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Sermons on beware strange teachings:

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  • The Grace Of God And The Reproach Of Christ

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jan 11, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Sanctified by the blood of Jesus.

    THE GRACE OF GOD AND THE REPROACH OF CHRIST. Hebrews 13:9-14. This short passage opens with an exhortation to beware of strange and diverse teachings (Hebrews 13:9a). The temptation for these Hebrew Christians was that they might return to laws about ‘foods and drinks, various washings, and more

  • Beware Of False Doctrines!

    Contributed by Norman Mc Leod on Aug 7, 2001
    based on 14 ratings

    A bible study on Matthew 16:5-12.

    BEWARE OF FALSE DOCTRINES! by Norman Mc Leod Introduction: Our text for today is from the gospel of Matthew 16:5-12. What I would like to do here, is to describe the characters ( Pharisees and Sadducees) that Jesus is referring to when teaching is disciples and the meaning of the word leaven. more

  • Beware False Prophets

    Contributed by William Mouser on Jun 6, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    At the end of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus warns his hearers against false prophets, giving them criteria by which they may recognize them when they come.

    Beware False Prophets Deuteronomy 11:18 – 32, Psalm 31:1-5,19-24, Romans 3:21-25a,28, Matthew 7:21-27 I do not know many words spoken by Jesus which are more OBVIOUSLY compelling for Christians today that those read in the gospel appointed for today. These words appear at the very end of more

  • Walk Humbly With God PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 19, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores humility, obedience, the transformative power of the Gospel, and the essence of God's law, urging us to live authentically in God's truth.

    Greetings, beloved in Christ, and welcome to this time of worship and reflection on God's Word. We are here today to break open the Bread of Life, to feast on the wisdom God has graciously provided for us in His Word. Today, we will be turning our hearts and minds towards three key passages of more

  • Beware The Wolf, Part 1

    Contributed by Larry Lasiter on Jan 26, 2004
    based on 40 ratings

    How do we identify those who would prey upon the flock of God?

    POINTS OF TRUTH CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES It’s a beautiful night in the Falkland Islands, just off the coast of Argentina. These British Islands are known for their rich pasture land. The air is still this evening as the sheep graze. The sun is setting, more

  • Beware, Beware Series

    Contributed by Leighton (Lee) Vary on Nov 17, 2016

    "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.

    Introduction A. A man having lunch at a Chinese restaurant noticed that the table had been set with forks, not chopsticks. He asked why. The waiter said "Chopsticks are provided only on request." "But," the man countered, "if you gave your patrons chopsticks, you wouldn't have to pay someone to more

  • Beware Of False Teachers Series

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Feb 28, 2021

    Paul tells Titus to train Godly leaders to rebuke and silence the many false teachers on Crete.

    Titus: Building a Healthy Church Confronting False Teachers 1:10-16 Pastor Jefferson M. Williams Chenoa Baptist Church 02-28-2021 He is Risen? The sun was shining. Little girls had on Easter dresses. Two churches gathered together to celebrate the Risen Lord Jesus Christ as one. The more

  • Beware The Wolf, Part 2

    Contributed by Larry Lasiter on Jan 26, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    How to chase away wolves which come in sheep’s clothing.

    POINTS OF TRUTH CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES The ultimate wolf to come in sheep’s clothing is yet to come! The Bible calls him the "beast". This great leader will soon, come quickly on the world scene as the ruler of the European Commonwealth; along more

  • Beware Of False Prophets Series

    Contributed by Chad Bolfa on Apr 14, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Tonight from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, let’s see what He is going to teach us about false Prophets and teachers.

    Jesus Sermon on the Mount Part 20 Beware of False Prophets Pm Service March 15th 2009 Matthew 7:15-20 Introduction No one likes to be deceived. No one likes being taken advantage of. No one likes being conned! It does not matter whether it is our personal lives (family & friends), our public more

  • Beware

    Contributed by Gerry Pratt on May 29, 2002
    based on 7 ratings

    When things seem to be going well.....BEWARE....this is exactly the time when satan lulls us into a sense of false security...only to spring his wicked traps.

    BEWARE ILLUSTRATION: Look at the beautiful bird sitting on the tree limb...soaking in the sunshine...singing such a beautiful song. This bird seems so, at peace, with everything. She seems to have a full belly and a beautiful day awaits her...BAM...CRASH! 1. The lights go out...the cat got more

  • "Strange Happenings, Thats Strange" Series

    Contributed by Brad Henry on Jul 29, 2014

    In this life many of us are too serious and we have lost our hoy. This lesson will help show you how to get that joy back"

    The Ultimate Decision July 30, 2014 Chase loves to go to the Post Office with me each day. Sometimes when we mail out books or letters we will stand in the line that never seems to move. People huff and puff and well, go postal. That is until Chase stands in your line. In every young mans growing more

  • Beware's

    Contributed by Wendell Blackburn on Feb 16, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    The Second Coming..

    BEWARE 2nd Thess Chap 2 In today’s world We have to be prepared for what Could happen at any second!!! THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS CHRIST! Or the Rapture- Or The Great Tribulation! Our English Bible’s don’t use the word Rapture, But we all know what it means when we hear Things like – The coming more

  • Beware Series

    Contributed by Brian Keith on Sep 26, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Building a Faith that is responsive in trying times. Understanding that we are a peculiar people and a generation that inspires Faith over Philosophy.

    Colossians 2:8 Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. The passage of scripture we study is a Biblical focus on God’s word in the sense of guardianship. more

  • Beware

    Contributed by Terry Vaughan on Dec 20, 2001
    based on 14 ratings

    Beware of covetousness, worry, carelessness and spiritual dullness

    WESTSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH PASTOR: TERRY VAUGHAN SERMON TITLE: BEWARE “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world more

  • Beware Series

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Jul 30, 2023

    Paul gives the Philippians a command to rejoice, a warning to beware, and then he contrasts false and true Christianity.

    Technicolor Joy: Philippians 3:1-3 Pastor Jefferson M. Williams Chenoa Baptist Church 07-30-2023 Liz’s Question Her name was Liz. She was in her early 20s and I worked with her at Red Lobster. She came to me at the end of her shift crying and asked if she could talk to me in the back. more