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  • Faith And Peace PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 7, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores finding divine peace through fostering faith in God, understanding Jesus's role as the Prince of Peace, and recognizing the fulfillment of prophecy.

    Friends, as we gather here today, we find ourselves in the midst of a world that often feels chaotic and turbulent, a world that can leave us yearning for a sense of peace and stability. It's in these moments of yearning that we are reminded of the words of C.S. Lewis, who once said, "God cannot more

  • Shipwrecked Faith

    Contributed by Norman Lawrence on Jul 4, 2007
    based on 41 ratings

    Life is a great journey on which we are in the process of going through. The Christian Life has often been compared to a “race”, a “fight”, a “warfare”, a “journey”, and more.

    SHIPWRECKED FAITH 1 Tim. 1:18-20 Timothy, my son, I give you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by following them you may fight the good fight, [19] holding on to faith and a good conscience. Some have rejected these and so have shipwrecked their more

  • Awesome Faith Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jul 24, 2015

    Faith in Jesus is an AWESOME thing!

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • We have hit on the subject of faith a couple of times during this 1 John series. Faith is a big issue and John speaks on the subject frequently. • Awesome- defined as: extremely impressive or daunting; inspiring great admiration, apprehension, or more

  • There Is One Faith Series

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Apr 24, 2023

    Ephesians 4:5 says that there is “One Faith”. But there seems to be more. If someone says, “Have faith.” We need to ask, “Have faith in what?” We operate on faith every day. Just not always in God.

    Alba 4-23-2023 THERE IS ONE FAITH Ephesians 4:5 Some years ago in the cartoon “The Family Circus” two children had found their Easter baskets and are enjoying them. One asked, “Who colored all these eggs?” to which his sister replied, “The Easter bunny.” “Who gave us the jelly beans?” “The more

  • The Interrogation Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Greg Powell on Aug 19, 2020

    As Paul continues to defend doctrine, he asks the Galatians 6 rapid-fire questions in 5 verses.

    INTRO: These next two chapters are going to be a little complicated. The 60 verses that make up Galatians 3 and 4 are said to be some of the strongest writing that Paul ever penned. His opponents, the Judaizers, were using every possible means to enslave the believers in Galatia, and Paul was not more

  • The Effects Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Fred Sigle on Mar 7, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    God has always blessed men and women of faith. He still does today. However, God will take a people and His church as far as their faith will take them.

    THE EFFECTS OF FAITH A. FEAR is certainly prevalent in our society. 1. Saturday, a week ago, our nation marked the third anniversary of 9/11. a. Although we heard the word "TERRORISM" in newscasts and read about in newspapers, it was something that did not affect America only other more

  • Faith Is The Victory

    Contributed by Mike Hullah on Feb 12, 2005
    based on 114 ratings

    A sermon on faith including eight principles of faith drawn from Jericho’s fall.

    Faith Is the Victory 1 John 5:4-5 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world--our faith. Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? Hebrews 11:1-3 Now faith is the substance (the basis) of things more

  • Foundation Of Faith

    Contributed by Michael Adams on Jul 7, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    Subject: Refocusing on the basics. Proposition: "Faith is the Foundation of our relationship with God."

    Suggested Reading: Heb 11:1-6 Sermon Text: Romans 5:1 This morning I am wrestling with the concept of building our faith! One thing I do know - our family, our friends, our world needs us to have as much faith as we can possibly attain! Let me pose a situation for you... If someone, a more

  • The Fundamentals Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Moy Hernandez on Oct 27, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    We believe that repentance towards God, faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and regeneration by the Holy Spirit are necessary to salvation.

    The Fundamentals of Faith – Captain Erika Hernandez TSA Doctrine 7 James 2:14-24 We believe that repentance towards God, faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and regeneration by the Holy Spirit are necessary to more

  • Pressing Faith

    Contributed by Jeremy Poling on Apr 21, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    We must press forward in our faith.

    Luke 16:16 The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth (forces crowds seizes)into it. There is something to be said for faith that neither gets bogged down in the present nor anchors itself to the past but rather looks forward more

  • Motives For Faithfulness Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Nov 5, 2014

    There is a plaque that is devastating the modern church, unfaithfulness.

    Motives For Faithfulness Hebrews Series Heb. 10.1-25 June 8, 2014 Chester FBC, Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A There is a plaque that is devastating the modern church, unfaithfulness. 1 Over 40% of members in an average congregation never attend services. a Among the more

  • Extreme Faith Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Feb 21, 2001
    based on 224 ratings

    A focus on faith and healing. And, just why did Jesus tell the paralytic his sins were forgiven?

    OPEN: It was the first day of basketball practice at Wingate High School in Brooklyn, N.Y. The Coach handed a ball to each player. "Boys," he said, "I want you to practice shooting from the spots you might expect to be in during the game." One of the boys (who was pretty much there as a more

  • Faithful Fellowship

    Contributed by Stephen Fournier on Sep 13, 2003
    based on 16 ratings

    Sermon on fellowship

    FAITHFUL FELLOWSHIP PHILIPPIANS 1:5 10/25/94 In 1765 John Fawcett was called to pastor a very small congregation in Wainsgate England. For seven years he labored at building up this small work. But because of the size of the congregation and the fact that they were all poor his salary was so more

  • Faith In Action

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on May 30, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Some Christians have a similar problem—spiritual gambling. It’s a way of living that involves taking chances by seeing how far we can stretch God’s patience. There’s not one chance in five that God won’t keep His word. There’s not even one chance in a tho

    Opening illustration: The problem of compulsive gambling may seem foreign to most of us. Yet experts believe that millions of Americans are psychologically addicted to gambling. It gives them the excitement of hope and risk, but it usually ends in defeat. It is indeed a temporary pleasure. For more

  • A Confident Faith Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jun 19, 2015

    We can possess a confident faith if we are willing to listen to John!

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • Relationships can be difficult to maintain. • It can be easy to lose confidence in a relationship with people we know and can see, imagine how difficult it can be to have confidence in a relationship with someone you do not see and does not text you more

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