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  • New Year's 2007

    Contributed by David Richardson on Dec 29, 2006
    based on 34 ratings

    Help your church members prepare for the New Year according to God’s plan for their lives.

    New Year’s 2007 Scripture: Jeremiah 29 11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me more

  • This Is My Father's World Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Oct 19, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The simple truth for today is don’t take for granted what you can’t live without. Or it can be rephrased by saying, Don’t be careless with what you can’t replace. I find that we often take a lot of things for granted in life, we don’t care for them and we

    This is My Father’s World Genesis 1:31, Psalm 24:1, Romans 8:19-21 We’re going through Seven Simple Truths About LIFE which was precipitated by my son Luke turning 13. In the Jewish faith, 13 was considered to be the age of adulthood for young men. It may not be so true today with maturity rates more

  • The Comeback - Christ's Suffering And Glory

    Contributed by Paul Barreca on Apr 8, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    We all love a comeback story. Today is Easter, or as I like to call it, Resurrection Sunday. The Resurrection story is about victory rising out of suffering and defeat. It is the story of the greatest comeback in human history!

    I love a comeback story! Last week, Kim and I watched “War Horse.” It’s a Steven Spielberg film about a young English boy and his horse. The family is about to lose their farm because dad bought a horse for his son. The father bears a war injury and cannot tend the farm. He more

  • Choices Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Feb 8, 2012

    God is steady in his dealings with us. He does not deceive us or try to draw us into sin. We make the choice to stand with God or give into temptations.

    1. Politician A politician was running for re-election and was talking at a campaign stop to his constituents. "My opponent has called me a liar. I want you to know that I have never lied to you. The only problem I have is that the facts don’t always match up with what I believe or say." Not more

  • Bona Fide- A Study Of James- Part 6- "Just Do It" Series

    Contributed by Randy Edwards on Feb 13, 2017

    Part 6 of our James series

    Bona Fide A study of James Part 6 “ Just do it” How many of you have ever put anything together without reading the instructions? How many times has this worked out with less than perfect results? Most things in life require instructions Things that seem so simple to us now as more

  • A Site To See Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Dec 31, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    The encounter that Moses had with God at the bush displays some key lessons to us. It shows the character of God; the place of his people; and the times inw hich we live.

    1. George W. Bush and Moses Maybe you have heard the story of the day that President George W. Bush was in an airport and noticed a man in a long flowing red robe with a long flowing white hair and beard. The man had a staff in one hand and some stone tablets under the other arm. George W. more

  • Thou Shalt Not Lie To Thyself!

    Contributed by Jim Mccutchen on Oct 22, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    The tragedy is people lie long enough they start believing their own falsehood. Who are you really? What do you see when you look into the mirror?

    THOU SHALT NOT LIE INTRO: Everyone looks really good from up here this morning. But did you look this good when you woke up this morning? You have that morning dazed look · Your hair is sticking out in strange places, · We men get to shaven that rough looking over night growth of more

  • Nigeria Outreach Account

    Contributed by John Gaston on Aug 2, 2018

    God opened the door for Angela and I to go to Benin City, Nigeria from July 16-24, 2018. During that time, I preached in 5 services, including a youth service and a service dedicated to area ministers.

    NIGERIA OUTREACH ACCOUNT INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR B. GENESIS OF THIS STORY 1. God opened the door for Angela and I to go to Benin City, Nigeria from July 16-24, 2018. During that time, I preached in 5 services, including a youth service and a service dedicated to area ministers. 2. We also went more

  • Lessons In Courage Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Thomas Bartlett on Oct 25, 2019

    Today I want us to look at some lessons in courage that the Bible describes the Apostle Paul as walking in. You see Paul is also quoted as saying in essence that no matter what comes my way, with Christ I can do all things. Everything He’s called me to do.

    ACTS Testifying & Tribulations Dr. Tom Bartlett September 22, 2019 Acts 21:1-40 OUTLINE Lessons In Courage Courage: moving forward in the face of uncertainty And when we had parted from them and set sail, we came by a straight course to Cos, and the next day to Rhodes, and from there to more

  • The Flesh Series

    Contributed by Stephen Aram on Aug 6, 2019

    We can be tempted to blame our failings on other people, but our own lack of self control, our slavery to 'the flesh' can be our worst enemy

    Kathy and I have a Siamese cat, named Ling. For the purposes of being a pet, she’s really good. She’s quite affectionate, for a cat. She’ll come and sit in our laps several times a day, and if you scratch her in just the right spots, she really purrs. She plays amazing games with her balls and more

  • Moving When God Moves

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jan 20, 2019

    After a military victory, David didn't rush back to battle, but inquired of the Lord. As a result he was informed where and win to engage the battle. Without this heavenly intel, he and Israel would have been defeated. We too must inquire of God and move when God moves!

    MOVING WHEN GOD MOVES 2 Sam. 5:17-24 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. A doctor had trouble with his plumbing. The pipes in his bathroom began to leak. The leak became bigger and bigger. 2. Even though it was 2 A.M. the doctor decided to call his plumber. Naturally the plumber was upset at being more

  • Menial Chores: Stumbling Blocks Or Stepping Stones...

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Mar 5, 2022

    Do we have a servants heart? Do we know the difference between stumbling stones and stepping stones? Can the same stone be a stumbling block and a stepping stone? This depends on our attitudes...

    MENIAL CHORES CAN BE STUMBLING BLOCKS OR STEPPING STONES… By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. (Two part) *Stumbling block: an obstacle to progress, a problem that is in the way of advancement, a circumstance that causes difficulty or hesitation. *Stepping stone: to help make more

  • The Prophet Malachi

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 27, 2022

    A mirror is a very revealing thing. It generally shows whatever is in front of it . . .freckles, wrinkles, warts, dirt and etc...

    However, many of us have gone to a place like the State Fair and they would have the Mirror house as one of the side shows. In the mirror house they had all kinds of mirrors. • Some of these mirrors would make us look short when we were tall. • Some of these mirrors would make us look skinny when more

  • Living In A Troubled Society

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry Hulse on Jul 8, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Many people today seem overloaded with the cares of this world and have neglected to concentrate on making happy memories with their family, which will pay off in the long run, mainly when they reflect on their lives and their loved ones are no longer around to share their memories.

    SCRIPTURAL REFERENCES (Proverbs 30:12) "There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes and yet is not washed from their filthiness." (Daniel 6:4-5) (4) "Then the presidents and princes sought to find more

  • What Will You Do With Jesus? Turn To Him! Series

    Contributed by Jim Black on May 12, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    Hearing the good news of Jesus demands a response...will it be to turn to him?

    What will you do with Jesus? Turn to Him Acts 3:17-22 Focus: Hearing the good news of Jesus demands a response¡K will it be to turn to him? Function: To call hearers to turn their lives away from sin and back towards Him. Sunday mornings at our house are crazy¡Xas you might imagine! I have to more

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