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  • Fishing: A Beginner's Guide

    Contributed by Thomas Showalter on Jul 7, 2001
    based on 109 ratings

    Jesus called some of his disciples to be "fisher’s of men". What does that look like comparing it to real fishing.

    Fishing: A Beginner’s Guide Matthew 4:18-20 The Calling of the First Disciples 18 As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 19 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and more

  • Giant Killing For Beginners

    Contributed by Johnny Wilson on Mar 23, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Living victoriously has much in common with David’s victory over Goliath. The shepherd didn’t act in faith that hadn’t already been tested; he acted according to his consistent experience with God.

    When I was young, I was a huge fan of the Walt Disney version of Zorro. I loved the idea of a person who would dress up in a costume, ride a beautiful horse, and cross swords triumphantly with the forces of injustice and oppression—though I would have defined those forces merely as “the bad guys” more

  • A Beginners Guide To Free Will Series

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Nov 9, 2017

    This sermon is part of a series through the Augsburg Confession. Topic Free Will and Predestination. In the sermon is the acronym for TULIP. I also placed a sign over the two exit doors. One says Heaven. The other Hell. Can you choose?

    In Jesus Holy Name November 12, 2017 Series: Augsburg Confession Redeemer AC XVIII Free Will Text: Romans 8:6-8 “A Beginner’s Guide to Free Will” The issue of free will and predestination is one that has created endless conversation and more

  • Fasting: Why Don't I Hunger More For God?

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Oct 17, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    This message examines some of the reasons we should fast as well as a beginner’s guide to fasting.

    - Many feel that way when it comes to fasting - “I can’t go without food!” But you can and it can have tremendous spiritual benefits. BIG IDEA: “Physical hunger can bring spiritual satisfaction.” - Interest: sometimes we feel so close to God and want more and more of Him; other times we seem more

  • Born Again - Part 1

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on Dec 21, 2016

    A beginners guide to understanding what it means to be "born-again".

    Born Again - Part 1 Lakewood / Speaker: Pastor jonathan / 12-28-2014 Powerpoint is available by emailing Intro: • John 3:16 is one of the best known verses in the entire Bible. It is frequently called the “golden text” of Scripture. • Today I want us to dissect it and see if we more

  • Five Keys To Getting A Strong Start In The Bible Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Aug 7, 2013

    This message gives some basic advice for those ready to begin reading the Bible regularly.

    [Possible skit: two people bragging about how much they’ve studied the Bible; get in an epic Bible trivia contest; as they give each other increasingly obscure questions and answers, they ignore or brush off people (the homeless person – “Do you know where I could get something to more

  • The Corinthians And The Apostle Paul Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Sep 16, 2018

    Men may have a great deal of doctrinal knowledge, yet be mere beginners in the life of faith and experience.

    October 18, 2012 Commentary on First Corinthians By: Tom Lowe Lesson 2.10: The Corinthians and the Apostle Paul Scripture: 1 Corinthians 4.14-4.21 1 Cor 4.14-21 (KJV) 14 I write not these things to shame you, but as my beloved sons I warn you. 15 For though ye have ten thousand instructors more

  • Spiritual Harvesting 101 Series

    Contributed by Ray Geide on Jan 17, 2022

    In this chapter Jesus tells his disciples how to harvest. It is like a beginner's course in harvesting, Spiritual Harvesting 101. We will pull five points out of this passage.

    Spiritual Harvesting 101 John 4:35-42 John chapter 4 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. I have many favorites. But I like this one because of the harvest in it. A whole city trusts in Jesus. That's an impressive harvest. If only we could have a harvest like that. In this chapter more

  • The Burning Book

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Feb 28, 2022

    If you were shipwrecked on a deserted island, what book would you most want to have? Maybe Ship-Building for Beginners! But to survive the storms of life, we need God’s revelation.

    If you were shipwrecked on a deserted island, what book would you most want to have? Maybe Ship-Building for Beginners! But to survive the storms of life, we need God’s revelation. Karl Barth said, “We must read the Bible through the eyes of shipwrecked people for whom everything has gone more

  • Zww Or Wwz

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Apr 12, 2002
    based on 37 ratings

    Two dangers lurk in the church, ZEAL WITHOUT WISDOM or WISDOM WITHOUT ZEAL. Both are deadly.

    ZWW or WWZ by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr We need an Understanding of ZEAL. What is zeal? An eargerness, passion, vigorously pursuing, aim high, fire in the bones. ZWW or WWZ comes from a CM Ward thought. Today I ponder two things that can kill a church, WWZ and ZWW. These more

  • How Can I Know If God Exists? Series

    Contributed by Scott Kircher on Apr 15, 2012
    based on 31 ratings

    Looks at the evidence for God that God himself has given us to know of His existence.

    GodQuest Series How can I know if God exists? Romans 1:18-32 The external testimony of Creation The universe has a Beginner (Romans 1:20; Genesis 1:1; Psalm 19:1) The universe has a Designer (Romans 1:18-20; Genesis 1) The internal testimony of our Conscience Mankind has a knowledge of God more

  • Why Should I Believe In God? Series

    Contributed by Scott Kircher on Apr 20, 2009
    based on 51 ratings

    Looks at the general revelation evidence for the existance of God.

    Why Should I believe in God? Romans 1:18-32 The external testimony of Creation The universe has a Beginner (Genesis 1:1; Psalm 19:1) The universe has a Designer (Romans 1:18-20) The internal testimony of our Conscious Humans have a knowledge of God (Acts 17:24-28) (Romans 1:28) Humans have a more

  • Part 1 Of 8 - The Basics Of Church Series

    Contributed by Brad Lewis on Oct 22, 2002
    based on 239 ratings

    A general and brief discussion of how Sunday morning can, and should, impact everyday life.

    Church 101: A Beginners guide to Church Part 1 - The Basics of Church Michael Dusing, it an article about the church wrote, “An area of Christian theology often minimized and taken for granted is the doctrine of the Church. In part, this is due to the common assumption that some areas of more

  • Is Your Marriege A Complementary Or A Competition

    Contributed by Hans Manaka on Nov 14, 2013

    This will help you to answer questions that will arise in marriage relation before getting into one. The biggest mistake you can make is getting into a love relationship and extend it into commitment without first checking what motivates its existence.

    An Easy but not so Easy Question to answer…. The question might seem easy to answer but this can go beyond an answer. Mostly questions are answered from theory level than from the depth of experience and connection to the question. I hope I am not speaking in tongues. I have been on a more

  • Down In The Valley

    Contributed by Danny Nance on Mar 21, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Sermon on the need to be among the hurting in order to be able to minister God’s love.

    Down in the Valley Mark 9:9, 14-29 On a morning news show this week, I heard one of the most incredible acts of either bravery or lunacy. A mountain climber (forgive me, I did not write down his name) went up Mt. Everest, and was the first person ever to ski down the entire mountain in a single more

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