  • Hans Manaka

    Contributing sermons since Jun 22, 2013
Hans's church

The Touch of God Ministry
Pretoria, *Province/Other 122

About Hans
  • Education: N4 Business Management
  • Experience: Pastor Hans Manaka has worked as a Debt collector and as a Debts clerk administrative officer in public and private companies in South Africa. He also established his own Debt Recovery business. He has been in ministry for 15 years but started his full time in 2008 when He resigned from MBS. He started by serving through Healing services for Power House ministry in Mamelodi where many people received great divine healing of all manner of afflictions. And he is now three years operating his own.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: wow
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: Exceptional leaders by TD Jakes
  • One of my favorite illustrations: demonstrations
  • Family: Pastor Hans Manaka is married to Persuade Manaka.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: My mother thinks not preaching will kill me because God has given me the most dynamic power in preaching.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: Challenging, comforting, instructing, and energizing.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: 1. Be prepared for disturbance 2. Don't be influenced by situation. 3. Preach to yourself first. 4. Be willing to walk away from anything in order in order to get God's word to others. 5. Preach the word in season and out. The list is endless.
  • Books that have had an impact: Six Steps to Excellence in Ministry by Kenneth Copeland
  • Hobbies: Reading, Music and weights lifting.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Courage is the ability to go against the fact that what you are facing is bigger than what you could handle. Ignoring the fact about your opponent is courage. Courage is the supernatural ability God deposit in the hearts of the forerunners of success. Cowards live contrary to courage. Cowards collect facts to come up with excuses. The courageous collect facts to come up with strategies. Courage without strategies is strenuous.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: A drunkard came into the service held is a tent where I was preaching next to a pub and he wanted to share a pulpit with me.
  • What I want on my tombstone: You made the difference.
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Newest Sermons

  • The Anointing Oil

    Contributed on Oct 11, 2014

    Most of people today put their eyes on the symbols rather than principles. This sermon is meant to help people understand the true source of God's power in their lives.

    Exodus 30:25-38, Leviticus 18:8, 21:10 - 25 1. The anointing oil is the symbol of God's protection, blessing, and empowerment. 2. In the old testament the anointing oil Is dedicated to sanctify the tent of the meeting which was the house of God, furnitures, utensils of the Temple, the more

  • Basics For Starting A Church.

    Contributed on Jan 6, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    This is for the preparation of those who believe that there is a call of God in their lives to start a church or ministry. It is made to make them see the possibilities of starting what God has call them to do.

    Ministry always starts with the leading Minister [the sent one] who delivers God’s word and few new converts. That is how the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ started, with only 12 it mushroomed into a great Organisation. For us to get the same result we can also follow the same route. When more

  • Is Your Marriege A Complementary Or A Competition

    Contributed on Nov 14, 2013

    This will help you to answer questions that will arise in marriage relation before getting into one. The biggest mistake you can make is getting into a love relationship and extend it into commitment without first checking what motivates its existence.

    An Easy but not so Easy Question to answer…. The question might seem easy to answer but this can go beyond an answer. Mostly questions are answered from theory level than from the depth of experience and connection to the question. I hope I am not speaking in tongues. I have been on a more