
Summary: also mark 14:66-72 Do we give others the power to make us deny Jesus?

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We Cannot Surprise Jesus.

This morning we continue our journey through the end of the Gospel of Mark. As we progress we are coming to understand that perhaps our image of who Jesus is, is not as accurate as we thought. Jesus is Divine

Awesome Divine. Overwhelming Divine. We pretend to think we know what Jesus is thinking – but we don’t.

Today we will pair two sections of Scripture from the same chapter of Mark concerning the denial of Jesus Christ. In our first section we see Jesus predicting Peter’s denial and in our second section his denial happening – much to Peter’s surprise.Actually the first thing we see about Jesus is he cannot be surprised

Jesus is not being lead along by events here. Jesus is purposely moving into events to accomplish the Father’s will. He knows exactly, in detail what will happen. He is divine – he is God himself.

Surprise Party.

The disciples could never have given Jesus a surprise party.What ever gift you give – he already knows. Before the creation of the world, he would know what you were going to give.

Story – Happy 40th.

Dan Surprise 40th party for his wife. She was turning 38.

Verse 27 “You will all fall away,”

They have just arrived at the mount of olives, Jesus says “You will all fall away,” He is not guessing or trying to get support - Remember Judas is gone at this point.

I think they are words of comfort. Jesus knows bad things are going to happen. He is letting them know so they will not be overtaken with grief. Jesus quotes Zechariah 13:7 “Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, against the man who is close to me!” declares the LORD Almighty. “Strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered, and I will turn my hand against the little ones.

This is a temporary scattering. Jesus is acting to fulfill the Scriptures. He is the promised messiah. Jesus is not being lead by events, he leads himself into events. Jesus is not surprised.

Of course the reaction from the disciples is: I will not deny you. Peter is the most vocal, the most adamant, so we forget about everyone else – don’t we? Verse 29 - Peter declared, “Even if all fall away, I will not.”

We need to refer directly back to Mark 8:31-33

Mark 8:31 He then began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and after three days rise again. 32 He spoke plainly about this, and Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. 33 But when Jesus turned and looked at his disciples, he rebuked Peter. “Get behind me, Satan!” he said. “You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.”

This isn’t the first time Peter has stepped up to tell Jesus he is wrong.

Here is Chapter 8 he is letting Jesus know that he has a better plan. I have a plan where there is no pain and suffering. Sounds like a plan one of us might come up with. Sounds like a plan we tell God to come up with for our lives. What Peter is doing is acting as an agent against Jesus. Peter is not just speaking for himself – selfishly. He is speaking against Jesus.

Peter – a good man who is on Jesus ’side. He has the best intentions for Jesus. In fact – quite noble, I’ll stand by you. But Peter is acting against Jesus, against the will of God.

Have you ever thought of that in your life? Don’t we assume that those who act against God are evil, bad, corrupt. How could we be on such a list? I love God, I serve God, I would give my life…Sounds familiar….to Peter.

Peter is not in touch with the Holy Spirit. He is not in touch with God’s plan, only his own logic, emotions. A big mistake we can make is assuming that we are working for God not against God. Just as Peter does.

How do I know? Good Question. Here in our Scripture we see Peter,

clearly thinking on his own with consulting God. Notice: Verse 28 slips right by them “After I have risen”What! Their thoughts are about themselves. They misunderstand and misread the moment. But Jesus is already looking ahead.

Jesus knows us much better than we do ourselves. He seems to have already moved on knowing not just the next events, but the far future.

Do you see how Jesus handles Peter? He knows what will happen to Peter, He doesn’t just ignore him, He addresses the issue - this what will happen. If we are working against God he will point it out to us, but we have to be listening. Here Peter isn’t – but later he will listen.

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