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  • Ambassadors To The Booth

    Contributed by Jeffery Richards on Nov 2, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    Pre-election day message focusing on our responsibility as Christians in politics.

    AMBASSADORS TO THE BOOTH II COR 5:20-21 Paul considered himself Christ’s ambassador. What is an ambassador? He is an authorized representative of a sovereign. He speaks not in his own name but on behalf of the ruler whose deputy he is, and his whole duty and responsibility is to interpret that more

  • Judgment Booth

    Contributed by Don Hutto on Dec 6, 2000
    based on 99 ratings

    Sermon preceeding the 2000 Presidential Election.

    Judgment Booth Hosea 8:1-4 Many of you are familiar with the term "Judgment House." This is the name of a Halloween season event put on by many churches that presents the need for salvation by previewing the horrors of a godless hell. This morning I want to twist that term slightly and talk about more

  • Sinner At A Booth Series

    Contributed by Chris Kelly on Jul 31, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    What would it be like to sit down with Jesus one on one? Matthew does just that.

    Sinner at a Booth Series: One on One with the Master February 14, 2010 READ Luke 5:27-39 (NIV) Well, so far we’ve talked about a Nic at Night, a woman at a well and last week a man on a mat…all people who had a one on one encounter with Jesus that changed their lives for eternity! more

  • The Feast Of Booths

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Oct 7, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    The Feast of Booths was fulfilled by Jesus at His first coming by His birth and will be fulfilled at His second coming when He inaugurates His Millennial reign.

    Pat: This morning we’ll wrap up our look at the Jewish Feasts and their fulfillment by Jesus as we examine the last of the seven feasts prescribed by God for His people. Before we look at the Feast of Tabernacles, allow me to share a word of personal testimony. Perhaps like many of you, there was a more

  • The Festival Of Booths

    Contributed by Bishop Johnathan Hester on Aug 3, 2013

    The spiritual renewal of the people begins with a challenge to the mind, continues with an effect on the emotions and concludes with a change of the will.

    The Festival of Booths Nehemiah 8: 13-18 Nehemiah chapter 8 records one of the most spectacular celebrations of the work of God in the O.T. The spiritual renewal of the people begins with a challenge to the mind, continues with an effect on the emotions & concludes with a people returning more

  • Confessions: Phone Booth Series

    Contributed by J John on Dec 20, 2007
    based on 11 ratings

    Does art imitate life or life imitate art? Joel Schumacher’s wonderful thriller Phone Booth was originally set to be released in November 2002, but as a result of the terrifying shooting spree by the notorious ‘Washington Sniper’, 20th-Century Fox chose t

    --note-- 2003, Fox Directed by Joel Schumacher Screenplay by Larry Cohen Colin Farrell as Stu Shepard Kiefer Sutherland as The Caller Rated R for pervasive language and some violence - - - - - Does art imitate life or life imitate art? Joel Schumacher’s wonderful thriller Phone Booth was originally more

  • The Christian In The Voting Booth

    Contributed by Richard Futrell on Oct 7, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    From a Christian worldview, we see voting as a divine gift that allows us to think the way God thinks, to act the way He acts.

    The book of Proverbs says, “Speak for those who have no voice, for the rights of the dispossessed” (Proverbs 31:8). The prophet Zechariah declared, “Dispense true justice, and show gracious love and compassion to each other” (Zechariah 7:9). St. Paul says to “do more

  • Feast Of Booths (Tabernacles) Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Apr 6, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Finding Jesus in the 7 Feasts of Israel

    Feast of Tabernacles Leviticus 23:23-33 April 10, 2022 As I was preparing for today’s message, I had this great AHA moment. It was one of those moments when you read the scripture and things simply fall into place and you get a grin when you see how God is working in the moment. Hopefully, more

  • Take Your Faith Into The Voting Booth Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Aug 29, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    We must this November take our faith into the voting booth, and avoid supporting people who would enfeeble the Christian conscience.

    Tuesday of the 22nd Week in Course 2020 There are two species of spirit, pneuma in the Greek, and we see the first, the holy variety, in St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians today. Here in chapter 2, Paul has just written about the reward of the just, which we long for: “But, as it is written, more

  • Booth College Of Mission 2022 Graduation

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Dec 14, 2022

    I was privileged to be asked to speak at the graduation of The Booth College of Mission. I share some of my thoughts with the graduates who happen to be the New Zealand session of the Reflectors of Holiness.

    The recording of the live event can be found online at: I start speaking around 1 hour and 27 minutes into the recording. Kia-ora Ni Sa Bula Vanaka Malo E lelei Talofa lava Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, more

  • The Christian Citizen: Considerations In The Voting Booth

    Contributed by The Rev Deniray Mueller on Mar 1, 2025
    based on 1 rating

    we are required to vote

    We are just weeks away from the presidential election, and I know there are many of you who agree with me that I wish it were already over! But it is not, and I fear it is likely to get far worse in tone and tawdriness until election day. For many reasons, this is one of the most important more

  • Jesus Is The Better Light (John 8:12-13; Lev. 23:33-44; Exodus 13:17-22) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Feb 6, 2022

    Jesus is our pillar of fire.

    If you're following along with me in your own Bibles, in the gospel of John, you'll notice that this week we come to the story of the adulterous woman. This story may or may not be an authentic tradition about Jesus-- my guess, which is probably worth nothing, is that it is. It more

  • The Three Feasts Series

    Contributed by Timothy Ogada on Mar 28, 2024

    3 dedicated feasts: The first was the Passover feast. Second is the feast of Weeks; and third is the feast of booths.

    THE THREE FEASTS. The theme from GC this Sabbath is: Spirit of Prophecy and Adventist Heritage. In Mt Olives, it is also the day for the Holy Communion; in the Old Testament, also known as the Passover Feast. In the Old Testament, God had instructed Israel that their males should go three times more

  • The Feast Of Tabernacles Series

    Contributed by David Moore on Aug 11, 2010
    based on 12 ratings

    This message relates the Feast of Tabernacles to the Presence of Christ amidst His people throughout His Millennial Kingdom.

    The Feast of Tabernacles Text: Leviticus 23:33-23:43 Introduction: This morning I want to conclude our studies on the feasts of Israel. You will recall that to date we have looked at six feasts: four Spring Feasts; Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits and Pentecost and two autumn feasts: more

  • William Booth's Mount Purity: The Six Stages Of The Climb

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Apr 26, 2021

    According to astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross, there are 122 constants that allow for life to exist on planet Earth. And if even one of these constants were adjusted, there would be no life on Earth.

    According to astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross, there are 122 constants that allow for life to exist on planet Earth. And if even one of these constants were adjusted, there would be no life on Earth. Let’s look at a few of those constants. First, oxygen. 21% of our atmosphere is oxygen. If it were 25% more