
Summary: Pre-election day message focusing on our responsibility as Christians in politics.

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II COR 5:20-21

Paul considered himself Christ’s ambassador. What is an ambassador? He is an authorized representative of a sovereign. He speaks not in his own name but on behalf of the ruler whose deputy he is, and his whole duty and responsibility is to interpret that ruler’s mind faithfully to those to whom he is sent.

An elderly gentleman was sitting on a park bench, basking in the sun, when another elderly fellow sat down. They looked at each other for a moment but did not speak. Both men sat there, staring straight ahead. After a while, one of them heaved a big, heartfelt sigh. The other jumped up immediately and said, “If you’re going to talk politics, I’m leaving.

Bits & Pieces, June 24, 1993, p. 7

I realize that the discussion of politics from the pulpit is a controversial thing. I want to set your mind at ease tonight. I am not going to give you a list of candidates and then tell you which ones you should vote for if you want to live like a Christian. I do not have the right to tell you who to vote for….but neither does your union or your great grandparents party of tradition. As controversial as the subject matter is, I believe it is important enough to risk that controversy.

What is a Christian? Is it someone who simply joins a church and then attends so that the religious need in their life is met? I say no! A Christian is someone who accepts Christ as savior and then attempts to live each day allowing Christ to be Lord over EVERY area of life. I want to challenge you tonight by the idea that there should be NO area of our life that is off limits to the direction of the Holy Spirit and the fulfillment of the call to be an ambassador of Christ.


A) Statistics are alarming where voter turnout is concerned. National numbers that I found give a year by year statistic from 1960 until 1996. In 1960 the turnout was 63% of legal voters in America. In 1990 it dipped to 36.5%. In 1996 it rose to 49%.

B) Why is it important to vote? Matt 5:13-16

C) It is a sign of gratitude to God for allowing us by His Sovereign grace to live in a free country where we have free elections.

D) Be aware of what the candidates stand for and what they represent.

In 1883 in Allentown, New Jersey, a wooden Indian—the kind that was seen in front of cigar stores—was placed on the ballot for Justice of the Peace. The candidate was registered under the fictitious name of Abner Robbins. When the ballots were counted, Abner won over incumbent Sam Davis by 7 votes.

A similar thing happened in 1938. The name Boston Curtis appeared on the ballot for Republican Committeeman from Wilton, Washington. Actually, Boston Curtis was a mule. The town’s mayor sponsored the animal to demonstrate that people know very little about the candidates. He proved his point. The mule won! Our Daily Bread, November 3, 1992

Daniel Webster, known as the "Defender of the Constitution," was a famous orator and statesman who argued cases before the U.S. Supreme Court, served as a U.S. Congressman, a U.S. Senator, and U.S. Secretary of State. In testimony before the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention (transcribed below), Mr. Webster persuasively reasons for the peoples’ right to establish qualifications for their elected officials and acknowledges the importance of Massachusetts’ "respect and attachment to Christianity" through the retention of a constitutional provision requiring a profession of belief in the Christian religion as a qualification for holding public office. --Source: Daniel Webster, The Writings and Speeches of Daniel Webster, (Boston: Little, Brown, & Company, 1903), Vol. III, pp. 3-7.)

Two fellows from Arkansas of a less than average IQ were hunting one day and killed a big buck. As they were dragging the deer by the legs toward the truck another hunter encountered them and told them if they would drag it by the horns it would be easier on them. They followed the advice and about an hour later one said boy, this sure is easier ain’t it? Yep, said the other but the only downfall is we are still getting farther and farther away from the truck.

It seems that we in this nation have changed. We have followed the advice of the highly educated. It seems to be easier but we are getting farther and farther away from the commands of God’s Word.


A) We are called to be holy in “all manner of our conversation.”

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