! Great to come back home and worship with family! We are continuing our series on The ABC’s of Christian Living. This morning we come to a topic which is very hard to listen more

  • Shofar-Call To Arms Series

    Contributed by Brian Menear on Apr 13, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    There is a battle raging today. Know it or not, you are part of it. Which side are you on?

    Shofar-Call To Arms(NIV) There is a battle that is going on today whether you know it or not. It used to be in the headlines and many people have died fighting it. The battle is not against another country or power state. We are not talking about the battle in Iraq, but the battle between good more

  • The Good Samaritan

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Oct 25, 2022

    Jesus was making the point that our worship carries over into our works. Our love and adoration for God is something that we are supposed to exemplify in our worship.

    THE GOOD SAMARITAN Text : Luke 10:25-37 There is the story of a fellow on his way to a job interview. He had been out of work for many months. On his way to what seemed like a promising interview, he encounters a woman on the side of the road who has just had a flat tire. DILEMMA: more