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  • Betryal: Denial: The Unforgiven

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Oct 27, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    also mark 14:66-72 Do we give others the power to make us deny Jesus?

    We Cannot Surprise Jesus. This morning we continue our journey through the end of the Gospel of Mark. As we progress we are coming to understand that perhaps our image of who Jesus is, is not as accurate as we thought. Jesus is Divine Awesome Divine. Overwhelming Divine. We pretend to think we more

  • Judas Wasn't Christ's Only Betrayer

    Contributed by Ian Bullock on Mar 30, 2021

    A Sermon for Holy Wednesday exploring the concept of Betrayal from Judas and the other disciples right through to us. An opportunity for us to think about the true price of the cross for us all.

    Lord, as we continue to travel through this Holy Week towards the cross with you, may you open our hearts and minds as we experience the joys and sorrows with you. Amen. Betrayal, distrust, sadness and hurt. Four things that immediately come to mind when we think about this passage! Let me more

  • Walking Into Hell With Clean Feet

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Mar 21, 2022

    The last evening Jesus spent with His disciples (John 13-17) had Him showing the act of service towards others by washing their feet. Judas Iscariot's feet were cleaned as well, but his heart remained dirty and unresponsive to this final outreach of compassion as he planned Jesus' betrayal.

    This year (2022) marks the fiftieth anniversary of the premiere of the film "A Thief in the Night", one of the first Christian films to present the subject of the last days and how it would impact life as we know it. The quality of the film is primitive by today's standards, but more