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  • Understanding The Baseline Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Busch on Nov 17, 2002
    based on 170 ratings

    Ephesians Series #1 For us to walk worthy of the calling that God has given us, we must understand exactly the position He has placed us in. I would like to look at 7 things that should cause us to live a life that is worthy.

    A Walk That is Worthy Part 1 Understanding The Baseline Text: Eph 1:1-10 Intro: This morning I would like to begin a series entiled “A Walk that is Worthy.” In the coming months we are going to be traveling through the book of Ephesians. In this process we are going to be hearing the heartbeat more

  • Sin Accomodating Churches-1 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Nov 3, 2015

    1 of 7. Paul admonished the Corinthian church because they had allowed/accommodated heinous sin in their midst. The church must not tolerate/accommodate sin in their midst. But How are they to act against such? Sin Accommodating Churches skirt...

    SIN ACCOMODATING CHURCHES-I—1Cor. 5:1-13 Attention: A beehive is populated by bees of the same heritage. They work together to supply what is needed to expand their hive & multiply themselves continually. If bees from outside the ‘tribe’ approach the hive they are dealt with as enemies of the more

  • We Can Know That We Know Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Jan 29, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    There is NO secret to who a Christian is...we can know that we know! John reveals the baseline outlook for knowing if you are a true believer!

    Sermon Brief Date Written: January 28, 2009 Date Preached: February 4, 2009 Where Preached: Oak Park (Wed Evening) Sermon Details: Sermon Series: A Series from 1 John Sermon Title: How We Know that We Know! Sermon Text: 1 John 2:3-6 3 Now by this we know that we know Him, if we more

  • Foundations Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Aug 7, 2020

    When we build our life below the baseline where no one sees but God, our life will be able to withstand any outside force.

    SLIDE #1 INTRODUCTION • Jesus is nearing the end of the Sermon on the Mount message. • The words He taught in this message were life-changing, as are all of the teachings of Jesus. • Life would never be the same for those who were in attendance to hear this great message from Jesus, or would life more

  • Core 52 Week 9 - Finding Happiness Series

    Contributed by Lanny Smith on Mar 3, 2020

    If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands! Question: How do you know when you're happy? Do we even know what it means to be happy? Psalm 1 makes it all clear.

    You can listen to the sermon on my podcast after 3/16 at: Finding Happiness Intro: • If you’re happy and you know it… song. o But do we really know when we’re happy? • Happiness is a universal human desire. We’ll do just about anything to feel more

  • The Blessings Of God Series

    Contributed by Clark Frailey on Apr 25, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    The first sermon in a new series on Paul’s letter to the Ephesians with a background from Ephesians 4:1 - The application of walking worthy of the calling!

    First Baptist Church of Cresson Sunday Morning - April 18th, 2004 Ephesians 1:1-14 Walking a Life Worthy of the Calling: The Blessings of God I. INTRODUCTION (v.1-2) a. Background: Ephesians – 10th book of NT. Paul writes to Church @ Ephesus i. He had founded during 3rd missionary more

  • Winners In A Loser's World Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Aug 10, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    With privilege comes responsibility, but we need to grasp our privileges to prepare for our responsibilities. And our privileges include this: we are destined to be winners!

    Winners in A Losers’ World (Romans 8:31-34) Note: This sermon was too long to complete for me (I usually preach 1/2 hour), so I ended up reworking point 2 into a second sermon. 1. Short term winners are often long-term losers. 2. The other day, I was messing with my stamp collection. I’ve more

  • The Spirit Of Expectancy - Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Larry Semore on Jun 15, 2011
    based on 9 ratings

    This is a part 1 of a powerful series dealing with a human heart and developing a sense of expectation concerning the destiny of God in our lives.

    The Spirit of Expectancy Part 1 of a Series TEXT: Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." Most of us are familiar with this scripture. It is a really great verse that can be applied to more

  • It Depends! Series

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Jun 15, 2014

    It all depends on what God's Word says.

    All-American Idols Series Title: It Depends! Relativism) Text: Joshua 1:8 Thesis: It all depends on what God’s Word says. I have included this message in the All-American Idols Series because my sense is, we as a culture and even as Christians have begun to listen to other voices that, more

  • Liar

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Sep 1, 2003
    based on 7 ratings

    Story of Jacob and Essau

    Gen. 25:27-34 Gen. 27:1-40 Jacob and Essau - The far-reaching effects of broken relationships / communication in families. Rebekah sneaky too - taught her son well Perhaps Isaac and Rebekah loved differently for selfish reasons What do I get out of it Abraham, Isaac and later more

  • Political Character Matters Series

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Nov 1, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Often during elections, we hear national leaders claim to have faith in God yet live a life that is in contradiction to the whole council of God’s Word.

    Political Character Matters Often during elections, we hear national leaders claim to have faith in God yet live a life that is in contradiction to the whole council of God’s Word. In His teachings about false prophets, people who teach false doctrines which are contrary to God’s Word He said, more

  • Forever!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on May 16, 2016

    Friend, every product of this world has an ‘expiry date’ but not that of God! Every love of this world has an ‘expiry date’ but not that of God!

    FOREVER! 1 Chronicles 28:7'I will establish his kingdom forever if he resolutely performs My commandments and My ordinances, as is done now.' Ah! God is serious! He is pretty crystal clear about what He would do, based on what we would do, are you listening? To put it in simple words, this is more

  • Doing Thanksgiving Right

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Nov 21, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The Bible says only one in ten will return to praise God for what He has done for me. Nine people were healed, but only one person honored the Lord. Only one person was found to be kneeling at Jesus’ feet, thanking Jesus.

    Jesus met ten anonymous people in our story today, we are never told their names. All ten men were soon to die and all ten men were miraculously healed. Only one of the ten came back to thank Jesus. I wonder, if you were one of these ten, would you be a part of the nine who didn’t return to give more

  • Mirror, Mirror

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Aug 16, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    When we truly see ourselves in the light of Christ, then we cannot help but be changed.

    I have always loved sports. As a child, I was involved in several rec sports leagues. I played soccer for a few years. I played tee ball one season, and then I played basketball. I don’t recall that I really had any great intentions of playing basketball; it’s actually kind of funny the way more

  • Romans, Part 17 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Feb 18, 2011

    We are no longer in charge to the bonds this world has on us. You can be freed, if you’d only turn away from the sin and flee to Christ.

    Romans, Part 17 Romans 6:1-7 Introduction - Continuing on in Chapter 6, we encounter specific instructions for our lives - Paul begins to outline the way we should live; expounding on Rom 5:20-21 - It is in these principles … we (Gentiles) should pay very close attention too - Read Romans more

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