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  • Fear Of Almighty God

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 4, 2022

    In this sermon, I want to talk to you about something that is missing in almost every church.

    WHAT IS THAT? I am talking about the FEAR OF GOD. We live in a world today that seems to have lost all fear of God. (1) THE SINNERS DO NOT FEAR GOD You will find among the young and the old, that sinners do not fear God. This is why: • The SCHOOLS of this nation are in the mess they are in • more

  • The Armor Of God 7 Of 8

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 24, 2022

    The reason many of us like to study on the Armor of God is because Paul does not just tell us to run for the hills. He also tells us what we are to do once we get to the hills.

    He tells us in this passage of scripture how we can DEFEND OURSELVES and how we can DEFEAT SATAN. One of the obvious problems it seems among Christians today is that they are not aware they are at war with Satan. Illus: A lady was talking with another lady on her job about attending church with more

  • Jude: The Miniseries - Part 2

    Contributed by Roddy Chestnut on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 31 ratings

    Thesis: Those in the love of God are characterized by certain behaviors.

    Thesis: Those in the love of God are characterized by certain behaviors. Intro.: 1. Last Sunday PM we began a short series of lessons on JUDE. a. A rearranged agenda (v. 3). b. Need to identify false teachers (no NT; itinerants). c. Characteristics: 1) Sexually immoral (5-7). 2) more

  • "Number One Saint"

    Contributed by Jerry Depoy on Aug 9, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    Mary Magdalene would be the very first person that Christ choose to reveal himself to on that great day of resurrection morning. This could not have been by coincidence.

    Title: "Number One Saint" Introduction: Mary Magdalene would be the very first person that Christ choose to reveal himself to on that great day of resurrection morning. This could not have been by coincidence. Jesus could have revealed himself to any number of his disciples, but why Mary. How more

  • 'tis The Season To Be Confident Series

    Contributed by Alan Braun on Mar 22, 2002
    based on 27 ratings

    A new look at the Christmas season

    This season should give us confidence in God who loves us and gave Himself for us. Wouldn’t you want to do something great with God? What gives you confidence? Zach’s view: Wanted to please God (6) ...behavior is good ...heart is good Zacharias means "God has more

  • First Things First

    Contributed by Larry Jacobs on Jun 15, 2006
    based on 34 ratings

    A message about setting your priorities.

    FIRST THINGS FIRST I attended the California Baptist Institute for 5 years. Dr. Roy M. Reed was the president of the school and every year, on the first day of school he gave the same lecture. He would say, "Young men, learn to set your priorities." The Word of God give us a list of more

  • Doubting Thomas

    Contributed by Fred Edwards on Apr 26, 2003
    based on 41 ratings

    Before we hurl accusations at "Didymus," we had better check to see that it is not we in fact who are his twin. There are many who doubt Jesus in on way or another.

    “DOUBTING THOMAS” John 20:24-29 (030427e) A word on verse 23 before we look at Thomas. Commentary writer, Warren Wiersbe said the following: The “remitting” power given in v. 23 does not apply to Christians today, except in the sense that we retain or remit sins as we give sinners the Gospel. more

  • What The World Needs Now... Series

    Contributed by Doug Johnston on Apr 23, 2001
    based on 66 ratings

    What the world needs most is the impact joyful Christians make; that’s one of the best ways we show God’s love in a practical way.

    Introduction - There are many joy-robbers: IRS Form 1040s, pink slips, overtime, unexpected changes. Paul the Apostle experienced many more things than these (2 Corinthians 11) and still rejoiced (Philippians 4). Joy is: A result of trusting Christ that makes us able to see life from God’s more

  • Complaint-Free World Reprised Series

    Contributed by Don Hawks on Oct 28, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Today is Celebration Sunday for the year 2007 here at Bridgewater United Methodist Church. This fall we’ve been talking about and studying guidelines to living a more abundant life.

    INTRODUCTION: Review of guidelines to an abundant life: • I must tithe all that I receive to the person, place, or institution where I receive my spiritual food. • I must set clear-cut, tangible goals. • I must forgive everyone all the time, including myself. • I must seek, discover, and follow my more

  • “a Cry Of Complaint From A Caveman”

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 4, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    “A Cry of Complaint From A Caveman”

    - Psalm 142 - “PROCEDURES FOR PROPER PRAYING” “A Cry of Complaint From A Caveman” I. Our Directions In Prayer - 142:1-3 A. Our Appeal - 142:1 Maschil of David; A Prayer when he was in the cave. I cried unto the LORD with my voice; with more

  • Demonic In-Roads (How Demons Enter) Series

    Contributed by Bishop(Dr) Sola Adetunji on Jun 26, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    A systematic studies of demons:their nature,power,influence and limitations.An essential knowledge for every spirit filled believer who intend to live an over-comers' lifestyle

    Satanic invasion is only possible when we give him the opportunity or legal grounds to operate. Satan and his angels are walking about looking for whom he may devour, which means some people cannot be devoured. (I Pet. 5:8, Eph. 4:27). 1. Demonic Family Background: A house or family given to more

  • Natural And Spiritual!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Jul 15, 2015

    Have you tried all you can to break some hard nuts with the Gospel only to be left frustrated and exhausted because they never got it? This is what you call as natural man!

    Natural and Spiritual! 1 Corinthians 2:14”The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.” Have you tried all you can to break some hard nuts with the Gospel more

  • The Inportance Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Angel Collazo on Jun 30, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    The bible contains about 4000 plus promises for every situation in our lives. These promises are provided to us from spoken word of God in the form of a seed to meet every specific need in our lives.

    The Importance of Faith Hebrew 11:1-6 Sermon by Pastor Angel M. Collazo Ebenezer Christian Center Chicago Big Idea: The bible contains about 4000 plus promises for every situation in our lives. These promises are provided to us from spoken word of God in the form of a seed to meet every specific more

  • Remember The Rooster

    Contributed by Neal Gracey on Mar 19, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Sooner or later the cock is going to crow, and if it's like the rooster across the way from my house, it could any time! Like Peter, we are sinners in need of a Savior. But, like Peter, we have a hint that the rooster is going to crow, eventually, no matter what.

    Happy "Crowing" Saturday, Everyone! There is a rooster that lives across the road into the valley below on my neighbors farm. That crazy bird will cock-a-doodle-do anytime of the day. What a crazy bird! He reminds me of the lesson this week. This week's Sunday School lesson is from Mark 14. The more

  • Apostasy

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on May 1, 2013
    based on 5 ratings

    We must not abandon following Jesus; He leads to life.

    Apostasy April 28, 2013 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: We must not abandon following Jesus; He leads to life. Focus Passage: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 Supplemental Passage: But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men more

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