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  • Testify To The Light

    Contributed by Mary Erickson on Dec 18, 2023

    A sermon for the third Sunday of Advent, Year B

    December 17, 2023 Rev. Mary Erickson Hope Lutheran Church John 1:6-8, 19-28 Testify to the Light Friends, may grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. I saw a PBS show a few weeks ago about Dark Sky Preserves. They’re part of the greater Dark Sky more

  • A Teacher's Heart Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Sep 21, 2015
    based on 16 ratings

    How does the gift of teaching help the church? And does that mean that if we don't have this gift that we don't have to teach?

    Little Johnny wasn't getting good marks in school. One day he came up to the teacher’s desk and looked like he wanted to say something. “Yes Johnny” the teacher said. “Is there something you want?” Very quietly he said, "I don't want to scare you, but my daddy says more

  • Fishing 101

    Contributed by Chad Ballard on Jan 31, 2002
    based on 117 ratings

    How to be a "fisher of men".

    Fishing 101 Matthew 4:18-22; Jeremiah 16:14-17 Rev. Chad H. Ballard Read Matt. 4:18-22 I have heard sermon after sermon in my lifetime based on the scripture, “Come and I will make you fishers of men.” And in my shallow thinking, I knew that the simplest meaning was that Jesus was calling His more

  • Pentecost

    Contributed by Tim Zingale on Jun 8, 2002
    based on 165 ratings

    A sermon for the Day of Pentecost

    Pentecost John 20:19-23 Act 2:1-21 "A young man was apprenticed to a master artist who produced the most beautiful stained glass windows anywhere. The apprentice could not approach the master’s genius so he borrowed his master’s tools, thinking that was the answer. After several weeks, the young more

  • 5 Lent, Year B

    Contributed by Garth Wehrfritz- Hanson on Mar 31, 2003
    based on 89 ratings

    Once again, Jesus invites all would-be followers to join him in his way of the cross.

    Sermon for 5 Lent Yr B, 6/04/2003 Based on Jn. 12:20-33 Grace Lutheran Church, Medicine Hat, Alberta By Pastor Garth Wehrfritz-Hanson The old adage has it that: “Curiosity kills the cat.” Well, in today’s gospel, we learn of some Greeks, who were likely curious alright about this Jesus. After more

  • The Di Vinci Code, The Doctrine Of Devils.

    Contributed by Anthony Smith on May 11, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    The Book and Movie entitled, The Di Vinci Code, is a fictional account of the life of Jesus. It is not based on Scripture, nor is it based on any Historical fact concerning Jesus.

    The Di Vinci Code, The Doctrine of Devils. The Book and Movie entitled, The Di Vinci Code, is a fictional account of the life of Jesus. It is not based on Scripture, nor is it based on any Historical fact concerning Jesus. more

  • Compassion And Light On Christmas

    Contributed by Eloy Gonzalez on Jan 3, 2004
    based on 76 ratings

    Christmas 2: Jesus’ selfless love and compassion is offered by God to bring light and forgiveness to sinful human self-centeredness.

    In his book The Power of the Powerless (New York: Doubleday, 1988), Christopher de Vinck tells a simple story. He writes: “One spring afternoon my five-year-old son, David, and I were planting raspberry bushes along the side of the garage. A neighbor joined us for a few moments. David pointed to more

  • Bless The Lord

    Contributed by Donnie De Loney on Jan 14, 2005
    based on 20 ratings

    Once the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray...

    BLESS THE LORD Text: "Bless the Lord, 0 my soul" Psalm 103:1-5 Once the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. There isn’t any record that they ever asked Him to teach them how to PRAISE -- Should they, He probably would had taught them Psalm 103 "Bless the Lord, 0 my soul: and all more

  • Entertainment In The Church

    Contributed by Donna Kazenske on Jun 22, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    The body of Christ loves to be entertained. If it doesn’t have a beat or doesn’t arouse our flesh, most of us don’t like it. We call it boring. Teenagers don’t know what to do with themselves when they go to church because they think it’s boring most of t

    By: Donna Kazenske I went to a church service at a particular church a short time ago and was totally amazed at what I heard and saw. I have been to many church services throughout the years that were very similar to this one, but for some reason God opened up my spiritual eyes to see in a way more

  • Prayer Is The Key To Unlock Communications With God Series

    Contributed by Preacher Fo Real on Aug 13, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    Redo of Armed to be set free

    Prayer is the key to unlock communications with God (Deuteronomy 5: 1-4; 1st Kings 19:11-13; Proverbs 1:7-9; Matthew 6: 9-13; James 5: 14-18) Why Pray? God said to King Solomon, ‘ If My people who are called by my name would humble themselves and pray…’ Prayer is the way that we obtain what we more

  • (Section 4) Pentecostal Worship Series

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Aug 4, 2018

    Pentecostal Methods of Worship

    PENTECOSTAL WORSHIP What is Worship? Worship occurs 188 times in the Bible Hebrew definition of Worship in Old Testament = 07812 Greek definition of Worship in New Testament = 4352 Scriptures on Worship with bow Scriptures on Worship with falling down on Face to Worship: Why do men more

  • The Helmet Of Salvation Series

    Contributed by Chris Smith on Feb 26, 2001
    based on 94 ratings

    Without a conscious decision to make God the most important part of your life - without the Helmet of Salvation - you allow the devil to attack your unprotected mind, and you WILL be deceived.

    The Helmet of Salvation [Read Ephesians 6:10-18] How many of you are bothered by the demons in Hell this morning? The rest of you need to get saved. · The moment you turn to Christ, Hell has your name on a bulletin board, and the more you serve your Savior, the bigger your name gets on that more

  • Certainty In Uncertainty Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Apr 8, 2014

    In order to find certainty in uncertain times, obey Christ as your sovereign, follow Christ as your servant, and trust Christ as your Savior.

    Certainty in Uncertainty (Mark 11:1-11) Some time ago, I came across an article from The Futurist magazine, which listed some of the worst predictions of all time. They are very interesting. For example: A Roman engineer, Julius Sextus Frontinus, in A.D. 100 said, “Inventions have long more

  • "don't End Up Under The Bed!"

    Contributed by Robert Walderman on Jul 11, 2020

    There are few images that convey the thought of love, compassion as well as strength as that of “carrying someone.” So today I want to focus on that picture. Dads who carry their family.

    Good morning Church! And a happy father’s day to all our dads and grandpa’s out there I’m so happy you have taken the time to be worshipping here today. You are setting a great example to your children about the importance and priority of worshipping God and being in church, even on this special more

  • Teach One Reach One

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Feb 5, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    This message is about why our history is important, regardless of your individual race.

    Teach One, Reach One Why Black History and Your History Is Important Scriptures: Deut. 6:1-9; Proverbs 29:18 The title of my message this morning is “Teach One, Reach One.” Moses told the Children of Israel “Now this is the commandment, the statutes and the judgments which more

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