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  • The Power Of A Timely Word - Proverbs 15:23 Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Oct 22, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Proverbs 15:23 - explore the power of timely words and how, through God's wisdom, we can speak life into others' lives.

    Transformed by Truth: The Power of a Timely Word - Proverbs 15:23 Introduction: A Word in Season Words hold immense power. Proverbs 15:23 (NLT) tells us, “Everyone enjoys a fitting reply; it is wonderful to say the right thing at the right time!” Today, we’re going to explore the power of timely more

  • Picky Picky - Mark 2:23-28 Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on Jul 29, 2023

    The Pharisees accuse the disciples of Sabbath breaking when they pick grain while traveling. Jesus responds by pointing to David eating the bread of the presence.

    Mark 2:23 One Sabbath Jesus was going through the grainfields, and as his disciples walked along, they began to pick some heads of grain. 24 The Pharisees said to him, “Look, why are they doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?” 25 He answered, “Have you never read what David did when he and his more

  • Light For Our Path (January 23, 2011).

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Dec 4, 2023

    In the Bible, light is often associated with salvation, and hope life. Darkness is often associated with evil, sin and even death. God sent us His light----Jesus Christ who is the light of the world

    LIGHT FOR OUR PATH Text: Isaiah 9:1 – 4 Have you ever wondered where Hank Williams, Sr. got the idea for his song entitled “I Saw The Light”? It is an interesting story as his wife Audrey Williams pointed out. … “According to Audrey Williams, Hank wrote the song, "I Saw more

  • Psalms 23: In The Lord's Presence

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Apr 19, 2020

    To show the importance of being in God’s presence and leadership, not to be distracted by our enemies.

    Title: Psalms 23: In His Presence Theme: To show the importance of being in God’s presence and leadership, not to be distracted by our enemies. Text: Psalms 23 Psalms 23:1 A Psalm of David. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Shepherd – leader, guide. Always out front. Someone we can more

  • Rev. #44~13:1-6 The Unholy Trinity Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Mar 11, 2010
    based on 2 ratings

    This future kingdom will focus on the glorification and exaltation of this “Satan-Man” and the persecution and destruction of those who refuse to accept his deity. This period will last for 42 months or 3.5 years, and will end with the return of Jesu

    Rev. #44~13:1-6 THE UNHOLY TRINITY 2-27-19 Today we’re in chapter 13: and in this chapter we have the unholy satanic trinity, the devil, the antichrist and the false prophet. Satan tries to imitate the thing of God, the antichrist tries to imitate the Christ, the false prophet more

  • 0808 Trinity Viii: False Prophets And The Three Confessions Series

    Contributed by Mark Woolsey on Jul 29, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    The role of the prophet today and how to discern between true & false ones.

    Sermon: False Prophets and the Three Confessions Text: Matt 7:15-21-23 & Ro 8:12-17 Occasion: Trinity VIII Who: Mark Woolsey Where: Providence REC When: Sunday, July 29, 2007 May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer. more

  • 0807 Trinity Vii: Bread, Spit, An Ass, And Aha Series

    Contributed by Mark Woolsey on Jul 29, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    How to bread, spit, an ass, and aha relate to the feeding of the 4000?

    Sermon: Bread, Spit, an Ass, and Aha Text: Mark 8:1-9 (Feeding of the 4000), Ro 6:19-23 (slaves of sin/God) Occasion: Trinity VII Who: Mark Woolsey Where: Arbor House When: Sunday, July 30, 2006 May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my more

  • Are The Father, Son, And Holy Spirit The Same Essence?

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on May 25, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    In the church, a lot of confusing language is used to try and explain or define things.

    Today we will look at the Trinity, often defined as "one in ‘essence,’ three in person." What does that mean exactly? God is three Persons, and the name 'God' implies one ‘essence.’ If God is "three Persons," how can there be "one" ‘essence’? The meaning of the more

  • Can You Identify God? Series

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Feb 4, 2016

    Without a knowledge of God you would have no concern at all about the great hereafter. So by learning who God is we discover that there is so much more beyond our reach more than we could ever hope to grasp.

    Message: Did you know that when Jesus walked upon the earth He had an identify problem? Not that anyone had stolen His identity like people do today but Jesus knew that people very close to Him were unsure as to who He truly was. It came up for the Disciples in Matthew's Gospel and it is here more

  • The Three Musketeers-Father, Son And Holy Spirit

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Feb 16, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    The Spirit works with us to guide us closer to God in faith and helps us to do his work in the world. In this way, the Holy Spirit acts as our helper. He lives inside us and knows us even better than we know ourselves.

    There was once a teacher who was teaching first grade in a large elementary school. One morning all of the teachers were called to the staff room for an emergency meeting, and they hurried over, leaving their classes unsupervised. All of the teachers were worried, but none more so than this more

  • It’s A Mystery But It Is Truth, The Three, Father, Son And Spirit Are One! Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on May 20, 2016
    based on 14 ratings

    Belief in the Trinity is FOUNDATIONAL to our faith. The truth of the Trinity is REVEALED by PROGRESSIVE REVELATION in the Bible. We BELIEVE in the truth of the Trinity by FAITH.

    Today is “Trinity Sunday”, it is a day when many churches celebrate the Holy Trinity of God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. St Augustine of Hippo (that’s a great name isn’t it?). St Augustine spent nearly thirty years of his life writing a fifteen volume work called more

  • The Father, The Son & The Holy Spirit.

    Contributed by Trevor Chuma on May 9, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    The word “God” is translated from the Hebrew word “Elohim” and this Word (Elohim) is plural, which means it refers to more than one person.

    The word “God” is translated from the Hebrew word “Elohim” and this Word (Elohim) is plural, which means it refers to more than one person. The correct translation should be “Gods” not “God”, but I believe the translators wanted to put more emphasis on the unity of this God, they were trying to say more

  • Perfect Testimonies And Images Of The Father, Son And Holy Spirit For Edification And Focus In The Secret Place Of Communion Series

    Contributed by Ambassador Monday Ogbe on Feb 16, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Hello Friends, I welcome you to today’s Perfect WORDS, perfect WORKS and perfect WONDERS (WWW) series titled, ” *Perfect Testimonies and Images of Father, Son and Holy Spirit

    Hello Friends, I welcome you to today’s Perfect WORDS, perfect WORKS and perfect WONDERS (WWW) series titled, ” *Perfect Testimonies and Images of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I would like to pose these questions which we will attempt to Provide answers to as we go along and they are these _*1) more

  • The Unity Of The Father And The Son.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Oct 17, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    There is a voluntarily subordination of the incarnate Son to the Father, but the Father and the Son are working in harmony and unity to a common end.

    THE UNITY OF THE FATHER AND THE SON. John 5:16-30. UNCARING HYPOCRISY (John 5:16). The Jewish leadership persecuted Jesus, “and sought to slay Him, because He had done these things on the sabbath day.” JESUS AND THE FATHER ARE ONE (John 5:17). “My Father worketh hitherto, and I work,” answered more

  • Justification Through The Gospel By The Triune God Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Oct 4, 2018

    1) A believer’s experience of the Lord Jesus Christ (Gal. 3:1), 2) of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 3:2-4), & 3) of God the Father (Gal. 3:5) are incontrovertible evidence of having been graciously made acceptable to God through personal faith in the perfect, complete work of Christ.

    If you are a fan of classic TV, you will remember the show Bewitched. It is the longest running supernatural themed sitcom of the 1960s–1970s. The focus of the show is on the mixed marriage of a nose-twitching witch, Samantha Stephens (Montgomery), and her mortal husband, Darrin (originally played more

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